Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 4 months ago
The Brady Campaign announced Tuesday that it is suing four online retailers of ammunition, firearm accessories, and body armor, for their ostensible culpability in the murder of 12, and injuries to scores of others, in the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre in 2012. Neither Lucky Gunner, Sportsman’s Guide,, nor BTP Arms pulled any triggers in this atrocity, of course, nor have they been charged with any criminal wrongdoing, and nor is there even any indication that any of them are or have been under investigation for any such crime.
Kurt further observes that “All four of the retailers are accused of wrongdoing for selling these items to an alleged user of illegal drugs–with exactly zero mention of how they were supposed to have been aware of that. Then again, we have seen before that the Brady Campaign believes that gun and ammunition dealers should be punished for their lack of psychic powers.”
Read the rest. What the Brady campaign really wants is universal background checks as a prelude to confiscation. The Brady bunch is patient and willing to acquiesce to smaller steps towards their bigger goal. Fight them with all means necessary.
By the way, Mike Vanderboegh remarks in his post on this subject, “shoot any oddball calibers, that are unlikely to be found at any local shops? You’re out of luck … and out of ammo. And that is the whole idea.” Already thought about it. I looked in my safe the other day and saw .30 Carbine, 5.56 mm, .270, .40, .45, .38. .357 magnum, etc., and made the decision to divest myself of some of what I had. I will focus on 5.56 mm, .308, .270, .45 and .38 / .357 magnum. Not only am I concerned about oddball cartridges, I want to minimize my types and calibers.
“Attorney General Eric Holder is again asking a federal court to delay the transfer of disputed documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious to a House committee,” Politico reported Tuesday. “In a new court filing Monday night, Justice Department lawyers asked U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson not to require Holder to turn over any of the roughly 64,000 pages of documents to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee until after her rulings can be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.”
That should come as no surprise to readers of this column. It is, in fact, the only reaction experienced observers of the administration, the attorney general, and the issue should have expected …
Read David’s whole piece here. This is what happens when people without a moral compass rule others. Right becomes whatever the powers want it to be, whatever keeps them in power. whatever pet projects they have at the time. It’s Machiavellian. What is lawless and immoral for us – the shipment of weapons to criminal cartels so that they can kill other people – is right for them because it advances the anti-gun agenda by justifying their claims that American gun shops are arming the cartels.
The plight of Christians. “The kids were crying, and [my husband and I] were praying looking for a safe place along the way.” My goodness, my poor, dear fellow believers. Why didn’t you arm yourselves when you could, so that you could fight now?
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