Guns Are The Only Answer To Criminal Government
BY Herschel Smith
From Joseph Farah:
Are private firearms really necessary in society run by representative government?
After all, the police are there to protect us from criminals. And the politicians serve the interests of the people.
A small-scale example of how so-called “representative government” and the rule of law broke down took place in 1946 at what became known as “The Battle of Athens.”
For a decade before World War II and afterward, a corrupt political machine ran the town. But veterans returning from the war didn’t like what they found in their hometown. So they fielded opposition candidates for sheriff and state senate.
But the machine politicians seized the ballot boxes to ensure they would not be ousted by a popular political vote.
The vets grabbed what today would be called “assault weapons” – you know, the kind that shoot one round at a time while another round enters the chamber, just like 90 percent of today’s firearms.
They surrounded the town jail where the ballot boxes were being secured. When the machine politicians refused to turn over the ballot boxes, the veterans blew up the jail and took possession of the ballots.
Not surprisingly, they found the challengers had won the election fair and square.
Right here in the good old USA, firearms proved necessary in toppling a local tyranny in McMinn, Tenn., just 67 years ago.
That’s the real reason the Founding Fathers enshrined in the Bill of Rights a guarantee of the unalienable right to bear arms. It wasn’t about hunting. It wasn’t just about defending one’s life, liberty and property from run-of-the-mill criminals. It was also, first and foremost, a guarantee against liberty being hijacked by criminal government.
There isn’t anything wrong with pointing out the usefulness of firearms for hunting, for self defense and for the shooting sports. I do it all the time. But it’s necessary from time to time to point out that the Congressional and/or Department of Justice (ATF) “sporting purposes test” is an unconstitutional fabrication of men who want to forget that they have a propensity to evil totalitarianism, and need the ubiquitous threat of armed resistance from those whom they rule.
On January 27, 2013 at 9:06 pm, amr said:
Those veterans that ran for office in Athens were harassed by goons brought into the county as well. We can also talk about how selective gun control was used for almost 100 years under Jim Crow to prevent Africans Americans from being able to defend themselves from groups like the KKK, many times supported by government. Native Americans experienced the same type of selective gun control to keep them down. We don’t have to look overseas to see where disarmed people were oppressed.