Pizzagate X

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

So look what the boys and girls at Voat have dug up!  Caution: NSFW.  Why, it’s John Podesta’s favorite spirit cooking girlfriend involved in some sort of occult gala with much of Hollywood with her.  Joseph sent this to me.  “Totally normal,” he says with sarcasm.  At least, I’m told that there are a lot of Hollywood types there.  I really couldn’t name a single one of them.

I’ll share with you what my oldest son Joshua said about this.

“The opulence and garishness of pornographic violence is especially off-putting.  That they have the time and means to be depraved is not unusual, it’s the celebration and worship of the depravity that strikes me.

This is a display of the most disgusting aspects of human society.  It both debases the human vessel and also the voyeur / participant by association.  Quite frankly, it makes brutes in the jungle seem tame.”

But of course the MSM and Google think this is all fake news.  I suppose the pictures are all made up.  And speaking of Google, I did a Google search of “Pizzagate” last night and none of my posts are anywhere to be found on the first twenty pages of results.  Now I know for a fact that some of my single posts, and certainly my category, have gotten more traffic than many of those URLs.

But Google dismisses my work because … it’s fake, I guess.  I made it all up.  I created the code language, I photo shopped all the pictures, I fabricated the whole story.  Wikileaks is a figment of our collective imaginations, and John Podesta has denied all of this.

Of course, there is another possibility.  Google = Coverup.

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  1. On December 7, 2016 at 9:04 am, IHC said:

    Don’t be surprised that Google sanitizes engine searches since it does not fit their own agenda – they are all in this together. Having said that – there are even more depraved pics about this gala and its appetite for the outrageously and garish behavior which can be found on ‘Imgur’.
    I am positive that ‘they’ are scurrying the more their scandalous and depraved behavior/actions are discovered by the new media – like your informative pages. This goes all the way back to the 70’s when this started and as we all know – Hollywood best kept secret has always been their pedophilia.

  2. On December 7, 2016 at 1:18 pm, RadioPatriot said:

    Proving Herschel’s point… The Millennium Report has posted a graph showing that Google is in on it.

    “Google Graphic Proves How The MSM ‘Fake News’ Strategy Was Implemented To Short-Circuit PIZZAGATE Scandal

    Perfectly Timed

    MSM ‘Fake News’ Narrative

    Was Cooked Up

    As A “Necessity”

    By The Ruling Elites

    The hard evidence is shown in the graphic above”

  3. On December 7, 2016 at 10:12 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:

    Whether or not you believe the Pizzagate story, these people are sickening. I’ve tried to go Google free and it is really hard. People like Eric Schmidt and Jeff Bezos aren’t far removed from being like a Bond movie villain.

  4. On December 7, 2016 at 11:33 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    One of the things I can’t figure out is the Pizza-gators’ inclinations to post these things on their social media accounts.

    Using code-words in emails is one thing. I can see how a criminal pervert might expect that to pass beneath the radar.

    But why would a sex offender post a photo of a little girl with her wrists taped to a table on his public Twitter account? Do they really not understand what “Worldwide Web” means?

  5. On December 7, 2016 at 11:41 am, Herschel Smith said:

    No grown man talks the way these guys talk about pizza, ping pong, handkerchiefs, etc. No one. The last time I mentioned pizza is when someone asked me what a good pizza joint was, and I said “Wolfman’s Pizza” in Charlotte. The best pizza on earth, with lots of meat. Greasy, bad for you, but good.”

    That’s the extent of my pizza talk.

    The pics are indeed garish. And doubtless occult. Remember what David Seaman said about this cult. It’s part of their creed to do these things in the “hidden open.”

  6. On December 7, 2016 at 11:47 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Interesting, plausible take on the context of the “damning” Breitbart tweet about Podesta:

  7. On December 7, 2016 at 1:04 pm, Phelps said:

    Like Rotherham, this is all “fake news” right up until it isn’t.

  8. On December 7, 2016 at 3:54 pm, C0nan said:

    I noticed Google filtering pizzagate too. You have to go about 7 pages in before you get to the real ‘fake’, I mean ‘fake’ real news. The first 6 pages are CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc, etc.

    However you’re on page 2 of a Bing search. Google is toast.

    Note that there are only two major search engines in US: Google, Bing. Yahoo licenses Bing or Google, depending on who you talk to.

    I switched from Google months ago and use Bing exclusively. I use the kibosh web filter on my router to enforce Bing safesearch for my kids. It’s a nice bonus.

    I’m sure Bing will be locked down soon enough though. Gates is no friend to the common people.

    We need to develop our own search engine. Kickstarter anyone?

  9. On December 7, 2016 at 4:01 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    What does DuckDuckGo use?

  10. On December 7, 2016 at 4:10 pm, Josh said:

    DuckDuckGo rolled their own architecture. Their search is powered by Apache Lucene, but I’m not sure what they used to develop their own crawler.

    A lot of it has been open-sourced by them, and they use a lot of open source technologies. It’s as “open” as any search engine gets.

  11. On December 9, 2016 at 4:14 am, EZ said:

    Greetings, Josh, and Patriot friends,

    We need to get all of our friends and family to abandon Google,and their GMail which spies on users and is a “globalist” enemy of Liberty and America, with their scum-pals Hitlery, Obastard, Podesta, Wiener, Abedin. And we need to drop Yahoo, PaleMoon, Kellogs foods, and all other “Big Brother” Liberal outfits.

    I like the private but have recently found that searches better, even better than Google.

    A U.S. Spec-Ops soldier recently recommended the free, encrypted, Swiss-based, which seems to work great.

    Apparently, you have computer expertise – would you also recommend that we promote and

    Thanks for the details about being “open-source” and using Apache Lucene.

    The systematic kidnapping, torture, murder of innocent children has been perpetrated in America by Gov.-scum for decades, sad to report.

    Beyond sad, we need to get educated, and then we need to get MAD and ACT. We have to push our great new Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Congress, and to promise our strong support for those brave enough to act.

    We need to develop local Grand Juries to gather evidence, print and post summaries, and build local Patriot-groups everywhere.

    Private-investigator Opperman’s YouTube has been featuring experts on this horror. Also see YouTube for the murdered, great FBI L.A.-Chief Ted Gunderson. Also, John DeCamp’s “Franklin Cover-up”, Nick Bryant’s “Franklin Scandal” and his “Confessions Of A D.C. Madam” (Gay D.C. whores). Also CIA MK Ultra (MK = “Mind Kontrol” in German).

    You don’t understand power in America unless you grasp this terrible evil and the NWO blackmail of our officials.

    The corruption is astonishing: See USA school-security expert and his YouTube interviews and Court proceedings proving that the Sandy Hook Elementary School was a complete Obama/Hitlery/Fed hoax to ban our guns, just like “Fast + Furious”.

    Justice For Our Children! Down With Big Brother!

  12. On December 9, 2016 at 8:48 am, Josh said:

    ProtonMail certainly has its uses, but depending on your needs it is not enough; it must be part of a larger defense in depth scheme to anonymize yourself, if that ever is the goal, which is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.

    The problem with literally every other search engine other than Google is if you’re using it for professional, technical purposes. Any form of engineering queries are just mishandled by every other vendor, where Google nails it. So I use StartPage, which anonymizes you’re query before acting as a proxy between you and Google. That way you get Google quality without giving them everything about you, or ad impressions.

    DuckDuckGo is a decent alternative to Google – probably the best IMO. What makes it so tough to disconnect from Google is the sheer quality of their two major offerings; they just kick ass at search.

    On a broader level, its past time for people to become self-sufficient regarding technology. You can roll your own email server (and many other things). Learn it. Do it. Self-reliance looks different today than it did 20 or 200 years ago.

  13. On December 15, 2016 at 5:33 pm, C0nan said:

    I thought duckduckgo simply returned searches from multiple search engines like
    google, bing, yandex. I don’t think duckduck has their own search

    Same with dogpile.

    The only major search engine companies the do their own search, i.e. they have proprietary search algorithms, is google and bing in the US.

    Protonmail is good-to-go. If you want to be totally secure run your own mail server using something like 1st mail server.

  14. On December 15, 2016 at 7:07 pm, Josh said:

    You’re incorrect about DuckDuckGo. Perhaps you’re confusing it with StartPage.

  15. On December 23, 2016 at 10:03 am, C0nan said:

    I don’t think so muchacho:
    is an Internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers’
    privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.
    DuckDuckGo distinguishes itself from other search engines by not
    profiling its users and by deliberately showing all users the same
    search results for a given search term. DuckDuckGo emphasizes getting
    information from the best sources rather than the most sources,
    generating its search results from key crowdsourced sites such as
    Wikipedia and from partnerships with other search engines like Yandex,
    Yahoo!, Bing, and Yummly.

  16. On December 15, 2016 at 5:35 pm, C0nan said:

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in duckduckgo to protect your privacy. They most certainly log source IP, browser, O/S and your query. They are ‘anonymous’ because google, bing, yandex, etc. only see duckduckgo doing the search, i.e. duckduck go is simply a proxy and one hop away from the source, you.

  17. On December 8, 2016 at 11:56 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    I like the DuckDuckGo platform, but haven’t used it for Pizzagate searches. I noticed that Alex Jones is now actively participating in the Pizzagate coverup:

  18. On December 7, 2016 at 5:59 pm, RadioPatriot said:

    More images – these of a “dinner” in Hollywood, at which the dessert served up was… well, take a look and see for yourself. See if you recognize any Hollywood “stars”. Cake, anyone?

  19. On December 9, 2016 at 4:18 am, EZ said:

    Greetings, Josh, and Patriot friends,

    We need to get all of our friends and family to abandon Google,and their GMail which spies on users and is a “globalist” enemy of Liberty and America, with their scum-pals Hitlery, Obastard, Podesta, Wiener, Abedin. And we need to drop Yahoo, PaleMoon, Kellogs foods, and all other “Big Brother” Liberal outfits. I believe that Bing is (the evil Bill Gates’) Micro-Soft.

    I like the private but have recently found that searches better, even better than Google.

    A U.S. Spec-Ops soldier recently recommended the free, encrypted, Swiss-based, which seems to work great.

    Apparently, you have computer expertise – would you also recommend that we promote and

    Thanks for the details about being “open-source” and using Apache Lucene.

    The systematic kidnapping, torture, murder of innocent children has been perpetrated in America by Gov.-scum for decades, sad to report.

    Beyond sad, we need to get educated, and then we need to get MAD and ACT. We have to push our great new Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Congress, and to promise our strong support for those brave enough to act.

    We need to develop local Grand Juries to gather evidence, print and post summaries, and build local Patriot-groups everywhere.

    Private-investigator Opperman’s YouTube has been featuring experts on this horror. Also see YouTube for the murdered, great FBI L.A.-Chief Ted Gunderson. Also, John DeCamp’s “Franklin Cover-up”, Nick Bryant’s “Franklin Scandal” and his “Confessions Of A D.C. Madam” (Gay D.C. whores). Also CIA MK Ultra (MK = “Mind Kontrol” in German).

    You don’t understand power in America unless you grasp this terrible evil and the NWO blackmail of our officials.

    The corruption is astonishing: See USA school-security expert and his YouTube interviews and Court proceedings proving that the Sandy Hook Elementary School was a complete Obama/Hitlery/Fed hoax to ban our guns, just like “Fast + Furious”.

    Justice For Our Children! Down With Big Brother!

  20. On December 9, 2016 at 4:35 am, EZ said:

    The corruption is astonishing!!!

    See Wolfgang Halbig’s YouTube interviews and Court proceedings. He’s a recognized national school-security expert who is proving that the the Sandy Hook Elementary School was a complete HOAX to justify seizing our guns. Obama/Hitlery/Feds at work, just like their “Fast + Furious”.

    Help support Patriot Wolfgang Halbig. He immigrated legally as a child, worked Law-Enforcement and Schools, and loves America and children. He’s spending his retirement money and time to expose these traitor-scum.


    Justice For Our Children! Down With Big Brother!

  21. On December 15, 2016 at 10:28 pm, vladdy said:

    From what I hear, FB goes straight to the WH. (Wouldn’t touch it with a 10-ft pole) and that Zuck and Bo are thick as thieves. Always telling people “google” is not a verb. Whenever I see “google it,” I think “sigh. free advertising. again.”

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