Police K-9 Attacks Little Boy
BY Herschel Smith
VIRGINIA BEACH — New video obtained by 13News Now shows the painful moment a Virginia Beach Police K9 bit a young boy Tuesday.
The child was bitten during the apprehension of a bank robbery suspect in Virginia Beach.
Police were attempting to find 26-year-old Joshua Allen–a suspect in Monday’s Wells Fargo bank robbery–at American Best Value Inn on Northampton Blvd.
Virginia Beach Police Chief James Cervera said Wednesday that the officer involved was seasoned and they took every precaution possible to prevent an accidental bite while searching the motel.
“The individual we were looking for, we had every reason to believe was armed and every reason to believe he would use violence,” Cervera said.
He explained that the boy ran from behind a corner without warning and the dog reacted.
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“I turned to walk back to the hotel room, I reach the sidewalk, I see the K9 with one officer coming down the sidewalk. My son was already standing outside where he went through a pass way to get to the front of the hotel by the vending machine. He yelled ‘mom.’ I said: ‘Cameran – get back into the hotel room!’ and that’s when the dog grabbed him and bit him from behind.”
“As the K9 team was moving into position to assist in the arrest of the suspect an 11-year-old boy emerged from a corridor of the motel and ran into the K9 dog,” police said in a press release. “The K9 dog reacted by biting the child. First aid was immediately rendered to the child and officers remained with the child and his mother until rescue responded.”
Police say it appears the child was bitten once by the dog, but pictures provided by the family show more than a single wound to Cameran.
Gosh. I hate it when that happens to me, and given the number of kids running around in our neighborhood, Heidi, my 82 pound Doberman, rips open a lot of flesh since I have no control over her.
On March 12, 2015 at 11:55 am, Archer said:
Police dogs serve several vital functions, but it can’t be credibly argued that “attack” isn’t one of them.
So they’re attack dogs.
And dogs, no matter how well-trained, are not machines, and occasionally will make mistakes and attack the wrong person. If the dog were yours or mine, we’d be facing hefty criminal charges, our reputations would be ruined because we raise “vicious attack dogs”, and the neighborhood SJWs would be out in force demanding enhancements on dog ownership and licensing laws and breed restrictions.
But because this is an “Only One” dog, nobody’s accountable (except the victim) and nothing will happen.
On March 12, 2015 at 7:11 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
At least this time they rendered aid instead of just ventilating the child. This time. But right – Police dogs have killed other dogs, attacked the wrong guy, etc, and no one’s liable. In some places, I wouldn’t be surprised of the LEO’s shouted to the one who is being incorrectly attacked: “Stop resisting!”
And if the dog’s handler “forgets” and leaves the dog in the car all day – and the dog expires – after a lengthy investigation, nothing happens either. “Justice”!
On March 16, 2015 at 1:28 pm, Bill Daigle said:
I’d bet if your or my dog bit a kid the po po would put a round in the dog without lookin up…and maybe toss the owner in the back seat…definitely not a level playing field
On March 16, 2015 at 2:05 pm, Archer said:
I wouldn’t take that bet; you’d win.
Conversely, if a police dog bit your or my kid and we put a round in the K-9, we’d definitely be tossed in the back seat … assuming we survive the beating we’d receive on-site for “resisting arrest” and “assaulting a police officer”.
Even with the roles a K-9 plays in police work, equating a dog with a police officer is, I think, a step too far. It elevates a dog‘s life and purpose above those of a human citizen. Given that hierarchy, it’s no wonder some cops show such contempt for the citizens in their communities.
On March 16, 2015 at 3:37 pm, Bill Daigle said:
It’s not new, I worked security alarms in the early 70’s in Houston , Tx. I watched many times as dogs were used for everything from pursuit to lie detector examiners. Saw the cops handcuff a non english speaking guy to a live steam pipe while they let the dog lunge at him, the kid would jump and hit the hot pipe and jump again then the dog would over amp…on and on…the guy did eventually learn english and was arrested after his conscience took over and confessed to the break in. But that was common stuff, along with beating ” confessions ” out of alleged ne’er do wells. For an acccurate picture of those days you can google Rudy Torres. Dogs were and I believe still are a good measure of how loose the cops are.
On March 13, 2015 at 8:00 am, Bill Daigle said:
Why was the mother not charged with child endangerment for allowing a child to be around or near the police ?? Agree also with the others, dam lucky there wasn’t a large and inappropriate number of rounds fired.
On March 15, 2015 at 2:39 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
I Wouldn’t be surprised if they considered that, Bill. Or charge the child with endangering the police attack dog.
On March 14, 2015 at 4:05 pm, StBernardnot said:
I’ve said it before, & I say it again: You gotta’ hire a pig that’s smarter than the dog!
On March 24, 2015 at 4:31 am, J Mangasarian said:
Police should be aware of their K9 dogs when they were surrounded with people specially when they were in streets. It so sad to know if a K9 Dog that save life from a bomb threat bite an innocent child.