Proposed Assault Weapons Ban
BY Herschel Smith
We’ve briefly covered the proposed assault weapons ban floated by Mr. Obama. David Codrea adds detail.
The shootings in an Aurora, Colo., theater and the Sikh temple in Milwaukee, Wis., make it “likely that there will be calls in the 112th Congress to reconsider a 1994 ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices,” a November 14, 2012 Congressional Research Service report on “Gun Control Legislation” obtained this morning by Gun Rights Examiner reveals.
That’s hardly breaking news to those who monitor such things, but to see it coming out of an official report talking about a session that will end on January 3 of next year is indicative of a new-found confidence in the wake of the recent elections …
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“This report also includes discussion of other salient and recurring gun control issues that have generated past or current congressional interest,” the summary continues. “Those issues include (1) screening firearms background check applicants against terrorist watch lists, (2) combating gun trafficking and straw purchases, (3) reforming the regulation of federally licensed gun dealers, (4) requiring background checks for private firearms transfers at gun shows, (5) more-strictly regulating certain firearms previously defined in statute as “semiautomatic assault weapons,” and (6) banning or requiring the registration of certain long-range .50 caliber rifles, which are commonly referred to as ‘sniper’ rifles.
Chris Cox notes that in the very near future, we may be in the fight of our lives.
… not long after Obama floated the idea of banning semi-automatic firearms, we learned that California Senator Dianne Feinstein was working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to draft new legislation that would ban semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns, so-called “high capacity” magazines, and rifles and shotguns with pistol grips. Reportedly, Feinstein wants to make it illegal not just to sell your guns and magazines, but to leave them behind in your will.
I know a lot concerning the intentions of the gun haters, but I didn’t know until reading Cox’s account that the hatred goes all the way to your children and children’s children. If Feinstein gets her way, you won’t be able to bequeath your firearms to them.
I and hundreds of thousands of other firearms owners will indeed treat this as the fight of our lives. The designs of the progressives are nefarious, but if those in the House of Representatives don’t stand strong on this (presumably, the GOP), it will redound to their own demise.
Here is a promise to House Republicans. You currently own the House. If you cave on this issue and allow new gun control measures, we will spare no expense and waste no time. You will be defeated the next available opportunity and lose your seat in the House.
I know that I have readers in the House of Representatives. I see your visits. You’ve been warned.
On November 19, 2012 at 12:44 pm, Erik said:
I swear, this is absolutely ridiculous. Where’s the line when people are finally going to have enough of this crap? If this or anything similar to this ever pass I’ll probably tear my hair out in disbelief.
On November 19, 2012 at 10:45 pm, FrankInFL said:
The problem is that there are blue-dog Republicans just like there are blue-dog Democrats, and there are more of them in the GOP than anywhere else. I know. The bulk of my extended family fits the description. A Republican congressman could be “caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy” and they’d STILL vote to re-elect.
Realistically, you’ll have to start killing them to get their attention and then you’ll have my extended family to deal with unless you also kill Democrats.
Too much work.
On December 20, 2012 at 8:32 am, Greywolf74 said:
They’ll have to kill me before they can take away my guns. Our forefathers would roll over in their graves if they could see the condition we’ve let the country that they left behind for us in the current condition it is in now.