James Wesley Rawles On Unexercised Rights
BY Herschel Smith
Much like a muscle that atrophies with disuse, any right that goes unexercised for many years devolves into a privilege, and eventually can even be redefined as a crime.
Open carry was once the norm. Concerning our founders, “Their laws about children and guns were strict: every family was required to own a gun, to carry it in public places (especially when going to church) and to train children in firearms proficiency. On the first Thanksgiving Day, in 1621, the colonists and the Indians joined together for target practice; the colonist Edward Winslow wrote back to England that “amongst other recreations we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us.”
If we want a culture where open carry is once again the norm, the only way to effect that change is to open carry on a regular basis to make it the norm.
On February 18, 2015 at 11:16 pm, zeus234 said:
First to agree tha open carry should be normal, and it looks likes more and more people are starting to and the more that do the more people will get used to the sight of a gun and not freak out. Not only long arms but handguns. Which is really odd that here in OR. we can open carry with no license or anything else, and we are (ARG)deep blue.