Concerning The Nigerian Christian Girls
BY Herschel Smith
John McCain says this concerning the kidnapped Christian girls in Nigeria.
“If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in U.S. troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country,” McCain told The Daily Beast Tuesday. “I wouldn’t be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy named Goodluck Jonathan,” he added, referring to the president of Nigeria.
Of course, that’s not the solution for Christians anywhere. U.S. special operations (McCain probably meant “operations,” not “forces”), cannot and should not be the moral conscience of the world.
Christians have been run out of Mesopotamia, killed and tortured in Egypt, and are being brutalized all over the world. And the evil leader of this Islamic group in Nigeria claims that he has converted the girls to Islam.
He can “convert” the girls because all he has to do is force them under threat of death to say a few things and wear a few more clothes. Islam has no Holy Spirit who moves as He will and does what he wishes, converting the hearts of His people. Rather, it is a man-made religion, concocted by a violent and self serving seventh century warlord, child abuser, pedophile and murderer for the purpose of keeping his roving bad of hoodlums and ne’er-do-wells together. It’s pronouncements are ad hoc groupings of ridiculous assertions, and the only thing not illogical in all it its literature was stolen from other faiths. The seeds of violent subjugation are within the texts of Islam itself. It isn’t a religion of peace. It’s a religion of perverts and totalitarians.
Christians can preachy preach the gospel of pacifism if they want to. They can conflate the Bible to mean that Christians must be a doormat for the world. But it was preachers who supplied the moral underpinnings of the American war for independence. There is nothing necessary in the modern squishy Christianity we hear and see today. It’s a choice because at the moment it’s convenient to make that choice and feel morally superior to everyone else.
But children are dying all over the world. As long as Christians want to mouth silly platitudes to parishioners and congregants, Christian children will continue to die, and Christians will have to flee for their lives. The solution lies in arming themselves and waging the good fight against Islamists everywhere. A well placed .308 to the whole body, or several rounds of 5.56 to the head and chest, or a 230 grain .45 fat boy through the stomach should do just fine at stopping the Islamists in Nigeria.
Christians. Buy guns and ammunition. Learn to use them. The Islamists are closer than you think, and sooner or later calls to prayer will be heard in places other than Detroit, Michigan. Americans aren’t immune to this problem. We’re just the final conquest.
See WRSA for some well placed ridicule of McCain.
See also Christians, The Second Amendment, And The Duty Of Self Defense.
On May 14, 2014 at 8:39 am, Paul B said:
Truth. Yes we are to turn the cheek once. And one time only.
In TKD we have a saying: “Do not mistake kindness for weakness”
Islam is more of a joke that Wiccans for religion.