Islamic Migration And Taharrush
BY Herschel Smith
Police fear a gang-rape phenomenon known as ‘taharrush gamea’ in the Arab world and seen in attacks on women across German cities at the New Year has now spread to Europe.
The name of the practice translates to ‘collective harassment’ and is carried out by large groups of men who sexually assault lone women, either by groping, or in some instances, raping them.
The men first surround their victim in circles. Some then sexually assault her, while others not directly involved watch or divert outsiders’ attention to what is occurring.
Two days ago I said this.
The air headed blonde on my local TV channel introduced a video of protest in Germany by saying emphatically, “Germans are furious over the recent sexual assaults.” Oh, not so much. I happen to think these are only the preliminaries to the real war. You can bet that young men are training in the countryside with guns every day, and soon they will be baiting and hunting young Muslim men and killing them. Muslims won’t be the only ones roaming the streets, and the police will be irrelevant to the coming festivities. You’ll know there’s fury when the killing starts. Europeans will win or they will lose, but there will be a war. You can count on it.
And the very next day, there is this.
The rally came as vigilante mobs have been attacking Pakistani and Syrians in Cologne, leaving at least two in hospital, following calls on social media for ‘revenge’ in the wake of the New Years Eve assaults.
The attacks were carried out by groups of young men, allegedly specifically targeting foreigners, after reports Cologne police are focusing their investigation on asylum seekers and migrants.
I told you so. Young men. Baiting Muslims. Attacks. War is coming, and what you’re witnessing is just the preliminary stage.
Just in case you needed anything else to convince you that sexual assaults are happening, there are these examples.
On January 13, 2016 at 9:32 am, FTL said:
The vigilantes are doing it wrong. Going after the refujihadis directly is going to end badly. If a mob beats up a christian (maybe even a priest) from India in a case of mistaken identity, the powers that be will be in a position to profit greatly if that innocent victim does not survive the attack. The fifth-column press would be more than happy to run headlines around the world for a week. If the victim dies in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the headlines , special investigative reports, and documentaries would run for months.
The vigilantes should use their pitchforks, torches, and ropes on the officials who enable the invasion. Those traitors deserve it because they are paid by the public to do the jobs that they are shirking.
The invaders would get the message just like the parrot in the old joke who asked, “What did the chicken do?”
On January 13, 2016 at 12:31 pm, Fred said:
If you are a student or even just interested in pre-firearms warfare then you may have the (awful) opportunity to see some in the modern era. I agree that a few will use guns but most wont have them. Warfare used to be hand to hand. If the uero’s start fighting back they may descover that the mosques are basically arsanels, and are assuredly arsanals in the US. NEVER, EVER surrender your equalizers.
On January 13, 2016 at 8:01 pm, gyrwan said:
That’s a pretty good reason to go after the arsenals … second.
First, as per FTL’s comment above, should come the Cologne police station and related objectives. In that, firearms would be far less effective than benzin und streichholz
On January 13, 2016 at 5:01 pm, Billy Mullins said:
Reprisals are a completely predictable event. Yes, innocents (FTL’s “Indian Priest” example or the attack on a Sikh Temple here last year or the year before) will suffer and it’s regretable. But it’s understandable.
And it WILL . . . HAPPEN . . . HERE.
Bet on it!