
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

There is so much going on a that I cannot even begin to summarize it.  You’re going to have to visit for yourself to see the developments.

But occasionally a thread is posted that needs to be preserved.  YouTube has taken to censoring, reddit has deleted threads, and Twitter is a communist organization and so it cannot be trusted with anything.  I wanted to pass this thread along for your consideration.  It is from a self-claimed MSM journalist who cannot go public.

We are told the work on /r/Pizzagate (and other message boards) is illegitimate because people are rushing to conclusions, or because they are being paranoid, or partisan (despite so many of different political complexions provably working together). The subtitle here of course is that the State is solely legitimate to suspect and investigate crimes.

But what if the State itself is, in a systemic way, responsible for said crimes? It wouldn’t be a first; after all, democide (death by government, a word surprisingly absent from conversations) was the first cause of non-natural deaths in the 20th century. Whether one is from the right, left, or center, one cannot deny government is the number one abuser, enslaver and serial-killer in History. We may honestly disagree on the ways to eradicate the phenomenon, or we may regret that fact, but we cannot deny it.

So, if the State itself is committing crimes, it is the people’s sovereign and sacred duty to expose it. Those who understand this truth best tend to become journalists. At least, that’s what drove me to the profession.

Now specifically on this work. First, there is context; institutional child abuse is already a common-knowledge phenomenon. From the Presidio affair to Jimmy Saville and the BBC, or from the Vatican’s historic involvement in covering-up pedophilia to US legislators’ documented trips on the “Lolita Express”, from the questions still surrounding Dutroux to the Hampstead doubts, the scourge has been featured in the news, movies, documentaries, art work. There have also been many policymakers, prosecutors, investigators and victims denouncing the very phenomenon; see for example British MP John Mann passionate speech before Parliament on the subject last year, or the extensive report by former undercover Interpol agent (Bannon). Indeed it is a secret de Polichinelle. So the only possible disagreement can be on the scale and systemicity of the phenomenon.

To honestly decide whether that’s what we are seeing in the Podesta emails, please have a look at this one example. Look at the invitation at the end of the thread. Ms Luzzatto is inviting people (among which are John and Mary Podesta) to a farm in Lovettsville. This is what she says:

We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.

Impossible, you say? They couldn’t possibly be speaking about abusing the children! After all, what step-grandmother would offer three innocent children up for group abuse?

This is how invitee Drew Littman answers the invitation:

I’ve never had an affair, so I pass the Walter Jones test.

If you aren’t aware, Walter B. Jones has for 20 years been the U.S. Representative for North Carolina’s 3rd congressional district; in DC he’s regarded as the absurd caricature of a do-gooder, i.e. he is a noble man indeed.

Agreed, if that example was the only one, one could dismiss it as baroque misinterpretation. But there’s more, much more. Let’s not even get into the handkerchiefs and codewords – even though “cheese pizza” is a known euphemism for “child porn” (and there are abundant examples in the Podesta emails where that term is used in very strange and out-of-context manners).

How about the fact that John and Tony Podesta are old friends of Jeffery Epstein, Dennis Hastert and Clement Freud, three convicted child molesters? Who has so many child rapists as friends? Who stays friends with child rapists after they’re exposed and convicted?

How about the Katy Grannan photos plastered around the Podestas’ mansion, depicting naked teenagers?

How about Tony Podesta writing he’s “very good and a little wired” from being seated next to “the kids” on an airplane?

How about the underground vault on the Podestas’ property which admittedly allows them to watch “very complicated video pieces”?

If you are feeling ill-at-ease, that reaction is honorable. And the worse thing is you haven’t yet seen much. But for more, you’ll have to look for it. Indeed one might be breaking statutory laws by linking to some of the clues Internet sleuths have found in the past three weeks.

For example, did you know James Alefantis, listed 49th “most influential” person in DC by GQ, chef and White House regular, boyfriend of David Brock, owner of Comet Ping Pong, had an Instagram account filled with references to and depictions of child abuse and torture? Indeed it’s not just the frescoes in his restaurant or the “artists” he hosts there; it’s not even the fact his menu and the logos of three other iconic businesses next door feature FBI-recognized pedophilia symbols. No, this is about his own posts, pictures, comments and friends on social media. Again, you’ll have to look it up for yourself. It is hardly ambiguous. Indeed it is Alefantis who puts the pizza in #Pizzagate.

If that surprises you, did you know Arun Rao was caught “liking” several of Alefantis’ creepiest toddler Instagram posts? Again, that could be dismissed – only there’s all this context, and the fact Mr Rao is a Assistant US attorney, and charged with prosecuting child pornography and abuse.

And if you’re still not distinguishing the pattern, did you know that Laura Silsby (Gayler), the woman caught trying to smuggle thirty-three children out of Haiti (a country where the Clinton Foundation isn’t without controversy), whose release from jail became a personal matter for Ms Clinton, thereafter became an associate of MyStateUSA, which changed its name to AlertSense, and which is the one providing the technology to issue Amber Alerts?

Enough already. If anything I have proven the legitimacy of the following question:

Is there a systemic pedophilia problem in Washington DC, as we already suspect there is one in Hollywood?

In terms of national systemicity, the statistics are eloquent. The International Centre for Missing Children (ICMEC) estimates that 8 million children are reported missing each year around the world. Of that number, according to U.S. Department of Justice research, an estimated 800,000 children will go missing in the United States alone — a rate of over 2’000 missing children each day — with 466,949 of those cases entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database in 2014. With a current child population (aged 0 – 17) of around 74 million in the United States, the U.S. Department of Justice figures equate to around 1 child in every 92 going missing in the United States each year.

This looks like a systemic problem indeed. Childhood disappearances outnumber cancer deaths in the United States by one third.

Therefore, given the sheer amount of leaked emails, and the suspected phenomenon’s scale and repartition, it is likely the data dumps (Podesta and other Wikileaks, Guccifer 1/2, DNCLeaks, etc.) provide some clue to the problem. Therefore, they should be investigated thoroughly under than particular lens, and suspicions need to be corroborated with other (and previously) known facts.

So, my fellow journalists, why aren’t you all looking into this? Is it easy for you to dismiss it as confirmation bias?

I’m not going to answer the question for you. At least hop on the bandwagon: this is coming out with or without your help. But remember some moments are defining, in one’s career, for one’s conscience.

I’ll conclude with two excerpts of the Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists (kind of our own Hippocratic Oath).

The responsibility of journalists vis-a-vis the public has precedence over any other responsibility, in particular towards their employers and the public power.

[A journalist’s duties include] respecting the truth no matter what consequences it may bring about to him, … defending the freedom of information, of commentaries and of criticism, [and] not suppressing essential information.

… and one question:

If this doesn’t matter, what does?

Do you see?  The MSM knows all about this.  They’re ignoring it because it isn’t there find.  Wikileaks released the raw data, and Reddit and 4Chan is performing the hard work of analysis.  The MSM doesn’t like the implications of all of this for their own party, so it cannot be true.  Or if it is, Reddit is rushing to judgment.  Either way, it’s time to go home and drink wine and eat cheese at the nearest political gathering.

David Seaman had a very good video on YouTube that went viral, but it was graphic (showing “artwork” from Comet Ping Pong), and YouTube claimed that it violated their terms.  I’ll embed one below that is a little more tame.

In the mean time, what has happened today is that a researcher on Reddit/r/Pizzagate discovered over 25,000 Twitter accounts related to or following those who are involved with pedophilia.  All of these accounts have been deleted.  And the account of the researcher who found this has been deleted.  There is a massive cover-up.

Twitter has been hosting pedophilia services for child molesters.  This is how far and wide this ring runs.  So let me explain what is going to happen over the next couple of weeks.

The MSM is irrelevant.  They don’t matter, they are all liars, and they are guilty of malfeasance.  We don’t need them anyway.  This has gone viral, past tense, it has already gone viral.  It is spreading by blog post, link sharing, Reddit users, 4Chan users and word-of-mouth.  During the coming Holiday season, especially soon with Thanksgiving, families will sit face to face across the table from each other.

They will talk.  Many people don’t know about all of this wickedness in the halls of power.  They will after Thanksgiving.  Those who don’t know will be appalled, stunned, furious, grossed out, and sickened.  Pizzagate has gone viral, and it’s geometric expansion happens this week.  There is nothing the censors can do to stop it.  Nothing.

If you are involved in this scandal, if you are somehow implicated in all of this, if you’re guilty of child molestation or pedophilia, if you are a financier of any of this, or if you engage in political gain because of the blackmail involved in this, we’re coming for you.  We’re going to get you.  You cannot hide, you cannot escape.

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  1. On November 22, 2016 at 12:06 am, Herschel Smith said:

    See also this:


    And this:

  2. On November 22, 2016 at 9:38 am, Fred said:

    This is being investigated by professional military and civilian Intel collectors and analysts on Gab. I will try to get them to post their findings to site outside the login wall but it’s ongoing.

    Story linked on
    #PizzaGate #GabAnalysts

  3. On November 22, 2016 at 12:11 pm, Archer said:

    Eventually, so many links and correlations will be implied — and later confirmed — that nobody, not even the MSM, will be able to ignore or suppress it.

    When that happens, the DoJ (and the larger Administration) will face an unpleasant choice: prosecute those in charge, including some of their own; or sweep it under the rug, and lose any and all credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the American people.

    And you don’t want to know what happens when the People discover they are ruled over by an illegitimate government.

  4. On November 22, 2016 at 2:36 pm, Fred said:

    Credibility and legitimacy is already hanging by a thread. That’s why ‘keep preparing’ is what the smart money is saying to do.

  5. On November 23, 2016 at 1:27 pm, Mr Twank L Bang said:

    When that happens, the whole house of cards will fall down, and it will be unpleasant for all of us. If any of this is true, watch out for the diversionary tactics that are sure to come our way.

  6. On November 25, 2016 at 12:26 am, rumcrookâ„¢ said:

    I’m guessing this as well as other things are why they are encouraging the useful idiot brownshirts and red youth brigades to riot and draw attention to chaos in the streets and undermine the peaceful transfer of power, along with rumblings from Humm Abdin sister and the green party going for recounts, more chaos, undermining and possibly more.

  7. On November 22, 2016 at 10:37 am, firefirefire said:

    unreal. these people are fucking Evil personified.

  8. On November 22, 2016 at 8:38 pm, SunwolfNC said:

    FYI – this subreddit has been shut down. Much outrage is ensuing. Mostly directed at Spez. Naturally.

  9. On November 22, 2016 at 11:39 pm, Dzdork said:

    They’ve moved:

  10. On November 23, 2016 at 4:43 pm, SunwolfNC said:

    Thanks for this

  11. On November 23, 2016 at 12:54 am, Charles Hammond Jr said:

    Tyrants all! They’re bastards for trying to shut this down.

  12. On November 22, 2016 at 11:26 pm, TheAlaskan said:

    I’m trying to control my blood pressure. These expanding revelations aren’t helping. The disappearing children is very, very disturbing as now, my mind contemplates their possible fate. I am 61 years old and I have two small children, five and seven years old and this shit really enrages me, not only because it is evil, but especially because it’s occurring at the highest levels of our government. Really, if this is proven and those involved are ID-ed, jail is not where any of them belong. They all need to die. All of them.

  13. On November 23, 2016 at 12:45 pm, Mr Twank L Bang said:

    (I wrote this on another site, but thought I’d paste it around since reddit is down) I really am not sure about any of this, but whether it’s true or not, a
    rabbit hole has been opened up in the internet, and nothing will ever be
    the same. Here’s one of my stops in this strange journey. The point
    where I started to believe that pizza really might be code for something
    else was Macaulay Culkin’s Pizza Underground videos, specifically this
    one: Within this very strange video there’s a movie called How I Saved The President (AKA Undercover Kid) Read the plot description. Now, I was aware of Ted Gunderson’s work before this (look him up;, and he called this group “The Finders.” The first result for The Finders on Google is this book:
    Read the plot description (as well as the plot descriptions of Hinton’s
    other books), amazingly similar plot, character, and theme elements,
    no? One other thing, for those looking at the symbology aspects, look at
    Tim Burton’s work (and also look at his twitter account as well as many
    of the accounts biggest followers, the reverse spiral and MKULTRA
    psyche partitioning is everywhere; also there seems to be a weird cut
    off when many of these celebs went to radio silence). Anyways, I hope
    this all works out, because regardless of what is proven with Comet and
    Podesta, this is one hell of a can of worms. Also, take a look at the posters for Home Alone 2

  14. On November 23, 2016 at 1:49 pm, Billy Mullins said:

    But Herschel, it doesn’t matter. People like the Podestas, the Clintons and such could (and I believe it was you who offered this image) sacrifice newborns to Molech in Times Square with live Television and webcast video coverage and NOTHING WOULD BE DONE! If you or I had played fast and loose with classified material the way HRC and others did, we would won an all-expenses-paid extended stay at one of those lovely FedGov resort communities where would be given ample opportunity to become highly proficient at turning multi-ton monoliths into gravel.

  15. On November 26, 2016 at 2:16 am, davidnrobyn said:

    My take: Scary to think about, but I think people are going to start dying. People will be suicided. You don’t think these powerful people will stop at anything, do you? This will be a test of journalistic courage we haven’t seen before. I’m waiting to see what happens. If these people are really and truly brought to justice, then one of my fundamental assumptions of how the world works will be proven wrong. And I really do hope I’m wrong.

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