Using Water As A Weapon Of War

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

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In a war, anything can be a weapon. In a particularly ruthless war, such as the conflict that has been raging in Syria for more than three years, those weapons are often turned against civilians, making any semblance of normal life impossible. Such is the case, experts say, with the way the nation’s water supply is being manipulated to inflict suffering on the population.

According to an article posted by Chatham House, a London-based independent policy institute, water infrastructure has been targeted by both sides in the conflict, leading to crippling disruptions in water supply over the last several months in cities such as Aleppo, Homs and Hama. The disabling of water treatment plants has led to a reported increase in waterborne diseases such as typhoid.

According to Chatham House researcher and fellow Nouar Shamout, the war has only worsened an already complicated and precarious water situation. ISIS, the Islamist rebel group that has seized control of many parts of Syria and northern Iraq, controls key parts of the water infrastructure in the regionally crucial Euphrates River system, including Al-Raqqa dam, which supplies one-fifth of Syria’s electricity and controls irrigation flows downstream.

Shamout writes:

The Euphrates River, which provides 65 per cent of the country’s water needs, is also experiencing a dangerous decrease in its flow rates. This is likely to be due to a combination of factors: decades of poor water management, current neglect of water infrastructure on the Euphrates, and the absence of any coordination between Syria and upstream Turkey regarding the river flow. As a result, in late May, the river dried up downstream of Al-Raqqa city, depriving many downstream towns of water. The water level of Al-Assad Lake — Syria’s largest reservoir, which provides irrigation for some 500 square miles of agricultural land and all of Aleppo’s drinking water — has dropped by six meters since ISIS took control in January. If the lake loses one more meter the water system will stop working. This will leave more than four million inhabitants without access to safe water. This could result in a humanitarian catastrophe that would overwhelm agencies on the ground.

The article devolves at that point, with analysis by Peter Gleick about how water is one of the causes of the current conflict.  In fact, the conflict is caused by militant Islam and criminal warlords (and Islam, given its history and inherent problems and self contradiction, welcomes criminal warlords).

But up until that point the article is worth heeding in its warnings.  For those of us who believe that the current system and infrastructure cannot and will not continue due to the ideological and moral rot at its core, there are a number of object lessons.

First of all, without logistics – and this includes ordnance, food, ammunition, water, clothing, hygiene products – an army cannot even survive, much less be effective and succeed.  But this goes for men and their families too.

Consider the recent example of Toledo, Ohio:

Water in Toledo, Ohio, and surrounding areas remained officially undrinkable Sunday evening, more than 24 hours after a do-not-drink order went into place for 500,000 people.

Water at a Toledo treatment plant tested positive for a toxin on Saturday, leading the governor to declare a state of emergency in three counties, state officials told the Los Angeles Times.

[ … ]

Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared a state of emergency for residents of Lucas, Wood and Fulton counties early Saturday after two water samples from a Toledo treatment plant tested positive for microcystin, a toxin possibly caused by an algae bloom in Lake Erie.

[ … ]

Earlier Saturday, state officials warned residents in Toledo and surrounding areas not to drink, or even boil, the water tainted with microcystin, which can cause nausea and impair liver function.

This incident presumably has natural causes, and yet it has literally shut down Toledo’s water supply.  Consider the damage that could be done with intentional and malicious actions by, say, terrorists bent on inflicting death and destruction.

The same could be said of terrorist actions against the nation’s electrical grid, as we’ve discussed before here, here and here.  Without electricity, the nation’s financial system and manufacturing infrastructure comes to a halt.  But the issue of water and other essential logistics is even more pernicious in that the lack of it means certain death, and very quickly.

In addition to death without it, it means certain violence and pandemonium among those who are deprived of it.  Those who are left without the requirements for life will lose patience quickly with efforts to find them, and thievery and killing ensues.

If the lack of water and other requirements for life is pernicious because of the very nature of basic necessities, what man can do with that need is even more pernicious because nature isn’t evil.  Man is.

Suppose that the state decides to approach the basic necessities of life as a means to ensure their own survival and power?  You and your clan are then at the mercy of the authorities unless you have the means to provide those necessities yourself without state support (and it goes without saying, without state interference).

The Islamists have already learned to do that, and in fact used the electrical grid, drainage systems, sewage systems, and water supply as weapons of war during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  The Syrian authorities and ISIS are not the first to do this.  The Roman Empire long before had learned to use water as a means of control over the population.

… powerful individuals followed legislation on rural water use with considerable interest. Water was always central for crops and animals, and the access to and right to use rivers, torrents, lakes, ponds,springs and wells was of paramount importance. Thus there should always have been much attention paid to legislation dealing with irrigation and rural water rights and servitudes.

Again, one could substitute electricity, food and other necessities here, but the best example is the most extreme.  Don’t believe for a second that the modern counterinsurgency theorists haven’t thought of basic needs as keys to populations, e.g., see Kilcullen’s own prose on this subject.

This era’s unprecedented urbanization is concentrated in the least developed areas of Asia, Latin America and Africa.  The data shows that coastal cities are about to be swamped by a human tide that will force them to absorb—in less than 40 years—almost the entire increase in population absorbed by the whole planet, in all of recorded human history up to 1960. And virtually all this urbanization will happen in the world’s least developed areas, by definition the poorest equipped to handle it—a recipe for conflict, crises in health, education and governance, and food, energy and water scarcity.

Rapid urbanization creates economic, social and governance challenges while simultaneously straining city infrastructure, making the most vulnerable cities less able to meet these challenges. The implications for future conflict are profound, with more people fighting over scarcer resources in crowded, under-serviced and under-governed urban areas.

There is no specific recipe for success against terrorists, whether foreign or your own government, except to know and read the signs of the times, think about your options, and be prepared.

UPDATE #1: What It’s Like To Die Of Thirst

As this barbarism continues, I asked Jeffrey Berns, president-elect of the National Kidney Foundation and a nephrologist at the University of Pennsylvania, what these children may be going through.

“Thirst, as you probably know, is one of the most potent drives for behavior we have. It may be the most potent we have, more than even hunger,” he said.

“People are going to be miserable.”

The body is about 60 percent water, and under normal conditions, he said, an average person will lose about a quart of water each day by sweating and breathing and another one to three quarts by urinating, he said. In the heat and under more difficult physical conditions, that amount increases, he said.

If it’s not replaced over time and dehydration becomes severe, cells throughout the body will begin to shrink as water moves out of them and into the blood stream, part of the body’s efforts to keep the organs perfused in fluid.

“All the cells will shrink,” Berns said, “but the ones that count are the brain cells. They don’t operate normally when they’re’ shrinking.” Changes in mental status will follow, including confusion and ultimately coma, he said. As the brain becomes smaller, it takes up less room in the skull and blood vessels connecting it to the inside of the cranium can pull away and rupture.

This man, who died of dehydration, during a wilderness survival exercise, suffered delirium and hallucinations before he succumbed, according to an Associated Press investigation.

Victims’ kidneys may shut down first, Berns said, as they continue to lack access to both water and salt. The kidneys cleanse the blood of waste products which, under normal conditions, are excreted in urine. Without water, blood volume will decline and all the organs will start to fail, he said. Kidney failure will soon lead to disastrous consequences and ultimately death as blood volume continues to fall and waste products that should be eliminated from the body remain.

Also see WRSA.

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  1. On August 4, 2014 at 8:18 am, MattBracken said:

    Instead of buying another M-4gery, serious preppers should work on a water supply that does NOT depend on a city water pipe. Or electricity, for that matter.

  2. On August 5, 2014 at 10:27 am, pdxr13 said:

    When you hear “water supply”, think not of a pipe with a meter.

    Supply will be that which you control/conceal/protect, and should be measured in thousands of gallons (at least one dry season) of clean water stored on land you own. In-ground bladder tanks are inexpensive. Refill the tank from clean roof catchment.

    Consider “drinking” quality water tank as well as a larger “watering/washing” quality tank and the ability to upgrade from the larger to the smaller by filtering/processing. Grey water is used, slightly contaminated (dishwashing, hand washing, showering) water that can be applied directly to garden (or filtered and distilled back to drinking-quality if blessed with time and energy). Black water is sewage. Handle like RV tankage.

    “Pool Shok” is really cheap now, compared to any other sterilizing agent. It’s corrosive (chlorine), so don’t store with metal tools or near electrical things.

    Water in tanks is really heavy and can exceed safe floor load in standard construction above concrete foundation surface. Consider leaks and drains.

    People were civilized for thousands of years without electricity, but not without water.
    Prioritize accordingly.

  3. On October 28, 2014 at 12:14 am, Achmed West said:

    Looks like it’s time to start building our own Karez systems. If we can no longer use aquifer water due to their destruction, caused by fracking, then a structured surface collection capability will be necessary.

  4. On September 16, 2014 at 9:47 pm, ensitue said:

    Done and DONE

  5. On August 5, 2014 at 1:54 pm, Ohio John said:

    Well water and a gravity fed septic system were a must when I bought my new house. My well was shallow enough that I could hook up a hand pump to the incoming water line and can, with little effort, suck water through the well pump into my basement. People on city water are screwed when the lights go out.

    I have also installed a hand pump where my sump pump is. There always seems to be water under the foundation and I planed on using this water for flushing the toilets and other things that don’t require potable water. I have a much larger bilge pump for that. I also purchased several rebuild kits for all the working parts.

    During the East Coast blackout the water went out and that was a great wake up call. I try to explain this to other but most just laugh at me behind my back. The joke is sadly on them.

  6. On November 3, 2014 at 5:03 am, Bill Daigle said:

    We are fortunate enough to have a deep well, city water has lately come to us but I kept all the other system working, back up generator will get me through such a time till I devise a way to hand draw the water if necessary.

  7. On August 5, 2014 at 7:39 pm, John Stanley said:

    Get NEAR a source where you can A.) depend-upon water being present, even during a drought, B.) where you can collect water unobserved, if necessary, C.) where you can conceal a means of drawing-in water, by human-power, if an electrical pump cannot be used. Think not only about big, flexible vessels, but about “carried” vessels. Can YOU carry a jerry can or two, over a distance? What about a pack frame with a shelf, so you can pack a jerry can. What about smaller-capacity vessels, that you or your crew can actually carry, over the ground in your area. What about a mountain bike with panier racks, or even one of those cargo trailers? Yeah, I know, you have gas and a truck, NOW. Do you have a portable filter, for on-the-trail, and a larger filter, for you base? Filters can be expensive, now, but wait and see what they cost when the “regular” water become unavailable. I heard a guy who saw storage efforts underway, and he said, “I’d rather die of thirst.” No,no, you WOULDN’T.

  8. On August 5, 2014 at 10:49 pm, pjb1 said:

    it’s an even larger problem than mere drinking water. Many people depend on gardens and small livestock for food. These consume way more water than people do (when you get down toward minimums necessary for life).

  9. On August 16, 2014 at 1:55 pm, Sand box water guy said:

    Ages ago, some U.S. Group taught the taliban to wage war with water. The taliban destroyed the afghan watershed, dooming the country to subsistence living and population levels. Exactly what the U.N. and world bank want to see. Israel and the U.N. Are carrying the water war forward to decrease the threat to Israel, a d further the Israeli/U.N. Agenda 21.

  10. On October 28, 2014 at 12:01 am, Other sand box water guy said:

    Right on! So the U.N. And world bank tell isaf and dos not to replant the water shed, minimizing future crop choices. This sorta sets the maximum population level that the land will support. Then, usaid teaches the Afghans with sex ed and the population booms well past the level the land will support. The average Afghan family of 7 used 35 gallons of water per day. The average Afghan family of 11 to 14 uses much more water than the land will support. If you can water them, you can then sell or trade the girls into slavery. Then, you get the U.N. The world bank, and usaid to feed tube wells and diesel pumps to farmers and Taliban alike. The water table drops 10 meters per year until tube wells no longer pull water. Poppy uses 1.5 acre feet of water so protect the poppy crop and further reduce the water supply. Force the modern poppy family to use 135 family years of water each year while the barely surviving normal Afghan family uses 1 and fights for it. After we leave, and the free pumps, tube wells, and free fuel go away. The 2500 to 3200 gallon per process heroin labs accelerate, and poppy fields expand, it won’t be 10 years before massive famine and drought start hurting the Kharzai Cartel, forcing him back to Chicago.

  11. On September 3, 2014 at 3:45 am, lg teknik servis said:

    Thank you for the beautiful topic, that you provide to us

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