Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring Versus The Right To Self Defense
BY Herschel Smith
Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced Tuesday that the commonwealth will no longer recognize out-of-state concealed handgun permits, part of a national push to circumvent legislatures opposed to tightening gun laws.
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But Herring’s office could not say how many people are suspected of crossing into Virginia with concealed weapons to commit crimes …
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The states losing reciprocity are: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The Washington Post article comes via Mike Vanderboegh. As for Mr. Herring, he can’t prove that any crime has ever been committed in Virginia by an out-of-state concealed handgun permit holder, and he knows it. This is raw politics, progressive statist tactics to deprive men of their right to self defense. And as we’ve seen before, it’s more than a matter of mere politics, and even more than a matter of rights. It’s a matter of moral duty.
God expects men to defend themselves and their loved ones as a corollary to being created in His image. Second amendment or not, men must act to preserve life, their own and that of others. It is an obligation that attends being servants of the most high God, the only potentate and eternal ruler of the universe. Your actions, Mr. Herring, go to the heart of God’s expectations for man, and thus there is a deeply moral element to your seemingly political actions.
As I said, we’ve studied this time and time again, and so there is absolutely no question that Mr. Herring is interfering with man’s duty before God and thus has become a stumbling block for God’s chosen people. There is a whole host of questions and things to consider from this point forward.
For instance, what is the NRA going to do? If they’re worth two cents, they will go to war over this. What will Virginia LEOs do? If they enforce this sinful and unconstitutional law, they are no better than the current Governor and Attorney General Mr. Herring. I don’t care that those in power want this enforced. I don’t care that those in power were elected to that office.
Breaking covenant with God’s law means illegitimacy before mankind, and thus their laws must be disobeyed. I don’t want to hear from LEOs that the people of Virginia should elect better men, different men. The majority doesn’t have a right to decide when God’s laws are to be dishonored. If LEOs can’t stand the moral heat, it’s time to get out of the kitchen. These are weighty questions for weighty times. What will LEOs do? Seriously. LEOs should ponder hard on these words.
But one thing I can do about this is appeal to the most high King over these sinful actions. In the Christian faith there is a rich tradition of imprecatory prayers, and it’s a tool we don’t use often enough. It isn’t a substitute for action on our parts, but we must bath everything in prayer. The last time I prayed an imprecatory prayer it was over Arlen Specter and his support for abortion rights and another candidate who supported abortion rights. Soon after that prayer, Mr. Specter was diagnosed with cancer and left the senate. I don’t do this lightly. But Mr. Herring has forced my hand, and I feel led by the spirit to do this.
“Dear Lord of heaven and earth, whereas Mr. Herring has made it impossible for many of your servants, your children, those for whom your only begotten Son died on a rugged cross, to preserve their lives and the lives of those whom you love, Mr. Herring has declared himself to be your enemy. Tyrants need willing lieutenants to carry out their evil plans, and Mr. Herring has decided to align himself with the forces of darkness. This is no small matter to you.
I am hereby constrained by your spirit to pray for his demise. Bring desolation, destitution and disrepute on the house of Mr. Herring to the fourth and fifth generations. May his very children and children’s children disavow his beliefs and actions to the fourth and fifth generations. May Mr. Herring live in shame for what he has done, and I pray that you, oh sovereign Lord, would bring all of his actions to naught and render him impotent and powerless, with the reputation of a worm.”
On December 23, 2015 at 7:18 am, JanaDew said:
Pandering to his left leaning supporters, mr herring has also created a new revenue stream for Virginia’s treasury to waste. Non residents must now enter their personal information including fingerprints into yet another government database and pay yet another government fee for the non resident conceal carry permit every five years.
On December 23, 2015 at 8:40 am, UNCLEELMO said:
“Herring’s office could not say how many people are suspected of crossing into Virginia with concealed weapons to commit crimes.”
They know that NO crimes are committed by CCW permit holders. And now the people of Virginia know without a doubt that their top law enforcement officer is a bald faced liar.
On December 23, 2015 at 10:17 am, Fred said:
On December 23, 2015 at 11:54 am, Deogen29 said:
Liberals are becoming more dangerous than terrorist….?
On December 23, 2015 at 1:00 pm, Cowboy Dan said:
Deogen, is there really a difference?
On December 23, 2015 at 11:02 pm, Deogen29 said:
On January 10, 2016 at 12:41 pm, Deogen29 said:
Did any Conservative make any law to curb your gun right…?
On December 23, 2015 at 1:47 pm, Don said:
Virginia provides for an non-resident permit. A good way to protest would be to request their non-resident application package here:
Even those who will never get the license should request the package. Each package is going to cost them a few dollars in postage and labor. Make separate requests for each of your family members.
On December 23, 2015 at 2:28 pm, GT Strickland said:
Herring mentioned that a number of states have lesser training requirements than does VA. I received my VA CCW license after submitting my DD-214. SC also recognizes the DD-214 as a valid indicator of small arms training. Is Mr Herring now stating that the military training is insufficient? By the way, I got my SC CCW license before SC started using the DD-214 so I went through the SC training. No difference than VA training.
On December 23, 2015 at 4:06 pm, George said:
Mr. Herring: I will NOT comply. I will protect my family and I will conceal carry as necessary. I will not allow my families safety to be politicized. Your actions are fraudulent and unconstitutional. May the Lord smite you for your evil acts.
On December 24, 2015 at 9:18 pm, Koba Solzhenitsyn said:
This “Red Herring” is carrying out the bidding of his masters, Bloomberg & McAuliffe. Why do you people in Va. vote for Clinton retreads?
On December 29, 2015 at 11:15 pm, Jim Scrummy said:
Should have included McAwful in that prayer too.