Yet Another Wrong Home SWAT Raid
BY Herschel Smith
In an instance of police incompetence and unnecessarily endangered citizens, Pittsburgh is the scene of yet another wrong home SWAT raid.
A woman is demanding answers after she said SWAT teams mistakenly raided her Sheraden home Tuesday.
Jessica Earnest told Channel 11 News that SWAT teams burst into her Faronia Street home Tuesday afternoon looking for a wanted man, but they had the wrong house.
Some of the damage left behind was overturned beds, an air vent cover pulled from the wall and ransacked rooms.
Earnest said officers handcuffed her with her two young children close by.
“The way they all came in here and just threw smoke bombs and kicked in the door, we could have gotten hurt,” Earnest said.
Earnest said she moved into the home less than a week ago and she’s never heard of the man police were looking for.
She said officers apologized and handed her a search warrant before they left. Channel 11’s Alan Jennings reported the warrant had bad information.
Yes, people could have gotten hurt. It’s happened before, to both innocent citizens and the police. If a dog had been in the home, it would have been killed so that the police could be assured of “going home safely at the end of their shift.” And it’s a good thing toddlers weren’t in their cribs either.
You have no right to invade my home, and there are easier ways to apprehend people. You do good detective work, find the individual of interest when he is away from other people, and use pepper spray if he resists.
But of course, that wouldn’t be as sexy as dressing up in Soldier-boy uniforms and tactical gear and being operators operating tactically with tactical gear while they operate, would it?
Prior: SWAT Raid category
On June 26, 2013 at 11:00 pm, Mark Matis said:
As I have said before, NOTHING will change for the better until there are enough dead pig corpses stacked in the streets. And their families with them. If you DARE to stand against their treason, their Brothers in Blue will hunt you down and murder you. And that INCLUDES those fine “Oath Keepers” as well, for they only reaffirm that THEY will not violate your rights under the Constitution. They do NOT bother to swear they will deal appropriately with any of their Brothers in Blue who do so, however.
The stench is overwhelming. And it smells like pig. But then the Word of the Day is STILL “No Fort Sumters”.
On June 27, 2013 at 6:39 am, Arkindole said:
60% of the population, or more, are essentially equivalent to the brain dead Witness #8 – Rachel Jeantel. So, 6 out of 10 times (or more) the paramilitary thugs will be able to merely drop their warrant after engaging in their craft and walk away. If there is an opportunistic lawyer that can represent the entitled victim, civil suits–chump change listed as encumbered line items in the city budgets. That remaining lowest percentage of the 40%, who actually have a spinal column connected to their forebrain, will eventually answer their actions. If the recent events in LA aren’t blue on blue gangland action, maybe we are seeing something now. But, you just won’t hear about it will you?
On June 28, 2013 at 4:26 pm, trev006 said:
Hey, does anyone remember Matthew David Stewart?
They’re not even hiding it anymore.
On June 28, 2013 at 7:07 pm, Roger J said:
I think every cop should be required to read and memorize the writing of Bill Jordan and Col Charles Askins. These were LAWMEN – they brought their man in (w/ or without a bodybag) ALONE, without backup, without automatic weapons, and without killing innocents. Whatever happened to cops like these? These men had courage, and the skill to back it up. The SWAT teams are wannabe soldiers who use the color of law to do whatever they wish, including terrorizing innocents at the wrong address and killing their pets. To me, little is more ridiculous than seeing 10 cops aiming their weapons at a lone motorist on a traffic stop. If even one of those cops squeeze that non-NYPD Glock trigger a little more strongly, that suspect is going to die without benefit of trial or legal counsel. Even if he misses, all his buddies will be emptying their 17-shot mags. At least 20% of the shots will hit home.
Sometimes these guys are compared to the Gestapo or NKVD. But the fact is those agencies, as odious as they were, sent two or three planclothesmen armed with pistols which were generally not even displayed. They knocked on the door, instead of breaking it down. The NKVD even were required to have a citizen witness so that the search and arrest were done ‘by the book.’ I am not defending those horrible systems but merely wish to point out that our police raids are often far more violent than those in the two most horrible European dictatorships of the 20th century. And we, and our courts, do nothing. For shame!
On June 28, 2013 at 9:13 pm, DAN III said:
I agree with Mark Matis in his above comments. Until these pieces of human flotsam start taking the heat, i.e., the lead, nothing will change. The USA has an illegitimate government and the enforcers of the illegitimacy, cops, have declared war on the American citizenry.
I fear Mr. Matis is 101% correct.
On July 2, 2013 at 1:16 pm, Sean said:
Dan III,
Do you also agree with Mark (the madman) Matis who is CONSTANTLY talking of cold blooded murder against LEO families?
Seriously? Tell me you’re not as demented and demonic as Matis and that you understand that killing INNOCENT people is wrong REGARDLESS of who their family members are or what they do.
On July 3, 2013 at 6:30 pm, Asmodeus said:
Grow up, boy. It’s not a game any more. There are entire precincts of police that are out of control. And when there is no fear of repercussions or consequences, then anything can happen.
Dead dogs. Terror raids. ‘Accidental’ discharges. And nothing happens to the perpetrators. No reprimands, no disciplinary actions, no terminations, no civil and criminal actions. NOTHING.
There is a saying: a word to the wise is sufficient; a fool needs a brick. If the ‘boys in blue’ will not clean up their own house, then they may find their lives immeasurably more interesting, in the Chinese sense.
After all, a badge is not unlike a restraining order; it’s only effective on those who respect it.
And it’s a piss-poor defender against a rifle round.