Pizzagate XII: Formation Of The Government Narrative
BY Herschel Smith
There has been a lot found over the last week or so concerning #Pizzagate. To begin with, watch this video, or if you don’t want to, read the transcript of what she says. She is wife of a Mafioso, and she says that the royals and politicians are killing and raping children for “fun.”
Did you read the transcript? Make sure you do. This isn’t fake news, it’s just news you won’t be told by the U.S. government or the MSM. The American MSM traffics in fake news. I do not. Here is another report.
Next up, the Washington Post, NYT (this link works too) and ABC News have all scrubbed the news report of Norway’s pedophile ring bust. It was initiated by an AP report, and it’s accurate. Norway isn’t denying it, and it won’t go away. In all, 150 Terabytes of data and information was seized.
So what is the MSM in America is trying to cover up? Is there a connection to TCF? What is it that the MSM doesn’t want you to know? How far does this go, and how widely across the isle do the fingers point?
Meanwhile, you’ve see the narrative developing all around you in dealing with all of this. First, trot out some CIA shills to say that Russia was meddling in the affairs of America. Unnamed people, saying things using unnamed sources, of course. Next, claim that any porn or CP found on computers is a Russian plant. Next, quickly and silently pass the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act. Next, trot out Senator John McCain to say that he cannot believe that Trump doesn’t believe all of this.
Well, Trump says he doesn’t believe it, Kellyanne Conway calls it laughable and ridiculous (which it is), and apparently Trump won’t attend any briefings with the CIA. I wouldn’t either.
As to the role of the various governmental organizations is all of this, when I read analyses weeks ago that asserted that there’s a war going on between the old guard CIA and the FBI / NSA, I initially dismissed those analyses. I’m beginning to believe that there is something to all of that.
As to whether Russia tried to hack computer systems, of course they did. And we do too. And China does too. And so does the Mossad. Folks, I work for a large corporation, and during conversation with a corporate executive several months ago I was told that my company is the target of hundreds of thousands of hack attempts per month, some by governmental organizations. If you work for a large corporation, your company is a target too. Deal with it.
That’s not what’s happening here. Look past the smoke and mirrors and understand that a narrative is being set in place to deal with the fallout of #Pizzagate, one that 90% of America will suck down in a second, and go back to wearing stupid costumes and cheering for their favorite band of criminals on Sunday. If you can’t see the narrative developing, you’re in denial or you’re stolid. The rest of you who understand what’s going on are in a war, whether you want to be or not.
The American MSM is kooky and unhinged. David Seaman has it right.
On December 12, 2016 at 12:24 am, RadioPatriot said:
Herschel — Trying hard to get the word out — have done several radio programs on this topic, and have been posting on FB, Gab, and to a lesser extent on Twitter. I’m probably setting myself up as a mark, but I’m not alone. I’m told that we truth seekers are legion. I hope so. Thank you for what you’re doing. I’m sharing your reports with my listeners and readers.
On December 12, 2016 at 7:07 am, IHC said:
Be careful – this is bigger than all of us combined and involves our leadership in politics, police departments, courts and much more. Many trying to expose that truth died suddenly and without any subsequent investigations. Stay safe!
On December 13, 2016 at 10:38 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Pizzagate, as horrifying as it is to the victims – and there is no more reprehensible crime than to prey sexually upon the young – is ultimately about control. The deep state wants individuals in power that it can control – and nothing aids in that desired endpoint more than some convenient blackmail. If a given judge, legislator or other functionary is guilty of engaging in pedophilia, and can be proved as such – then the deep-staters holding the incriminating proof are that much more powerful. They can get that judge, legislator or whoever else – to do their bidding, when and where they want. That’s the whole objective of this morally-reprehensible exercise – well, apart from satisfying the cruel and unusual perversions of the rich and powerful, that is. This is what so-called “Pizzagate” and the “Lolita Express” are really all about.
On December 13, 2016 at 11:06 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Well yes, at least for some of them it’s about extortion. For others, it’s about the occultist evil in which they want to partake.
On December 14, 2016 at 6:25 am, IHC said:
Your comment is spot-on as well! It is the occultist evil that commit unspeakable demonic actions/crimes on children. It is sickening. If you go to the link I mentioned most of these demonic deeds are explicitly detailed and make you physically ill that a human can act so beyond evil.
On December 14, 2016 at 6:23 am, IHC said:
Nicely stated and yes – some of the powerful attending these demonic ‘parties’ are there as spectators only to be immediately photographed that later serves as tool to blackmail individuals like judges etc into submission. If that does not work – they are murdered.
On December 15, 2016 at 2:31 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
For those lacking in any morals or scruples whatsoever, there are variety of means of bringing the reluctant and recalcitrant to heel. Good and moral people have limits beyond which they will not go; these monsters are bound by no such rules or moral barriers.
On December 12, 2016 at 7:05 am, IHC said:
You are a very brave and courageous man in your quest to bringing the truth to the forefront! Please keep vigilant and stay safe because many individuals have tried to expose that truth have all died under mysterious circumstances!
This is bigger than anything we can imagine! Going back to the 70’s when it all began another courageous individual wrote a book titled “Dossier X” that was a methodical summary how it started and continued to this day. It is no longer available to purchase but another brave man in Europe began a compilation of said atrocities involving children, naming players involved in country after country including the US that also describes the involvement of the Podesta Brothers, the Clinton Foundation and the attempt of kidnapping 33 children in Haiti during their ‘work’ there. It is a long but informative compilation that can help you fill in the gaps and add more players flying under the radar. It also includes details of the Presidio scandal. Here is the link if you are interested:
Dutreaux is the individual connected with the US involvement and much more. I must warn you: Some of the explicit details as reported by a couple survivors is beyond horrific and disgusting.
On December 12, 2016 at 10:20 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Other “news” sources are scrubbing pedo information:
On December 12, 2016 at 10:29 am, Ned Weatherby said:
This crap truly appears to have global ramifications.
On December 12, 2016 at 5:53 pm, StukaPilot said:
of course she’s telling the truth. The Belgian ring of pedophiles – mostly hereosexual kidnappers/ rapists/torturers/killers of young girls – was broken up a few years ago. The Norway cell, like Epstein’s operation, is more of the same. As to the DC pizza-node, it goes far into the Deep State…I don’t expect much to be done about it until the current (((Regime))), running on a $100 trillion debt Ponzi, collapses entirely. Then there will be a sorting out.