Why is Bush Spending Political Capital on his Loser Immigration Policy?
BY Herschel Smith
Bush discussed his “comprehensive immigration”plan with the U.S. Department of Commerce; the speech can be found here.
Bush continues to propagate myths about immigration that are so brazenly and obviously illogical and wrong-headed that it is amazing that he can do it with a straight face. For instance, one such illogical statement was that illegal immigrants are “beyond the reach and protection of American law.” I’ll tell you what. Go to China, preach Christianity on the street corner, and upon being arrested and imprisoned by the police, tell them that because you are not a citizen of China, you are “beyond the reach of Chinese law.” See how this argument fies (no, I am not suggesting that the U.S. become like China – I am using hyperbole to make a point). There is another argument routinely proffered: any bill that does not include “comprehensive” measures (what Bush defines as comprehensive, such as a guest worker program, eventual amnesty for those who are here now, etc.) is unrealistic and doomed to failure. Again, I’ll tell you what. Go and talk to the Chinese and see how easy it is for “enemies of the state” (e.g., Christians) to get out of the country. See how effective border guards and fences are for the Chinese. There is absolutely nothing that makes it necessary to have a guest worker program in order to seal our border. This is a non sequitur. But the worst possible quote follows:
There’s a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program that requires every illegal immigrant to leave.
Let’s word this a little differently:
There’s a rational middle ground between granting complete immunity from prosecution and freedom for every felon and requiring each and every felon to go to prison.
How does this last paragraph strike you?
Good Lord. What could be possessing Bush? Why does he waste what remaining political capital he has left pushing his immigration policy?
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