Are we Prepared for Hezbollah Attacks in the U.S.?
BY Herschel Smith
It has been widely known for some time that Hezbollah has been funded by Iran, but that they also have members and supporters in the U.S. Some of these supporters have worked hard at raising monies for Hezbollah. But the presence of Hezbollah cells in the U.S. goes far beyond financial resourcing of the main Hezbollah forces in souther Lebanon. A Washington Times Editorial from May 20, 2005 notes that:
Although the organization has yet to launch an attack on U.S. soil, its U.S. activities are far from benign. Its work in this country has two major purposes: One is to raise money and smuggle arms to Hezbollah fighters, often by criminal activities ranging from credit-card fraud to cigarette smuggling; and the other is to conduct surveillance behind enemy lines, with a possible eye toward launching attacks on U.S. targets in the event of an armed conflict between the United States and Tehran. Like his backers in Iran, Hezbollah boss Hassan Nasrallah routinely denounces the United States and Israel as his organization’s main enemies. Given the events of September 11, and given Hezbollah’s own record of kidnapping, torturing and killing Americans when it has had the opportunity, we ignore the group’s operations in this country at our peril.
This admonition is especially salient as we face off the Iranians over potential nuclear weapons. Lest we think that since Hezbollah’s primary enemy is Israel they are not also focused on the U.S., Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has some words for us:
“The people of the region will receive [America] with rifles, blood, arms, martyrdom and martyrdom operations,” Nasrallah said in a speech delivered a week before the war began. His remarks were broadcast on Al Manar, the group’s Beirut-based satellite television station.“In the past, when the Marines were in Beirut, we screamed, ‘Death to America!’ ” Nasrallah said. “Today, when the region is being filled with hundreds of thousands of American soldiers, ‘Death to America!’ was, is and will stay our slogan.”
As to their capability, funding, training and motivation, no one should doubt that they are capable of much more than Al Qaida has been able to perpetrate thus far.
Many terrorism analysts and experts rate Hezbollah as the best organized and most competant Islamist terrorist organization in the world. With an annual budget of likely well over $100 million coming from Iran, Syria and its criminal organzations in the West, it boasts more than 25,000 men under arms. Having pushed Israel out of its security zone in southern Lebanon and the American and French peacekeepers our of Beirut, they are arguably the most successful terrorist organization of the modern era.
The events of 9/11 actually were somewhat of a thorn in the side of Hezbollah, causing focus on terrorism — including Hezbollah — when Nasrallah would rather have had the opportunity to prepare for his jihad without the pot being stirred up by Al Qaida. His positon is:
Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the great Satan [American] is absolute … regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, “Death to America” will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan. Death to America!
At least seven Hezbollah operations have been uncovered by the FBI and State Department (see here). There are even Hezbollah operations in Latin America, and a Mexican smuggling ring that specializes in getting new terrorists across the border.
Now we learn yesterday — July 15 — the following information from the London Times:
IRAN’S president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, attended a meeting in Syria earlier this year with one of the world’s most wanted terrorists, according to intelligence experts and a former national security official in Washington.
US officials and Israel intelligence sources believe Imad Mugniyeh, the Lebanese commander of Hezbollah’s overseas operations, has taken charge of plotting Iran’s retaliation against western targets should President George W Bush order a strike on Iranian nuclear sites.
Mugniyeh is on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists
On July 20, 2006 at 12:28 am, Earl Peckham said:
Unfortunately, it’s too late for us to make the hanky-stompers in our country realize what’s now in motion. Being retired military, I observed several instances in Columbia, Turkey and a few other 3-world countries, the 2-3 bomb trick. The cowards blow off a bomb, then when the crowd gathers and/or the emergency response teams respond, the 2nd and then the 3rd goes off, getting everybody. This is going to be real bad and all those blow-hard hanky-stomping members of our House and Senate should be held accountable!
On July 22, 2006 at 7:03 pm, Ms. Anony said:
I have noticed that a great number of the “US Citizens” coming from Lebanon are obvious muslims. When they aere wearign clothing that denoted fundamentalist views it concerns me. There were not visiting Americans but dual citizens living full time by choice in Lebanon. He are bringning them here at our expense and it may be to an even greater expense to our nation.