Gun Control Is No Solution
BY Herschel Smith
Two women have been brutally gang raped “by a group of 10 to 12 black male juveniles” in a Wilmington, Del. park, CBS Philly reported yesterday. “According to police, the suspects, who range in age from 12 to 17-years-old, remain on the loose.”
Councilmember-at-large Maria Cabrera was quick to size up the content of their character and state the obvious.
“The new criminal we’re seeing, they’re bold, they’re brazen, and they have a total disregard for life,” Cabrera admitted.
Continue to read David’s piece to see what remedy Cabrera advocates (hint: it is ostensibly religious based, but since it relies on statist solutions her religion is collectivism).
I document instances of morally obscene advocacy for going to the extreme even of allowing your own children to be killed rather than take another life, which is presumably the opposite of statism but with the same theme of religious-based malfeasance concerning protection of man’s life.
A New Yorker gives us his view of gun control, and it’s worth reading.
“I tell the kid I don’t want no trouble. I open the door to start getting out. But then I make a big mistake. When he reaches through the window to grab my keys, I grab the keys before he can get them.
“He says, ‘I’m gonna pop you, man!’ I look into his eyes and they’re black as death. Then BOOM!
“The next thing I know, I wake hooked up to all kind of wires in the hospital and the doctor is telling me how lucky I am. The bullet hit me in the right shoulder and passed out the left armpit — just missing my heart.
“That was three years ago, but I’m OK now. I guess it wasn’t my time to go.”
I was spellbound by his story and the matter-of-fact way he told it, but his story grew more fascinating when he told me how he now is breaking the law to protect himself and his family.
“In New York,” he said, “the gun laws are so strict, the majority of people who have them are the criminals. Maybe if you’re a small-business owner or have some other valid reason for protecting yourself, you might get a permit to carry. But if you’re a regular guy like me, forget about it.
“But I live on the Brooklyn-Queens border, and in that part of town there’s only one way to protect yourself — you got to let the punks know you’re packing heat.
“So I bought myself a street gun that I carry with me everywhere. Lots of the decent people in my neighborhood are carrying illegal guns. It’s the only thing we can do.”
The fellow knew what he was talking about.
A Cato Institute study found that 60 percent of criminals would not attack if they knew a potential victim were carrying a gun.
That’s the end result of people who for whatever reason, religious based or otherwise, force common folk into a position of impotence when it comes to self defense. People deal with the moral obscenity by ignoring the law, turning innocent people who want means of self defense into criminals.
This is what they do in New York, it’s what they do in Chicago, it’s what Ms. Cabrera advocates, it’s what some ignorant religious folk do, and it’s what the collectivists want. And it’s morally obscene and they will be judged for it.
On September 7, 2013 at 2:40 am, DAN III said:
Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.