Illegal Guns Drive Violence
BY Herschel Smith
Concerning the recent shooting in Chicago:
The perpetrators of a late-night attack in a southwest Chicago park in which 13 people were wounded, including a three-year-old, used an assault-style weapon to spray the crowd with bullets, making it “a miracle” no one was killed, the city’s police superintendent said on Friday.
Ballistics evidence shows that those behind Thursday night’s attack used a 7.62mm rifle fed by a high-capacity magazine, police superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters. That type of weapon, McCarthy said, belongs on a “battlefield, not on the street or a corner or a park in the Back of the Yards”, the neighborhood where the shooting took place.
“It’s a miracle in this instance that there have been no fatalities based upon the lethality of the weapon used at the scene,” McCarthy said, calling on lawmakers to restrict the sale of such weapons and choke off the flow of illegal guns into the city.
Bah. Ballistics evidence can’t demonstrate one way or another whether the gun had a high-capacity magazine, and a .308 shot from distance using a high powered scope and bolt action rifle would have proven to be more lethal.
But the chief of police has some words of wisdom for us.
“Illegal guns, illegal guns. Illegal guns drive violence.”
Strange, that. I thought they said it was gang related violence? The mere fact that there are guns around “drives” violence, we are led to believe. I have a physician friend who went on a mission trip to Haiti a couple of years ago, and other than Scabies (which he was unprepared to treat because he didn’t carry the medications for it), the most common injury or sickness with which he dealt was machete wounds – deep wounds. The gangs walk around taking things from people and swinging machetes.
Machetes, hammers, baseball bats, and in the Far East, acid thrown in the eyes of victims (according to one close friend who spent several years in Hong Kong). Things don’t drive violence. Evil in the heart of mankind drives violence. You can’t ameliorate evil by banning guns. You can only be prepared to deal with it when it happens.
On September 20, 2013 at 6:51 pm, DAN III said:
It is all about taking firearms away from the population. Demonizing the inanimate object. In turn demonizing those who own firearms weaponry. The sooner Patriots commit to a revolt, the better.
On September 20, 2013 at 8:48 pm, Josh said:
A lightbulb went on for me when I heard the police chief’s remarks today about “military style weapons only belonging on the battlefield”. Not only are these people statists, and they most certainly are, but blaming guns is a crutch for them. A big one.
Naval shipyards aren’t secured, protected or armed. Schools are left defenseless. Gangs are running wild in this police chief’s jurisdiction, comprised of the latest generation of state-parented youth. It’s not their fault, you see. Nor does the fault lie within their policies or the heart of the perpetrator.
It’s the gun, and it absolves them of all responsibility and liability for their policies and job performance. Blame the guns.
On September 21, 2013 at 11:54 am, GoneWithTheWind said:
Interestingly this type of gun is often less lethal then a hunting rifle simply because the ability to “spray” bullets is more tempting then aiming.