Man Uses AR-15 To Stop Home Invasion
BY Herschel Smith
VANCE COUNTY, N.C. (WTVD) — A homeowner in Vance County opened fire on a man who kicked in his door Monday morning.
It happened about 9:45 a.m. as the homeowner, Jonathan Haith, was sleeping in his home in the 2200 block of Thomas Lane.
“Somebody was you know knocking on the door at 9:15, 9:30 in the morning,” said Haith. “I wanted to roll over and stay in the air conditioning, and I just ignored it.”
When the door knocks lasting 15 minutes were followed by a boom and a thud, Haith grabbed his AR-15 semi-automatic from under his bed and slowly crept into the hallway.
“I peeked around the corner, saw a tall, slender black gentleman standing over me with a pistol,” said Haith.
When the intruder shot at Haith with a 9mm and missed, he fired back. The bullet pierced the suspect’s stomach and shoulder.
“That was my round,” said Haith. “Evidently, it went through his body and struck the wall.”
Pandemonium followed, and the intruder scurried out. An apparent getaway vehicle spun out of Haith’s yard to pick up the intruder, who had collapsed outside of a day care up the street.
By that time, Haith had dialed 911.
“Once-in-a-lifetime incident that I hope doesn’t happen again,” said Haith.
The Vance County Sheriff’s Office hasn’t officially released any details of the incident.
According to Haith, both the driver and the shooter were taken into custody. He says the intruder who he shot was last listed in critical condition at the hospital.
Yea. Once in a lifetime. That’s may be what Mr. Stephen Bayezes thought too, but I guess it’s nice to have the accuracy of a rifle combined with the capability of repeat fire when your life is at stake – once in a lifetime or not.
And I thought those awful “military-style” weapons had no place in the home?
On May 13, 2014 at 2:42 pm, Doug Kursk said:
It’s good that he had his AR-15, but you can see the potential problem with a high velocity round at close quarters: namely, a bullet that can pass right through the body and leave multiple wounds but still allow the intruder a chance to disable or kill you ( in this case, the intruder could have fired several more times before collapsing or running away..)
My ideal of a home defense arm is a Defender shotgun with a mixture of #00 buck and slugs. I hit a baddie with a slug in the stomach (or anywhere for that matter!), and he is not getting back up.
Anyhow, good on the homeowner regardless..a firearm at hand will save your life!!
On May 13, 2014 at 3:02 pm, Herschel Smith said:
But a pistol-caliber round can do the same thing. The perp wouldn’t have been able to function for long. For more on 5.56 yaw in flight and tissue damage see:
On May 13, 2014 at 3:02 pm, Paul B said:
That is a good shoot.
I would 2nd the shot gun, but I have to make my self safe at home with a 9mm. So I use hornaday Critical defense to even the odds somewhat.