Muzzle Discipline At The Bundy Ranch
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 8 months ago
As an aside, weapons handling in Jerry’s camp was terrible and I observed numerous unsafe practices about muzzle discipline with loaded rifles. It was a wonder that no one was killed or injured by a negligent discharge during my stay. As they say, if I may paraphrase, God takes care of drunks, little children and the American militia. I counseled some of these safety scofflaws personally and privately. Eventually I gave it up as wasted effort and just tried to stay out of the line of potential fire. The sight of a newbie clerk sitting at the check-in table in the CP wearing a loaded FAL on a sling in front of his body muzzle-up while he filled out new arrival cards was as comical as it was appalling. That this was apparently with the tacit approval of Jerry, whose life was also endangered thereby, can only be excused by extreme sleep deprivation, which as I have mentioned is itself a command failure.
This is a very serious issue. Negligent discharges happen, and if trigger discipline doesn’t do the job to keep people safe, muzzle discipline is supposed to fill the gap. The concept is “defense in depth.” This is why we learn, practice, correct each other, discipline ourselves at the range and at home, and in general think of the rules of gun safety in nearly religious dimensions and proportions. People can be maimed and die as a result of our lack of discipline.
For those who haven’t been trained in the discipline of firearms ownership and use, they should not put themselves in a position to harm other people. Untrained people should have been sent home, and this should have been done without remorse and without prejudice. There is no room for emotion or hurt feelings. For those who have been trained in the discipline of firearms use and still refuse to practice safe handling practices, this is a moral issue. The weapon owner is in effect saying, “I don’t care about you or even your life. I am willing to disobey worldwide respected firearms safety practices for the sake of my own convenience, or just because I am an ass – or who knows why. Maybe I’m just too lazy to to care. For whatever reason, I’ve decided that my life matters, and yours does not.”
Those people are even more dangerous than the first kind. The Marine Corps makes it clear that it won’t be tolerated. They go to what my friend Tim Lynch calls the “room of pain.” And extended stay in such a place changes things, and if not, discharge is the next step. Since no one at the Bundy ranch could be taken to the room of pain, sending them home was the best option. I don’t know who should have taken the responsibility to do that. Perhaps Bundy’s sons should have taken a larger role in the control of people on their property.
But perhaps they weren’t in a position to do that. In either case, for the folks at the ranch to be called “militia” and behave this way is a sad commentary on the state of militia. Apparently, folks need to go back to the basics before they are assigned to larger jobs.
And for us, the mission is clear. Practice, read, stay at the range, train, and imbibe the rules of gun safety and proper behavior protocol for gun owners until they are so second-nature that it comes before everything else. The kind of behavior Mike observed at the Bundy ranch is totally unacceptable. Muzzle flagging individuals and muzzle sweeping crowds is for losers. If this offends your sensibilities, and even if you were there at the Bundy ranch, that’s just too bad. I don’t care. We’ve got to do better than this.
On May 5, 2014 at 9:38 am, hh1034 said:
What was lacking was a hard ass Provost Marshal appointed by the Bundys who had authority to kick people off the property.
On May 6, 2014 at 2:29 pm, tayronachan said:
On May 22, 2014 at 6:53 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
I nominate the black guy who did the CNN interview.
On May 6, 2014 at 2:28 pm, tayronachan said:
Thank you. Obviously, that is something that needed to be said.
On May 6, 2014 at 5:25 pm, Rich Reason said:
Did you really forget to mention , For those that don’t know Mike Vanderboegh, he is the person responsible for breaking the news on fast and furious
On May 6, 2014 at 10:25 pm, Herschel Smith said:
What a strange comment. I link and cite Mike hundreds of time, as well as David, and we know each other. Am I supposed to mention F&F every time I cite David or Mike? Don’t you think that would get a little weird before long?