Hispanics Have Again Said They Favor Strict Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
As we’ve discussed before, Pew research recently performed a poll in which they concluded that “62 percent of Hispanics polled by Pew say they support controlling gun ownership, versus 45 percent for the nation.” Yet another more recent Pew study concludes the same thing, but with worse statistics than before.
Today, about six-in-ten whites (61%) prioritize gun rights over gun control. By contrast, only about a third of blacks say this (34%) while six-in-ten (60%) say it is more important to control gun ownership. And Hispanics prioritize gun control over gun rights by a wide 71% to 25% margin.
And yet these are the people whom the government is allowing to cross the border, even abetting their permanent residency here, with states like Texas and Arizona deeply implicated in Hispanic voter proclivities.
On December 11, 2014 at 5:21 pm, TexTopCat said:
It would be interesting to determine if the Hispanics in the polls were all legal citizens. Certainly, Hispanics that come here from Mexico have never experienced healthy gun ownership or use by anyone other than corrupt police or drug gangs.
On December 11, 2014 at 5:39 pm, McThag said:
“Hispanic” is a chimera. Around here the Cubans are damn near 100% gun owners. I think what they mean by “hispanic” is Mexican.
On December 11, 2014 at 9:31 pm, Vox said:
Abuelita doesn’t want to have to fear for li’l Paco’s life every time he
knocks over a liquor store or tries to shank a cop or tries to rape some gringa puta. “Muh baby dindu
nuffin” in Spanish. He’s just a high-spirited yoot, he was with a bad crowd, he just got out of de peni-ma-tentiary, he was turning his life around, he wuz struggling with drug addiction, etc., etc., etc.
This is why borders, language, culture, blood and soil, matter. These ideas that Northern and Western European white men have about ordered liberty, about a state with limited, enumerated powers–the rest of the world doesn’t share them. The rest of the world prioritizes security over liberty–and those are their ways, they have the right to make that choice. But they are not us. And they don’t belong here. This is our country. They have a country of their own and they should be encouraged to stay there.
On December 11, 2014 at 11:43 pm, dan said:
the CUBANS lost their country because of GUN CONTROL….if they like that so much …they can return to their island nation and take their desires with them….imho
On December 11, 2014 at 11:52 pm, dan said:
the Hispanics in Florida that own guns and vote for ANY democrat…REALLY need to educate themselves….for the most part a vote for democrat’s encourages them to TAKE your rights and guns away from you…and if you would learn from the history of your fathers and grandfathers who would never vote for a democrat since the DEMOCRAT’s..left their countrymen on the beach at the ‘bay of pigs’…many were killed and most were jailed…and this was done by DEMOCRAT’s….imho
On December 12, 2014 at 1:34 am, McThag said:
The Latino types that are Democrats in the Tampa area seem to mostly be of the New York and New Jersey Puerto Rican variety. This is why I say that “hispanic” is a chimera. There’s no unified block of hispanic voters, each sub-nationality seems to hate each other with a near pathological fervor. The local Cubans seem to understand that it was a lack of being able to fight back that cost the place to Castro, but they’re also the descendants of Cubans who left to practice the cigar making trade rather than those who left after Castro took power.
On December 12, 2014 at 7:43 pm, Russell Sperber said:
“Hispanics Have Again Said They Favor Strict Gun Control” – because it works so well in the countries they are coming from.