Jersey City And Responsible Gun Manufacturers
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 3 months ago
News from communist controlled territory:
A Pennsauken-based weapons and ammunition supply company is set to win a $500,000 contract to provide firearms and ammo to Jersey City police under new rules that Mayor Steve Fulop has said will help “shape the dialogue” on gun control nationwide.
Lawmen Supply Company, one of two bidders for the contract, had to answer questions regarding how it handles firearms it purchases back from the city, whether it manufactures or sells assault weapons for civilian use and whether it agrees not to sell certain firearms for civilian use.
Jersey City is the first municipality to seek this kind of information about suppliers’ practices. Seattle and other cities are reportedly interested in replicating the city’s initiative.
The questions, which have raised the ire of gun rights advocates, are “socially responsible,” according to Jersey City. Fulop, who will travel to Los Angeles today to participate on a panel on gun violence, has said that in the absence of nationwide legislation to curb gun violence, big-city mayors must act.
Lawmen’s bid was about $10,000 higher than the only other bidder — Atlantic Tactical, of Pennsylvania — but the city said Lawman’s bid “best met the needs of the department.”
The questionnaires the city required the bidders to fill out show Lawmen said it does not sell weapons to civilians …
Shape the dialogue, huh? There’s only one problem with all of this. Neither Lawmen’s nor Atlantic Tactical has anything to do with manufacturing anything. They are distributors and sellers. They are a middle man. There are ten thousand just like them, and it sounds like the boy-mayor of Jersey City is perhaps a little jealous over real manufacturing being driven South? Or does he not know that we’re taking gun jobs away from the North? I can get nice custom built firearms at Hyatt Gun Shop. I can go down to talk to the dozen or so gunsmiths at Hyatt and get more real manufacturing done than any of the bidders for this silly contract.
On September 30, 2014 at 11:45 am, NotWonderingAnymore said:
Ever notice how stupid always seems to win?
That’s because it’s protected because it’s on the “correct” side, and presents the “correct” points of view. Always commie.
On September 30, 2014 at 2:54 pm, SteadySteve said:
Can’t the real product manufacturers ban sales to this or any other business that complies with anti freedom measures?
On September 30, 2014 at 3:02 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Yes if they choose to. The problem is in getting manufacturers to agree to such measures.
On September 30, 2014 at 7:45 pm, Backwoods Engineer said:
Hyatt’s rocks.
On October 2, 2014 at 8:37 am, watkinsfred said:
Not driving after tossin’ a few is socially responsible. Paying $10000 more for the same stuff is fiscally irresponsible given the reason for the decision to pay the higher bidder. Where do these “scholars” come from anyway? Perhaps some real men in Jersey City may begin to think it socially responsible to remove such bright lights from their high political offices.