Virginia Beach Police Captain Shoots Fellow Officer While Cleaning His Gun
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 2 months ago
Camden County, NC – A Virginia Beach Police lieutenant was accidentally shot by a VBPD captain on Wednesday evening during firearms training, according to the Camden County Sheriff’s Office.
The officers were conducting firearms training at Academi, located at 850 Pudding Ridge Road in Camden County.
At the conclusion of the training, Captain Michael Ronan was cleaning his weapon and it discharged, striking Lieutenant Johnny Gandy in the arm.
The victim was taken to Chesapeake Regional Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. He was treated and released and is recovering at home.
No criminal charges are expected. However, the Virginia Beach Police Department will complete an internal investigation and review training and safety protocols.
Gosh, I hate it when that happens to me. I remember the last time I shot somebody while cleaning my gun around other people, gun loaded and everything. It sucked because they did a “safety protocol investigation” and all that crap. No charges though. I’m glad the dude I shot understood that shit happens.
On November 9, 2015 at 2:38 pm, Jack Crabb said:
And the magic-blue-costumed ones are supposed to be the only ones that can be trusted with firearms…