Ending Gun-Free School Zones Not As Easy As Trump Just Issuing An Order
BY Herschel Smith8 years ago
What Trump can do is urge Congress to get the ball rolling, and be a constant voice not to let them drag their feet and drop it. And it can’t just be a halt to prosecutions or repeal of the Gun Free Schools Act, because states have edicts of their own. Withholding federal funds could also come into play (and where fedgov has legitimate authority to disburse such funds in the first place is another matter).
There are certain actions he can take, but honestly, I would recommend the following for him. He should turn to his strong suit, his strength, his best attribute. The power of persuasion.
He should return to the people. Take trips, talk to the people, continue tweeting and avoiding going through the dead MSM and letting them craft their version of your story, make speeches, and above all else, convince the people themselves to take action.
It will take time and effort to unwind decades of bad policy. Trump isn’t perfect. Set your sights on the achievable, and remember, we go at this thing little by little, bite by bite.
On January 5, 2017 at 12:59 pm, robertsgunshop said:
” Set your sights on the achievable, and remember, we go at this thing little by little, bite by bite.”
That’s the way the gun haters got us in this mess. That’s going to be the only way we get restore our rights. Barring some SCOTUS case that throws out every unconstitutional gun law on the books.