Things Heating up in Ramadi?
BY Herschel Smith
When things change in Ramadi, I tend to notice. My son (USMC) is scheduled to deploy to Ramadi by early 2007. This is in from Iraqi News:
Ramadi, June 29, (VOI) – U.S forces have blocked all roads leading to the restive Iraqi town of Ramadi and stopped people from leaving or entering the town, eyewitnesses reported on Thursday.
The forces set up checkpoints and placed concrete blocks on the outskirts of Ramadi, Anbar University employees told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
Residents fleeing homes in Ramadi reported on Wednesday that the central Aziziya neighborhood came under shelling by U.S. artillery. Some houses were demolished but there were no reports of casualties.
Ramadi has recently witnessed an escalation in military operations by U.S. and Iraqi troops, forcing more families to flee the town to Falluja, Heet, Haditha and Rawa.
I am wondering if the situation in Ramadi won’t start looking a little more like it did in Fallujah before it’s all over with.
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