Those Who Want to Kill Us

BY Herschel Smith
18 years, 7 months ago

Michelle Malkin has given us a link to a story that we hear all too often about abuse in Islamic societies.  See this for a story on the execution of a teenage girl in Iran, and then this for a barbaric practice that might be coming to an Islamic neighborhood near you.  Oh, by the way, it is not true that this practice is merely societal.  It occurs everywhere there is Islam.  It was prevalent in Afghanistan, for instance, when the U.S. first arrived to clean out the Taliban.  This post is updated to link to and address Malkin’s post.  The abuses described here go hand-in-hand with the abuses described below, and provide further testimony to the nature of radical Islam.

In this time of seeing pictures showing the damage inflicted on sourthern Lebanon by the Israeli military, listening to the media coverage of the daily bombings in Baghdad, and hearing the constant drum beat of the left in the U.S. and abroad, if it is easy to forget who the enemy is and why there is a conflict across the globe, it pays to remember our enemy.

Seeing the tears of the afflicted is personally disturbing to me.  War is an ugly business, and having to engage in it is a last resort.  People die as a result of conducting war, and these deaths will always include innocents.  It is in times like these that we need more than ever to remember who the enemy is and why the innocents are harmed.  In order to remind my readers, I will cite a few instances, from several years ago to more recent.

From Gene Edward Veith:

In Meerwala, Pakistan, an 11-year-old boy walked unchaperoned with a girl. This was a violation of Islam. A tribal council was called.

The boy’s father pleaded that since he was too young to have sex, the girl was safe and no harm was done. The council disagreed. But instead of punishing the boy, it decided to punish his whole family by punishing his 18-year-old sister.

In order to shame the family, the council sentenced the teenage daughter to be gang raped. Four members of the council took turns forcing themselves upon her in a mud hut, as hundreds of villagers laughed and cheered.

“I touched their feet,” said the girl to an Associated Press reporter. “I wept. I cried. I said I taught the holy Qur’an to children in the village, therefore don’t punish me for a crime which was not committed by me. But they tore my clothes and raped me one by one.”

From Newsweek, watching soccer is outlawed as being against the religion of Islam.

The Taliban use women and children and human shields:

TALEBAN fighters used women and children as human shields as they tried to escape into the mountains of Afghanistan, British troops claimed yesterday.

The tactics were revealed in the first account by those who fought in one of the main battles faced by the men of 3 Para and the Royal Gurkha Rifles in Helmand province, where 3,300 British troops are stationed.

The Taleban’s use of human shields happened during a six-hour battle that began when British troops arrived in a remote area to flush out a suspected Taleban hideout.

An Australian Jihadist wanted to kill thousands in the name of Allah:

SUBURBAN Islamic cleric Abdul Nacer Benbrika wanted to kill 1000 Australians to “please Allah” and had the support of a blond recruit who had pledged violent jihad during a meeting with Osama bin Laden. 

A Melbourne court heard yesterday that a witness would reveal that Shane Kent, 29, received weapons and explosives training at the Taliban-run al-Faruq training camp for foreign jihadis in Afghanistan.

And at a meeting with bin Laden in that country, Mr Kent, from Meadow Heights in Melbourne’s north, allegedly committed himself to violent jihad. The alleged Melbourne terror cell’s spiritual leader, Mr Benbrika embraced Mr Kent as part of his clique, the court heard, saying: “He’s good, and he doesn’t talk too much.”

Mr Benbrika encouraged his devotees to plan a large-scale terrorist attack, which police foiled during its “developmental stages”, the court heard during the opening day of the committal hearing of 13 suspects yesterday.

“If you kill, we kill here 1000,” Mr Benbrika allegedly said in a conversation covertly taped by police. “Because if you get large numbers here, the government will listen.”

The court was told that Mr Benbrika encouraged his adherents to follow in the footsteps of one of the masterminds of the 2002 Bali terrorist attack. He allegedly told two of them that when they were captured “they should do like Amrozi (bin Nurhasyim) and tell the judge, ‘You can kill me, but there will be others coming after”‘. 

We learn recently that Hezbollah members have used non-combatants as human shields in the battle for southern Lebanon:

“Hizbullah members don’t discount any means to kill or injure, including the use of civilians as a holy human shields. If there will be no choice, we will hit every place from which they shoot at our forces,” a military source told Ynet.

The woman who was raped by her tribal elders is not our enemy.  The people used as human shields are not our enemy.  The people who were shot because the watched world cup soccer are not our enemies.  Our enemies are the perpetrators of these heinous acts.


  1. On July 29, 2006 at 1:45 am, Tim Boardman said:

    The first sentence of the first excerpt really sums up the whole middle east conflict…”In Pakistan…” Let’s step back from this cycle of violence and hate and address the root causes. Why has Islamic fundamentalism evolved? Why do they want to kill Westerners? Could it be that the West has been playing puppet master for too long in the middle east? Could it be that Arabs would like some self determination? If we think back more than 300 years now that’s percisely what founded this country. Being ruled from an ocean away didn’t work for us and it dosen’t work for the people from the middle east. Some of their cultural practices are not congruent with ours. We need to remember it’s their culture. Being the self imposed moral police of the planet is not working for us or the rest of humanity. If the human race is to survive long enough to attain the next level in the evolutionary process we need to stop wasting our precious resources on finding new ways to kill each other and practice what we preach. Tolerance and acceptance.

  2. On July 29, 2006 at 4:31 am, Breakerjump said:

    Tim … really. This is the most absurd thing I think I’ve ever read, not to mention the questions you pose are quite answerable. First, however, permit me to chastise you for labeling gang-rape and the use of innocents as human shields as “cultural practices [which] are not congruent with ours”. How absurd.

    In regards to being “ruled from an ocean away”, I promise that if “Arabs” were in fact being ruled by the U.S.A., we would not here of instances such as the aforementioned gang-rapes. Islam has been pitted against Jews and Christians for well beyond the existence of America, Europe or even Jesus Christ Himself. The notion that this “cycle of violence and hate” has been cooked up by the “West” playing as some sort of puppet master is ludicrous. Furthermore, Islamic fundamentalism (read: Islam) has not “evolved” into or from anything at all; it has always been exactly as it is now.

    The only truly answerable question you pose is “Why do they want to kill Westerners [sic]?” The answer can be found quite plainly in the story of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. I assure you that the west, America and President Bush had nothing to do with that series of events.

    The point is, Tim, Christians, Jews and “Westerners” are not flying airliners into buildings, using women and children as suicide bombers, gang-raping girls, exploding mass-transportation systems, and etcetera ad nauseam – never have. That would be those with incongruent cultural practices.

    Finally, if you could define the “next level in the evolutionary process” for us, I’d be delighted. Also, stating that there is one which to attain implies that a level existed previous to our current “level”. Evidence, definition and explanation of said “level” would be welcome as well.

  3. On August 1, 2006 at 12:15 am, Tim Boardman said:

    Breakerjump? Is that what happens when you fall out of your airplane??? Your ingnorance is stunning…did you just crawl out of the petri dish? You are so wraped up in your own hate and fear you can’t think straight. By the way, take a history lesson, because i can’t waste my time explaining it to you. Oh wait! You did! You must have read the bible. Everything in the bible really happened!!

  4. On August 1, 2006 at 12:54 am, Breakerjump said:

    That’s right, Tim. I just crawled out of a petri dish. Ad Hominem attacks do not strengthen your case, rather, they weaken it dramaticaly. Though, these types of juvenille lashing-outs are what I’ve come to expect from your sort – the only surprise here was that you didn’t begin your flailing any sooner.

    Interestingly enough, perhaps it is your ignorance that lead you to the assumption that I was refering to the description of the events surrounding Abraham and his two sons located in the Bible. For, this story is documented and recorded in a variety of religious and non-religious texts, not to exclude the Koran.

    For your information, my screen name is a twist on a song by a very liberal, very rockin’ music band. Isn’t that ironic. Not that my screen name is of any consequence to the discussion.

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