Marine Corps Updates Firearms Policy After Fort Hood Shooting
BY Herschel Smith
The Marine Corps issued a new MARADMIN concerning firearms after the recent Fort Hood shooting. The summary is taken from
Local directives will contain provisions that:
- Prohibit privately-owned firearms in all federal facilities, to include government-leased spaces and government vehicles.
- Prohibit carrying privately-owned firearms as concealed weapons aboard Marine Corps installations.
Ensure all privately-owned firearms stored aboard Marine Corps installations are registered and on file with the provost marshal’s office and the Marine Corps police department.
Prohibit storage of privately-owned firearms and ammunition in bachelor enlisted quarters for noncommissioned officers and below. Storage within bachelor officer or staff noncommissioned officer quarters is at the discretion of the installation commander.
Reemphasize compliance regarding storage of privately-owned firearms and ammunition in government family housing.
In all cases, privately-owned firearms will be stored in a fully-encased container that is capable of completely enclosing the firearm and must be locked with a key or combination lock. All firearms will be fitted with a trigger lock.
Ammunition must be stored separately from firearms and in a container capable of being locked with a key or combination lock.
Privately-owned firearms will not be stored in privately-owned vehicles.
All personnel will continue to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws for the purchase, registration, transportation and storage of privately-owned firearms and ammunition.
Transporting privately-owned firearms is authorized in POVs to and from an authorized storage area or to an off-base location consistent with federal, state and local laws.
If I am not mistaken NCOs could never have personal weapons on reservation property, and officers could only with base commander approval. But what this MARADMIN appears to do is expand the stipulations even farther. Take note of the requirement for “government family housing … privately-owned firearms will be stored in a fully-encased container that is capable of completely enclosing the firearm and must be locked with a key or combination lock. All firearms will be fitted with a trigger lock.”
This expands the rules to property off of the federal reservation, and if you live in housing that is in any way subsidized by the government for families, your personal weapons must not only be in a container large enough to contain the whole of the weapon, and locked, but it (or they) must also have a trigger lock(s) on it (them), even while inside the container.
Damn. Heads of households had better hope they aren’t the victims of crime. Their families are completely unprotected and unsecured. This, from a Marine Corps Commandant who is alleged to be trying to secure his Marines from harm. Oh well. This is also from a Commandant who was allegedly involved in illegal command influence in investigations under his charge. Readers already know what I think of airman Amos. When Daniel graduated from Boot Camp I presented him with a present. It included several things signed by Marine Corps Commandant Alfred Gray, with personalized notes to him. I’ll never request anything like that from Amos.
On April 8, 2014 at 6:45 pm, Mr. Blather said:
Wow, it appears the US Marine Corps has adopted Japan’s firearms law. (No pistols allowed, though, in Japan, only rifles.)
On April 8, 2014 at 9:31 pm, Josh said:
Because Nidal Hasan wasn’t an officer, right? Only enlisted men go on shooting sprees, after all. No, an officer would never do that; some of them are even psychiatrists!
On April 9, 2014 at 10:17 am, Miles said:
Well, here’s the DON making more rules that do nothing to solve the problem.
Gun-Free/Free-Fire zones.
True lowest common denominator idiocy. And it shows the DOD cares not one whit about the safety of our nation’s Soldiers, Sailors. Marines and Airmen. Not one damn bit of care.
An exercise of a right that is done off post by rational, reasonable, adults, is barred on post simply because teh jeneralz and admiralz can’t imagine it inside their atrophied brains.
Sounds just like any other bureaucracy.
God, I’m glad I just retired.
On April 10, 2014 at 9:37 am, TexTopCat said:
An event like the Ft Hood events are a win for government. The only cost is a small amount of money to the family and they get lots of press that gives them the opportunity to ask for more money “to protect the troops” and more gun control “soldiers should not be able to purchase guns” ……
This is politics and not anything to do with the safety of soldiers or the Americana people.
About the only thing that could change would be if we would fire the commanding general of any base that this happens on for being incompetent. The people relived of duty should go right up the line to DC.
On April 10, 2014 at 9:04 am, pkill said:
We are learning who needs to be retired as soon as Obama’s National Socialists (Democrat) are out of power, and on their way to prison.
On April 10, 2014 at 9:32 am, TexTopCat said:
Must want to make it even easier to kill Marines, of course, just work place violence. Each event just becomes another excuse to try for gun control. A few dead Marines is not that high a cost for our president to allow more infringement.
On April 10, 2014 at 3:31 pm, cargosquid said:
And yet…..NOTHING in this directive will do ONE. SINGLE. THING. to prevent situations like the Ft. Hood shooting or the Navy Yard shooting.
What an idiotic directive.
On April 10, 2014 at 5:06 pm, cargosquid said:
I forgot to mention…
I once was in the same room, well, ante room with Commandant Gray.
I was attached to an intel command. We had a rear entrance which was controlled by a cage manned by 2 Marines. The stairs entered into this controlled space too, before you entered the lower level.
As I was walking towards the stairs, I recognized the Commandant. I notified the Marines that he was coming down behind me…in about 30 seconds.
They didn’t believe me. Heh….
Well, I couldn’t miss this, so I stood quietly by when the Commandant arrived and the Marines popped tall. I did too, but, being a lowly squid….I was (thankfully) ignored.
So, General Gray chatted with the Marines, finally asking one “if he was ready….ready for anything.” Marine shouted out, “Yes SIR!”
“Are you sure MARINE?” the general said vehemently…. “ARE YOU DAMN SURE?”
“GOOD!” and with that statement, he punched the other Marine in the gut…. stating…”He wasn’t.”
Saluted and walked on.
Great leader. Great Marine.
I’ve always thought that he save the Marines from Congress and the Admirals.
On April 11, 2014 at 6:27 pm, thebronze said:
Amos SUCKS!! Worst CMC in history!!
On April 19, 2014 at 2:43 am, Nam Marine said:
This is just stupid !!!!!!!!!