Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years ago
With an administration policy abetting immigration by disparate cultures with incongruous goals, such attacks may be inevitable. If and when one does happen, the probability is that it will occur in an area where private carrying of firearms has not been normalized, and is discouraged or outright prohibited. As for any and all laws in place, the attackers will ignore them, as they always do.
I think David is saying – with some degree of regret for those to whom he refers – that there will be a price to pay for your collectivist voting history. You are an easier target for the terrorists.
New House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz took his first action for the new congress by renewing the subpoena to compel Attorney General Eric Holder to produce documents related to Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” …
We’ll see where this goes. But Jason Chaffetz, for all of his appearances to oppose the establishment, is an establishment kid. If he likes Boehner, that says something about his character.
So now, any gunsmith or machinist who is hired by the “gun” owner to complete the machining is going to be ruled to have “manufactured” a gun, and will thus be held to the same restrictions that apply to all commercial gun manufacturers. The BATFE is insisting on having its cake and eating it, too. They have previously argued that an 80% receiver ceases to be an 80% receiver, and becomes a “firearm,” if the manufacturer does so much as scratch an outline showing where material needs to be milled away; but now, if the buyer of what the BATFE recognizes as an incomplete receiver similarly removes some of the material that must be removed in order to make the receiver function in a firearm, and then turns it over to a skilled professional gunsmith or machinist to finish the work, the professional ends up being considered the one to have “manufactured” the gun.
In order to understand how Kurt got to this point you have to read his entire article. I was shaking my head. I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised almost daily at the control freaks who make up the federal government.
Mike Vanderboegh on the thin blue line. So here are two questions. First, when is the last time you “lost a rifle?” Second, when is the last time you shot at a dog, missed and killed someone? Readers can weigh in.
Mike Vanderboegh: Ghostly Echoes From History, Part IV. Mike begins with my favorite quote from John Adams. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” This is a pregnant statement and perhaps we’ll explore it in detail one day too. In the mean time, read Mike.
On January 8, 2015 at 7:45 am, Haywood Jablome said:
I think you are right about Chaffetz. He was co-opted by the establishment early with the promises of prominence and he bit HARD. Just like Flake. Until they (politicians) think there are consequences, it will happen again. Unlike other people, I really don’t have much faith in enough people taking the time and effort to educate themselves on what is going on. They are too busy watching The View and The Voice. I really do hope I’m wrong though….
On January 8, 2015 at 12:28 pm, Lina Inverse said:
It is obvious at this point that John Adams was correct. We are no longer “a moral and religious people” (why doesn’t matter for the sake of this observation, although one can quibble quite successfully on the Left being religious), and we are almost entirely no longer governed by the Constitution he spoke of, except, perhaps, for the new peculiar institution of civilian gun ownership.