Islam’s 2016 European Offensive
BY Herschel Smith
Matt Bracken has written a very important essay, but before I get to that, I wanted to preface his essay with a few remarks.
Matt deals with a number of very important things, spending much of his effort in the where, what and wherefore of the vice set up for peaceable men and women across the globe. We are under increasing pressure from many sides, and Matt explores that in his essay with his focus on (1) Islam, (2) International Socialism, and (3) Nationalism. His essay is a treatise in history, and one which is largely unparalleled in my opinion.
But Matt’s audience isn’t necessarily theologically committed, nor is it his purpose to address the ideological underpinnings of these three nefarious movements and their common moral malfunction. In other words, the “why” was not explored in this essay, and that I think was purposeful. Furthermore, Matt’s exploration into the “why” of things might differ from my own.
My own views are clear to regular readers. I am a committed Christian, specifically a Calvinist. I do not apologize one iota for my system of doctrine. Islam is a devilish political religion concocted by a syphilitic pedophile for the purpose of keeping a band of warlords and murderers together. Statism in all of its forms is evil, pernicious, and a foul odor in the nostrils of God. There is only one God, and one true religion, and our way to reconciliation with Him is through His son, Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man. He (Jesus) demands fealty, He sits in the heavens and mocks the rulers of this age, and He will judge them in both time and eternity.
Jews didn’t cause our problem. Bankers – for all of their evil with fractional reserve banking – are a sign of the times and have the same cause as all of the other evils I am discussing. Statists are the same as Islamists, who are the same as the banking cabal, who is the same as the current administration and most previous ones, and (here is the hard part for readers) who is the same as the voting electorate who put them in place. They are all servants of the evil one.
Bankers wouldn’t have power if politicians didn’t grant it to them and men avoided debt, and the politicians wouldn’t be in power if the voters hadn’t voted themselves more largesse. The root cause of all of this is a rejection of the Son of man, the God-man Christ Jesus, and his demands for our lives, and His holy law for the governance of men. But contrary to the demands of the false God Allah, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. He is a God of love and light, not of darkness and death as is the false god of Allah, or the false god of mammon.
Finally, the men who forged this nation (Samuel Rutherford, John Adams, etc.) split with the English over much less than what we face. We are a pitiful men, worthy of everything we are suffering now. God grant us the strength to stand when it matters, and the wisdom to know how and when.
As for Matt’s essay, he is published at WRSA and Gates of Vienna. Here is a teaser in case you haven’t already read his essay.
Right now, approximately a million new Muslim migrants are engaged in a struggle to find a warm place to sleep in a continent with nothing approaching the capacity to adequately house them. At least 75% of the migrant invaders are Muslim men of fighting age. Native-born ethnic Germans, Swedes and others are being thrown onto the street to provide emergency housing for Muslim “refugees.” Tens of thousands of migrants are currently living in tents, and in temporary shelters like school gymnasiums and underused warehouses.
There will be no means of finding or creating permanent quarters for them before the Central European blizzards come. When the snow is deep in Germany and across Europe, these men are going to enter local houses, demanding to be taken in as boarders—or else. Where it is useful, small migrant children will be held up in front as human shields for their emotional blackmail value; elsewise, they will be discarded. One way or the other, Muslim migrants will be attempting to move inside of German homes and apartments seeking heat and food, and the young Muslim men will be seeking undefended infidel or kafir women to slake their lust (which is their right, under Islamic Sharia law).
In disarmed Europe, any group of a dozen or more cold, hungry and angry Muslim men armed with clubs and knives will be able to enter any German house or business that they like. Worse, there are now reports of vast quantities of firearms being smuggled into Europe by the muhajirs, with cowed European authorities afraid to search the migrants or their baggage, lest they provoke riots. And weapons are not only smuggled in “refugee” baggage: eight hundred assault-style shotguns were just seized in a single truck in northern Italy, bound from Turkey to Belgium. How many truckloads of weapons and explosives have not been stopped?
In Germany, even before the winter snows, the migrants are flash mobbing and looting shops and stores. Seeking to forestall a social eruption, police do not respond until the mobs have safely departed. For now, the German government is paying these store owners for their lost merchandise, but this cannot continue forever. Businesses are closing and Germans are retreating in fear, as the muhajirs learn that they can invade private property and rob Germans without repercussions, convincing them even further of the docile passivity of their hosts, and the inevitability of their ultimate hijra invasion success.
As attacks mount, the German police will nearly always fall out on the side of the traitor-elite politicians who pay their salaries, and they will not come to the rescue of besieged ethnic Germans. At least, not under official orders, or in uniform. This calculated disregard by the international socialist elites for the safety and welfare of ordinary German citizens will in time lead to vigilantism and death squad actions by “off-duty” German military and police personnel. They will be acting against their “hands off the Muslims” orders, which are ultimately emanating from Brussels. And in time, enough firearms will find their way from the military, police and black markets into the hands of ordinary European nationalists for them to mount an armed resistance.
Things are going to get dicey. Never give up your guns. You will need them.
On December 1, 2015 at 11:21 am, Blake said:
On December 1, 2015 at 12:38 pm, Blake said:
I read Mr. Bracken’s essay and the thought that came to mind is this: The devil is dancing with glee at the idea of two totalitarian systems going to war with each other, because, in the end, Satan will get what he wants.
Satan is after a one world government and cares not whether it is Islam or Socialism. Either one will do when it comes to destroying Christianity.
Consider this: If Islam wins, Christians lose their heads.
If Socialism wins, Christians will be persecuted because Socialism just fought a war against “religious extremists” that ended after massive bloodshed. Socialism will then decree that “religious extremism” is outlawed and possibly punishable by death.
Thinking things through further, Islam may very well be the bloody catalyst that bring about the one world government.
I’m discounting the idea that nationalism survives, because it will be caught between two ideologies that consider nationalism a threat to their existence.
Of course, God has the final say and I do not claim to be a prophet of God.
On December 1, 2015 at 1:23 pm, MattBracken said:
What amazing times we have the fortune to live in. No matter what else, we’re going to have front row seats to the great climactic battle. Is that a blessing or a curse? I guess it depends on what you do with your knowledge.
On December 1, 2015 at 3:32 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
Said it before and I’ll said it again: I am increasingly relieved not to live anywhere near a large coastal city.
On December 1, 2015 at 4:31 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Yea, for more reasons that meet the eye. If you believe Dave Kilcullen’s model, future insurgencies will be focused in the littoral regions, and thus the *.gov is focused there for COIN. And the *.gov listens to Kilcullen, I think.
On December 1, 2015 at 6:11 pm, Fred said:
The history of one world government goes back even further. I call the NWO by the name Babelists. God told us what to do in Gen 1:28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish
of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth.” Later in Gen 11:4 “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” God does not like it when we don’t do what he says so he scattered the people. The people have been trying ever since to create a one world system. The shiny one will be he that brings us closest but in the end only Christ Jesus will unite the world.
So I ask do these signs of the times mean the end is here. Maybe, maybe not. on the maybe side only the father knows that. On the maybe not side His word is clear. I don’t know about Europe but I do know what we in America are doing. 55 million dead babies, mixing of seed (had any salmon lately), homosexuality as equal to holy matrimony, unjust war after unjust war, and on and on. The US is in open rebellion which is a state of war against the LORD. We have declared war on God and we’re gonna lose and lose badly. We will suffer the same things that all unrepentant former followers suffer. Plague, war, famine, and pestilence. If we read our Holy Bible then what is happening to Europe is of no surprise at all and I have zero doubt that similar and worse are headed our way if we don’t repent.
Our humble host is precisely correct. The root cause of this is the rejection of Christ Jesus.