Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 11 months ago
The major problem with Wilkinson’s snottiness is that’s all he’s got. GOA refers people to data compiled by the Pew Research Center, which shows overwhelming preference among “unauthorized immigrants” for the Democrat party.
Yep. I’ve discussed this myself, and there could be no greater threat to gun rights than to put people in charge who want to take them away.
Oh–about that “Only Ones” exemption. When this technology, and mandates for its use, were first being pushed, much of the rationale was based on the notion that it would protect police officers from having their guns grabbed by a suspect, and being shot with their own guns. Apparently, though, New Jersey police were strangely unappreciative of this concern for their safety, forcing the exemption as a condition for their support for (and lack of active opposition against) the requirement.
There’s Kurt again, destroying their arguments by pointing out inconsistencies. The argument is a ruse, and the fact that LEOs don’t want those stupid guns shows just how stupid they are.
Some smart ass named Teret says “They thought the air bag would kill them,” said Teret, who did early work on air-bag technology. “They thought it would shove them out the back window, that it would explode. It takes awhile to dispel these mythologies.”
Uh huh. Well, I guess air bags can actually kill you. And so can a gun that doesn’t function when you need it to. And the cost of this ridiculous machine?
The cost is high. Amatrix’s iP1, a .22-caliber pistol, is priced at $1,399 — plus $399 for the watch. A .40-caliber Glock handgun can be had for about $600.
Like I’ve said before. Put it on the market and see how it does. See also my coverage on smart guns.
Mike Vanderboegh has an absolutely must see graphic on ammunition. It is so true that it’s scary that someone reads my mind like this. And pray for Mike.
And finally, no, I don’t think I bear a single bit of responsibility for reducing gun violence, any more than I bear responsibility for drug problems in the ghetto or providing medical care to people who don’t work.
On February 22, 2014 at 8:27 pm, Rob Crawford said:
A friend who worked on air bags for a short time told me about a particular bad batch that would, well, send shrapnel into your face.