Senator Chris Murphy Versus Guns
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 11 months ago
Gun-control and gun-rights advocates are locked in a fierce dispute over what rank-and-file National Rifle Association members and average gun owners think about President Obama’s gun-control proposals, with the NRA sharply rebutting numbers purporting to show that its members and gun owners are largely receptive to new laws.
According to polling conducted by the gun-control advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whose co-chairman is New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, 74 percent of NRA members support requiring a criminal background check on anyone purchasing a gun.
But the NRA says that is not the case.
“Mayor Bloomberg’s claims that gun owners are divided are totally false,” said Chris Cox, the group’s chief lobbyist. “It is nothing more than an attempt by anti-gun activists to further their long-standing political agenda.”
In response to such figures, the NRA recently released its own survey — touting it as “the only legitimate survey of NRA members in existence.” The gun-rights group noted that the mayors’ group and other recent surveys did not have access to NRA membership rolls and thus their polls could not reliably sample its membership.
The poll of 1,000 NRA members shows that 89 percent oppose a ban on military-style, semi-automatic weapons and 92 percent oppose a ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The group says the numbers prove that members are “united in their desire for Washington to focus on keeping firearms from the mentally ill and to reject unconstitutional gun control measures that infringe on Second Amendment rights.”
But Sen. Christopher Murphy, Connecticut Democrat, said gun owners and NRA members generally agree that strengthening background checks is a good idea …
“The NRA and its lobby — especially when it comes to the debate we’re having right now in Washington — is badly out of step with the people that the NRA claims to represent,” Mr. Murphy said on a conference call Monday.
The polls showing that NRA members want universal background checks are lies. All of them. They are fabricated by gun-grabbers who have no problem coloring the truth, making up things or saying things they know to be outright lies.
However, Chris is trying to persuade his buddies to come join him in his quest for totalitarianism.
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy is trying to convince his former colleagues in the House and his new colleagues in the Senate that there won’t be any retribution from gun owners at the polls, if they do the right thing and vote in favor of common sense gun control legislation.
Chris is a naive simpleton if he believes that. If he doesn’t, he is willing to throw his colleagues under the bus. We gun owners never forget, and we do and will take retribution.
Be wise and cautious. Don’t do things from which there is no return.
On February 20, 2013 at 12:53 am, Justin said:
” if they do the right thing and vote in favor of common sense gun control legislation.”
I agree. “Common sense gun legislation” being defined, of course, as repeal of GCAs of ’34 and ’68.
These geniuses define “common sense” as the incremental theft of property and the tools of protection. It’s like I should be glad if they only beat me a little and take my wallet, as opposed to beating me a lot and taking my watch, too.
How about they just do government’s job, ie punishing evil and protecting good, not punishing good instead of evil…
On February 20, 2013 at 7:55 am, Jeremy said:
How can me make these idiots understand we don’t want these things? I have contacted all my legislatures and the white house but I am sure no one reads it or cares.
On February 20, 2013 at 1:01 pm, Josh said:
No, Jeremy, they don’t care. They don’t care what you want, or even what you need. These people in our administration and government are traitors to the constitution.
On March 4, 2013 at 6:14 am, GunRights4US said:
It’s gonna take a full fledged revolution to set things right. There is NO OTHER SOLUTION! Things have gone way beyond what the ballot box can fix.