Guns, Consistent Dental Care And Drowning Kittens
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 11 months ago
Today we will dip our toes into the gun discussion. Specifically, the high-capacity ammunition magazines for assault weapons and how such items tend mostly to be the realm of people without much education or any sort of consistent dental care who live in trailers with 30 cats and have an NRA sticker on their $400 car.
Harsh? Perhaps. But if you believe the massacres at Columbine High School and a theater in Aurora and the numbing execution of 20 wide-eyed little school kids in Connecticut — in part because of these high-capacity magazines —- should not have any bearing on your “right” to shoot trees and your “right” to blow up propane tanks in the woods with a withering barrage of bullets as you guzzle beer, well, you’re probably accustomed to life being harsh.
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Maybe Magpul could make up for the lost revenue by manufacturing a device that could hold a bottle of gin on your dashboard for the drive home from work. Or a heavy stick to beat your spouse. Or a plastic water barrel to drown kittens.
Then the writer goes on a masturbatory high on trying to get Magpul to pull out of Colorado (a move which I have advocated, along with Remington and Kimber out of New York, and Springfield Armory out of Illinois, etc.). But I haven’t noticed any lack of dental hygiene among my buddies at the range. I’ll have to run around inspecting their mouths like I would my dog. If the writer is accurate, they won’t mind because they’re too stupid to know what I’m doing.
Where does this rag find the screeching, hysterical bitches to write stuff like this?
On March 1, 2013 at 12:10 pm, Bill said:
Women’s studies majors.
On March 4, 2013 at 7:03 am, Mike said:
The colleges graduate ’em by the truckload, the cities breed ’em like rabbits, and the other newspapers encourage ’em as if they were anything more than oxygen thieves.
On March 5, 2013 at 11:12 pm, 357 said:
Rick Tosches, the author of this piece of lefty drool, is one of several former Colorado Springs Gazette lefties, either fired by the Gazette or quit out of despair at having to show some restraint, now ensconced at the Independent. The Indy is the local Progressive outlet, who can’t charge for a copy because of their Workers World Party-styled content and are as predictable as the seasons. A useless rag like every good-sized city seems to have, employing sorry tools like Tosches.
On March 6, 2013 at 12:03 am, Herschel Smith said:
Your nom de guerre is awesome. I wish I had thought of it.