Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years ago
Something else marked by its conspicuous absence from media reports: Any statement from Ako Abdul-Samad condemning his former aide following the guilty plea. Instead, we’re treated to “faith leader” Samad “call[ing] for unity to battle ‘Islamophobia.’”
Um, no. I’d rather focus on fake terror attacks for the purpose of pressing gun control.
“You know less than you think about guns: the misleading uses, flagrant abuses and shoddy statistics of social science about gun violence.” Well, to be fair, there is nothing science about social science. Those two words don’t belong together.
Note to HEB on open carry. “As a retailer of alcohol, long guns and unlicensed guns are prohibited on our property under the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission rules. H-E-B maintains the same policy we have for years, only concealed licensed handguns are allowed on our property,” reads a statement from H-E-B.” Hey, I think that’s made up. That’s not the story you told at first. At first you just said you didn’t want open carry because you didn’t want open carry. Now you’re blaming it on the ABC. Which is it? I’d prefer you just be honest about this.
On January 6, 2016 at 12:00 am, Fred said:
I’m confused. What are licensed guns? My guns aren’t licensed, so if they get in the car and go to HEB are the guns in some kind of big trouble? Joking aside, I was born with a predilection to live so does that infer the right of self defense to me in a HEB, as it would, if I had a predilection to homosexuality, and wanted a cake, for a fake wedding in Oregon? I was born this way and demand to shop at HEB with an AK slung over my shoulder. It’s discrimination I tell you.
Now, here is the argument against both. A business is private property not a public service. The output of the owner’s labor is their property by right. I have no more cause to demand a cake because I’m gay, then to demand to shop at HEB with a firearm. They have the right as the owner of their labor and other property to refuse service. If HEB only respects their own rights and not mine, in this self governing experiment of ours, then I would shop elsewhere. No grudges but, it is their loss both morally and financially, I respect their right, more than they, mine. But of course, I fear God and not the tools of men!!!