Connecticut, Jesus, Totalitarians And Other Notes
BY Herschel Smith
One person thinks they know the mind of Jesus concerning weapons. “Guns are only allowed in bars if the person carrying the weapon doesn’t drink. Jesus and the disciples didn’t carry in church because no one else did.”
This is what happens when idiots write letters. Guns didn’t exist in the time of Jesus, but swords did, and Jesus told his disciples to carry them. As for church, I think his ninja use of the whip (Matthew 21:12) was enough to convince most people of his seriousness. And just to emphasize the point concerning people who refuse to consider their role in protecting the little ones, I said:
God has laid the expectations at the feet of heads of families that they protect, provide for and defend their families and protect and defend their countries. Little ones cannot do so, and rely solely on those who bore them. God no more loves the willing neglect of their safety than He loves child abuse. He no more appreciates the willingness to ignore the sanctity of our own lives than He approves of the abuse of our own bodies and souls. God hasn’t called us to save the society by sacrificing our children or ourselves to robbers, home invaders, rapists or murderers. Self defense – and defense of the little ones – goes well beyond a right. It is a duty based on the idea that man is made in God’s image.
Those who want to worship hippie Jesus should move to the corner of Haight and Ashbury – and stop writing idiot letters.
Nearly 200 interfaith religious leaders — including at least a dozen Baptists — took out a full-page ad in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Feb. 26 to oppose a bill in the Georgia legislature which would lift restrictions on guns in houses of worship and bars.
So in other words, nearly 200 “pastors” in the Atlanta area believe that God answers to the state. This is a precursor to a new featured article I have coming (but is not yet ripe). The totalitarians are among us. They don’t live inside the beltway, they mooch off of hard workers, they cast their lot with the state, they worship the collective, and they live near and around you. You know them.
To this article on Chuck Hagel, one commenter says “Hey Chuck, why don’t you have three more scotches and pass out on it, maybe you will change your mind if you can remember what you said yesterday.” It appears that Chuck is a well known Washington drunk. Another commenter says “If a grenade happened to be tossed in a room with Chuck Hagel and myself, I would have to do the right thing and push him on top of it.” It would be a fitting end, no?
I’m beginning to wonder whether we have any idea about what’s at stake when we give civilians the right to walk around with a gun.
No, that’s not Kurt. Kurt is quoting someone who allegedly sells guns, and if he feels this way, he is violating his conscience and sinning against God and man. On top of that he is a hypocrite and thug trying to make money doing things he thinks is bad. He is nothing more than a whore.
In the wake of public unrest where the government used deadly force against protestors, the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association has proposed an amendment to the nation’s constitution …
Finish reading the proposal at David’s place. And there you have it. The difference between free men and slaves.
Mike Vanderboegh has crafted an open letter to the tyrants in Connecticut responsible for the obscene gun law, and this is well worth the read. Mike has also published a list of the names of all legislators who voted for the Connecticut gun law along with their addresses, and Mike has published their list of email addresses here. Visit Mike’s site, take a few minutes and do what you know needs to be done.
But I have a few words for Mike, and then a few for the communists in Connecticut. Mike says the following.
Indeed we are all His sons and daughters, and I am grateful for Paul’s prayerful reminder to me of Who I serve. However, you may conclude from my opening that I am struggling with that “diplomacy” part …
It’s okay Mike. Cease your struggling. While I do admire and respect you so very much, I disagree profoundly on this point. We are most certainly not all sons and daughters of God. The fact that we are all made in His image only heightens their guilt and highlights the distinction.
People tend to remember what they want to hear. So for example, at Christmas people remember this: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace …,” and that’s about it. What the passage really says is this: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” Jesus also said to the Pharisees “You are of your father the devil” (John 8:44).
And God is not pleased with the men and women of Connecticut who voted in favor this this law. God hates totalitarians of all stripes, all persuasions, in every form and manifestation and at all times in history. Notice that I didn’t say He hates totalitarianism but loves totalitarians. He does not. He hates them both. Satan is a totalitarian.
Speaking of totalitarians, David tells us once again what it looks like. It means putting the lives of animals above humans who are made in God’s image. We’ve seen this before, haven’t we?
So I’m not saying what I would and wouldn’t do to help my brothers in Connecticut, and this post isn’t dedicated to outlining my actions or lack thereof. That would be stupid. But here is one thing I can start with. And this prayer applies to Senator Larry Martin of Pickens, Bobby Timmons of Alabama, and the legislators of Connecticut.
“Oh Lord, the last time I prayed an imprecatory prayer it was against Arlen Specter who was soon diagnosed with cancer, so I do this with much thought and trepidation. All of the legislators who have voted the recent gun laws into effect in Connecticut have voted to inhibit man’s ability to defend and protect himself and his little ones.
Thus they have offended the Almighty, the most high God, the only sovereign and only potentate. You have said that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their necks. So I pray that you would visit your wrath on them and their families to suffer for the sake of the little ones.
Teach them to obey your laws, teach them the value of human life, teach them that it is their duty both to defend their own little ones and help men and women to do the same. If they refuse to learn, bring condemnation upon them, bring their means and ends to complete ruination, and inflict them with the reputation forever of being haters of God and haters of children.
Let their progeny remember and think of their lives for generations to come, throughout the lives of the children’s children’s children, and let them remember that their predecessors were evil men and women who would rule with a harsh hand and bitter tongue.
Bring the designs of their lives to naught, bring their aims to nothing, and bring their power down low where it is once again possible in Connecticut to defend families as God designed.
On February 28, 2014 at 7:38 am, III J said:
You rock!
( that means you did an awesome article; I not referring to unregistered lethal Assault Rocks which we all know are evil) Rabbi Ben Dovery has written eloquently ( as have others) about the expectation of the Almighty for men and women to defend their families and protect the innocent with the means necessary. We will all be accountable to Him – not to the tyrants who say,’We will break His bonds” – see Psalm 2.
Keep up the great work.
On February 28, 2014 at 1:04 pm, Paul B said:
True dat. I carry anywhere I can. all the time. I feel the full call of the sheep dog.
On February 28, 2014 at 2:38 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
You nailed it again, Herschel. Glad to see you post the correction regarding the “peace on earth…” phrase. Shows what editing can do to change the meaning.
On March 1, 2014 at 10:25 am, Fred Fredson said:
Luke 22:36