Sheriff Says Texas Open Carry Is Not A Problem
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 11 months ago
Some predicted that the law would lead to a surge of 911 calls, but according to Cpl. Tracey Knight, spokeswoman for the Fort Worth Police Department, not much has occurred:
“We do not have anything interesting to report. Two calls so far, no issues. We have no concerns and we have had no problems.”
Sheriff Dee Anderson adds:
“I said before this became law that I thought it was going to be much ado about nothing, but I didn’t know it was going to be this much nothing.”
Carolyn Daniel, a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, argues it’s “too soon to tell” what effect this law will have:
“Changes in legislation can take years to determine an impact.”
Fox News reports that a number of local businesses are now banning firearms on their premises, “as well as national chains, including Starbucks [and] Jack in The Box.” But other businesses, like Home Depot and Bass Pro Shops, have embraced open carry.
But if we look to another state in which open carry was signed into law, the evidence suggests the new Texas legislation will not be an issue.
Mississippi began allowing open carry on July 1, 2013. Fourteen months later, virtually no issues had arisen.
WAPT reported in September 2014:
“The Mississippi Highway Patrol and the Jackson and Byram police departments said there have been little or no incidents reported. Utica police had one incident, where a man forgot he had his weapon on, but he put it back in his truck, authorities said.”
WAPT also quoted Vicksburg Police Chief Walter Armstrong:
“We have seen several [people utilizing the open-carry law] over the last year. I would imagine somewhere between 10 and 12…
I have to admit, initially I was a bit nervous about the debate of the law and the passing of the law. But to my surprise, we have not had one single incident as it relates to open-carry.”
Some Mississippians had similar fears regarding open carry, specifically relating to open carry at bars or pubs.
Prior to the Mississippi law going into effect, Hinds County Constable Jerry Moore argued it would be “total chaos” if the law were to be implemented:
“You get enough fights at the clubs and things that we have to respond to now. Can you imagine running up into a club of 50 to 100 people and trying to get order?”
Law enforcement also has mixed feelings about the Texas law. A survey conducted by the Texas Police Chiefs Association yielded some interesting results.
I told you so. I said this.
Oooo … boogey man gonna getcha! Hold me Uncle Bob! I askeerd! “Walking disaster.” “Trouble.” “Volatile and deadly situations.” Oooo …
Again, as a citizen of a traditional open carry state, I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen here. Nothing. That’s right, nothing. Life will continue in the lone star state unabated, and the doomsday predictions of law enforcement and the progressives will go down as a monument to their hatred of the common man.
And this.
Really, folks, this has become a silly, exaggerated, inflated, dramatic, overly-complicated, hysterical fit. I can say that because my home state is a traditional open carry state, and I have open carried, and seen others doing the same. It’s just not the problem you are making it out to be. When it’s time for open carry to be legal, some men will decide to open carry, and life will go on. Business will occur, and the only crimes that may spiral out of control would be SWAT call-outs from politically motivated callers who use the cops to drive their points.
Here’s a note to Texas police departments. If you don’t want to be used, don’t oblige. Don’t do it. Just say no. Stand up for yourself. Be men.
Blood won’t run in the streets, I have said. The sky won’t fall, chicken little can go back to sleep, and the world can know that open carry isn’t the problem the “Moms demand [fill in the blank]” and LEOs say it is.
Florida is next. And then comes South Carolina, if communist State Senator Larry Martin gets out of the way.
On February 12, 2016 at 9:38 am, Archer said:
IIRC, in Texas, open-carriers still need a CHP to open-carry, correct?
So the only thing that’s different is that now CHP holders can take their jackets off. Hardly the world-ending event the antis made it out to be.
It really is much ado about nothing. Nobody’s substantively changed his/her behavior. The people OC’ing now are the same people who CC’d last year. There’s still a significant number who CC’d last year and continue to CC this year, that the antis never noticed (and likely never will). The takeaway: there aren’t any more guns being carried now than there were two months ago.
The only difference is, some folks have taken their jackets off.
On February 12, 2016 at 11:35 am, Jack Crabb said:
Yeah, but one cannot expect libturds to bother with logic, facts and reason.
On February 12, 2016 at 12:11 pm, Heyoka said:
It only confuses them since they do not know the meanings of the words. Of course this is true in about everything they utter.
On February 12, 2016 at 1:40 pm, Billy Mullins said:
Yes. But even that is changing. What before was called a CHL (license vs permit) will now be a LTC (License To Carry). Got my renewal notice just t’other day. I paid the fee and have to send in a copy of my DD-214 (it’s $10 cheaper for vets than seniors) and then I should get the new license.
On February 12, 2016 at 2:21 pm, GomeznSA said:
You beat me to it – regarding the conversion to ‘LTC’ ;-)
The biggest takeaway – in reply to the OP, almost all agencies have conducted both PR campaigns to encourage folks NOT to call ‘just because’ they see an openly carried handgun (long guns have been legal for open carry for a loooong time) and training the call receivers to screen the calls they do receive to determine if there is something specific that the carrier is doing to cause alarm. Dallas PD started the ball rolling on that well before the law went into effect……………..
‘Funny’ thing, the oft repeated cries of blood in the streets from the hoplophobes simply has NOT happened. Hmm, perhaps gun folks are a lot more reasonable and civilized than they claim?