Guns Are Evil
BY Herschel Smith12 years, 1 month ago
According to Mark.
Guns are, socially and ethically, devastating. Worthless. They add nothing of positive, intrinsic value to a culture, a people, a country. They only diminish, destroy, display an awesome sense of malformed ego and disastrously warped humanity.
Too much? Too far? Not really. I’m sure you already sense that all those cartoonish action movies, thuggish hip-hop songs, clunky old westerns, ultra-violent video games and the racks of high-caliber weaponry over at Cabela sporting goods and the local gun show – all of which we’ve been led to believe are so essential to our national identity – none of them offer anything of deep worth to the culture; no authentic masculinity, no real patriotism, no genuine power or strength or class. Heart, soul or integrity? Don’t be absurd.
It’s all a vulgar illusion, Hollywood glitter-bombing, manufactured mythology in service of shameless capitalism and a false, bloody American ideology that’s never served us well and only made us the ugly, violence-drunk stepchild of the civilized world. Don’t you already know?
Here is the truth: Guns are pain. Guns are impotence masquerading as virility, shame masquerading as valor, the devil disguised as an outrageously misinterpreted chunk of the Constitution that was never meant to suffer what the fat lords of the gun lobbies have made it suffer.
Do you wish to speak of false gods? Things virulently anti-Christian? The antithesis of everything a peaceful, advanced country is ideally supposed to be founded on? Because guns are all that and more. Jesus would be disgusted.
Mark is just confused. Objects are something that the theologians call adiaphorous, neither good nor bad. They can be used for either. They can be used for home defense, and when a family remains alive after they have defended themselves from a home invasion, they have been used for good. If they are used to slaughter innocents, they have been used for evil.
Mark wants to find negative ethical value in something that cannot possibly sustain such weight, any more than automobiles can be evil if someone perishes from them. As for what Jesus thinks of guns, the founding fathers, who knew Jesus much better than Mark does, carried theirs to worship and were required to practice with them on Sundays, as well as introduce their children to them at a very young age.
Mark is just being hysterical, like the rest of the anti-firearm lobby. Come to Jesus, Mark.
On December 19, 2012 at 9:25 pm, Cassandra (of Troy) said:
Then according to Mark & similar, the ‘answer’ is to simultaneously remove the freedom of speech & press parts of the First Amendment (which has been ruled to include print, electronic, & audio media) in addition to the 2nd Amendment. The problem is that in order to ensure the success of his desire both the 4th & 5th Amendments would have to be repealed as well, but given the statement Mark made (which by the way is a variant of the standard anti-2A cult line) it’s highly likely that a little thing like that would bother him or them too much.
Cassandra (of Troy)
On December 24, 2012 at 4:27 pm, Dan said:
The blog post by Mark is pretty melodramatic and kind of hysterical. Your response is pretty reasonable except for one part: who are you to say how well Mark knows Jesus?
Well that’s all I have to say about that.