Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
Rejecting calls for more federal gun laws by the Rabbinical Council of America and the Orthodox Union, a dozen rabbis have issued a joint statement rebuking the position of those groups, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership announced Monday in a member alert and press release.
Offering their statement “in support of Jewish law, Jewish life and Jewish self-defense,” the dissenting rabbis refuted justifications given by the religious groups for promoting disarmament edicts … “Jewish history supports self-defense,” the rabbis declared. “It is remarkable that the RCA and OU have ignored the long Jewish history of persecution.
Of course it does. My Christians, The Second Amendment And The Duty Of Self Defense relies on Biblical law – including O.T. law – for the case for self defense. Jews are like “Christians” (I use quotes), in that some folks who call themselves Christians are not (perhaps a lot of folks), and while being Jewish is an ethnic thing, believing Biblical law isn’t. There are many Jews who would sell out their own people. Jews they are not. Remember, I’ve talked to one.
Mike Vanderboegh on the hidden hazards of MRAPs. Yea, that’s not all. Watch over time and see just how many police forces will give them back or let them rot and rust in the fields or parking lots, unable to pay the thousands of dollars to buy a new tire when one goes flat, or send them back for maintenance because no one around them knows how to work on them. This is especially true given the unfunded liabilities America faces, helping along the process of telling police that their retirements are in jeopardy (like Memphis had to do), or telling the Miami-Dade police they may no longer have jobs.
Many assume police officers are rigorously trained before being allowed to patrol the streets.
But drive through rural Louisiana and it’s possible to be stopped by a law enforcement officer who’s never experienced a day of police academy and instruction on use of force, stressful scenarios and physical fitness that comes with it. Sometimes, an eight-hour firearms training and on-the-job guidance is all an officer gets before starting work as a salaried, gun-toting, arrest-making officer.
Due to a permissive aspect of state law, a hodgepodge of different standards can crop up from one small agency to the next. It’s a pattern experts say puts police departments, and the public, at risk.
You mean that cops aren’t trained as much as I am, and as much as I pursue on a regular basis for requalification with my firearm? Actually, I’m not so much convinced that the problem is with training. The problem stems from seeing themselves as something other than peace officers who are servants of the people.
The U.S. Army is worried about too few black officers and thus is making plans to increase said minority in the officer corps. And the diminution of the armed forces continues unabated.
Islamist police in Saudi Arabia have stormed a Christian prayer meeting and arrested its entire congregation, including women and children, and confiscated their bibles, it has been reported.
The raid was the latest incident of a swingeing crackdown on religious minorities in Saudi Arabia by the country’s hard-line Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
The 28 Christians were said to be worshipping at the home of an Indian national in the eastern city of Khafji, when the police entered the building and took them into custody. They have not been seen or heard from since, raising concerns among human rights groups as to their whereabouts.
To all such Islamists: May God bring your plans to naught. May your families revile you, may you lose your women and children, may you become sick and perish in ignominy. Before you perish, may you watch as your country diminishes to ashes, may you see your belongings stolen from under your nose, may your children curse and strike you, and may your weeping be loud so that your countrymen can hear your lamentations.
And if you ever try that here, I will shoot your ass off and your intestines out of your stomach and leave your body for the vultures to consume, right after pouring swine innards over your open wounds.
On September 16, 2014 at 11:22 am, Tal said:
I agree with your last paragraph wholeheartedly.