Lt. Gen. McChrystal Testifies
BY Herschel Smith
Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal has recently testified before Congress concerning both his nomination to lead the Afghan campaign and the recent air strikes involving noncombatant casualties.
On Tuesday, Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, nominated to be the American commander in Afghanistan, vowed that reducing civilian casualties would be “essential to our credibility.”
Any American victory would be “hollow and unsustainable” if it led to popular resentment among Afghanistan’s citizens, General McChrystal told the Senate Armed Services Committee during a confirmation hearing.
According to the senior military official, the report on the May 4 raids found that one plane was cleared to attack Taliban fighters, but then had to circle back and did not reconfirm the target before dropping bombs, leaving open the possibility that the militants might have fled the site or that civilians might have entered the target area in the intervening few minutes.
In another case, a compound of buildings where militants were massing for a possible counterattack against American and Afghan troops was struck in violation of rules that required a more imminent threat to justify putting high-density village dwellings at risk, the official said.
“In several instances where there was a legitimate threat, the choice of how to deal with that threat did not comply with the standing rules of engagement,” said the military official, who provided a broad summary of the report’s initial findings on the condition of anonymity because the inquiry was not yet complete …
During his testimony, General McChrystal said that strikes by warplanes and Special Operations ground units would remain an essential part of combat in Afghanistan. But he promised to make sure that these attacks were based on solid intelligence and that they would be as precise as possible. American success in Afghanistan should be measured by “the number of Afghans shielded from violence,” not the number of enemies killed, he said.
The inquiry into the May 4 strikes in the western province of Farah illustrated the difficult, split-second decisions facing young officers in the heat of combat as they balance using lethal force to protect their troops under fire with detailed rules restricting the use of firepower to prevent civilian deaths.
In the report, the investigating officer, Brig. Gen. Raymond A. Thomas III, analyzed each of the airstrikes carried out by three aircraft-carrier-based Navy F/A-18 strike aircraft and an Air Force B-1 bomber against targets in the village of Granai, in a battle that lasted more than seven hours.
In each case, the senior military official said, General Thomas determined that the targets that had been struck posed legitimate threats to Afghan or American forces, which included one group of Marines assigned to train the Afghans and another assigned to a Special Operations task force.
TCJ doesn’t like how this testimony is going. The General knows that the subject engagement was quite protracted, and that another “circle back” probably wouldn’t have changed things. Yet he should also know what The Captain’s Journal has been able to uncover with a little bit of analysis, i.e., that the Taliban mass troops against smaller U.S. forces, and that in order to prevent being overrun air power has become necessary under such conditions. He had the ideal chance to tell Congress that 68,000 U.S. troops is not enough, but instead of debating the merits of force projection in COIN, the conversation was directed at tactical ROE and “circle backs.” This is not a good sign.
TCJ had also hoped that General McChrystal would attach Army SOF to units in the field rather than use them on raids. No such thing is on his mind, apparently. Now, we have admitted before of our being nonplussed at this idea, this notion of SOF being the direct action kinetics troops, with so-called General Purpose troops being the defensive forces. TCJ opposes this, even though with this being a Marine-centric blog, we have no dog in the fight (except a belief in what is most effective for American forces).
We understand, actually. Women are not allowed in the Army SOF, similar to Marine infantry. The Army General Purpose forces have become a sociological experiment, and thus PFC Elizabeth went on patrol in Iraq. She said, “It’s kind of scary because you don’t know if someone is going to pull a gun out …”
But the Russian campaign in Afghanistan saw a very high number (and proportion) of lower extremity injuries in women, and completely dysfunctional non-combat effective units because of this. It’s even worse now with the total weight that the U.S. warrior must carry across the line, up to and even over 120 pounds at times. Even men in their prime – 20 to 22 years of age – cannot accomplish this in high elevations across undulating terrain for protracted durations without permanent affects on their bodies.
So even though the GP Army has done the politically correct thing, the Generals rely on the SOF to get the direct action kinetics done. Not so in the Marines. There is no such distinction, and in fact, Force Recon and Scout Sniper, attached to Marine infantry, might even see less kinetics than infantry because of the focus on intelligence gathering. There could never have been such a distinction with the Marines having succeeded in the Anbar Province. Or in other words, if there had been such a distinction, the Marines would have failed in Anbar.
Again, this is an Army thing, and they have their on issues to deal with. But you will take note from our articles and others that the Marines in Helmand don’t have women in the infantry, any more than the Army in Korangal does (whoever deployed this unit to Korangal knew better than to send women there). And neither relies on SOF to be around to conduct direct action kinetics.
In fact, where are the SOF in Korangal? Missing, apparently, and it’s a big Army operation front to back, just like Helmand is Marine infantry. If McChrystal wants to put the SOF forces to real use, it’s time to attach them to infantry and send them to Korangal and other such outposts. Enough of the cloak and dagger stuff conducted out of helicopters from posh FOBs. Time to get dirty.
One final note. I have been told (by certain … what you would call Army GP officers) that the tactical connection and communication between SOF and infantry is completely broken. It doesn’t work. It’s not only dysfunctional, it is a barrier to good conduct of COIN campaigns. The solution is to reattach SOF to infantry and erase the differences between PTs and expectations for knowledge of direction action kinetics, and focus on SOF being specialized billets within infantry (such as sniper quals, airborne quals, and so forth). All of the things that good SOF should know – room clearing, raids, fast roping, squad rushes, terrain seizures, etc. – Marines already know, and Army infantry should know.
McChrystal has an opportunity to raise the bar on all U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan, get the Army off of its huge FOBs, attach SOF to infantry, and go after the Taliban while being out among the population to protect them. He says he wants to do this, but how will he do so with only 68,000 U.S. troops and the Taliban with the momentum? He doesn’t tell us. We know that we want to reclaim the ring road, but how?
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On June 3, 2009 at 8:14 am, TSAlfabet said:
spot on, Captain.
68,000 troops is just enough to create the illusion for gullible American voters that Obama is trying to win “the good war.” When things begin to go south (as they inevitably will with so few troops), Obama will signal his obedient press corps to start beating the “quagmire” drums and he will then hitch his infamous Oratory to the horses of failure and moan about how he can no longer bear to sacrifice any more sons of America to an “unwinnable” mission. But have no fear, he will say. This does not mean that America has lost. We are, uh, simply, uh, pursuing, um… victory in a, um, non-military approach. And then he will bash the last Administration for thinking that we could ever win in Afghanistan with military force and for getting us embroiled there in the first place and how, thankfully, he has come to bring change and a new direction– speedily to the rear, that is.
My only hope is that Petraeus will have none of this garbage and will insist to Obama that he either authorize the necessary troop levels and funding to WIN, or pull out entirely. I cannot believe that Petraeus will go along with any strategy that he does not believe has an honest chance of succeeding. I believe he would resign first.
Where are the Michael Yons and others who will grill Petraues with questions over Afghan strategy now?
On June 3, 2009 at 10:00 am, Warbucks said:
(A) To what extent if any is the C-130 Gunship being used in NWFP?
(B) and would we know about it ?
(C) Are the C-130 operations being used in urban warfare with civilian casualties ?
(D) Are there any unclassified records of Gunship use in support of Pakistan’s internal operations?