The Strange Case Of Donald Trump And Michael Flynn
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 11 months ago
Donald Trump stepped on his dick with tungsten cleats today. It was an unforced error of huge proportions, and it doesn’t bode well for his battle against the deep state in the future.
Oh to be sure, there is no question that Obama and his loyalists have waged a campaign to get rid of Michael Flynn. His ouster was a political hit job, due in part to the fact that Obama knew that Flynn would bury Obama’s foreign policy legacy, for what it’s worth. But they could only be as successful as Trump allowed them to be, and only Donald Trump could have fired him, and there is speculation, even early reports, that Reince Priebus was responsible for whispering in Trump’s ear to “fire the bastard.” The mole inside the Trump administration may in fact be him, or it may be VP Mike Pence. Who knows at this point?
What we do know is that in order to excise the cancer of the deep state, leadership will be required. Trump didn’t display that today. For this failure, he now faces the prospect of ugly Senate investigations of whatever they want, with hysterical calls for someone’s head because shut up and do what we say. How’s that attention to Obamacare repeal working out, Donald?
In fact, remember the deep state? You know, the NSA/CIA/FBI campaign, along with DynCorps and the Clinton Global Initiative and the Council on Foreign relations to topple seven countries in North Africa and the Middle East for the purpose of trafficking oil, humans, money and weapons. Yes, that deep state, the one who ousted Michael Flynn. How much attention have you and Jeff Sessions paid to that deep state? You have folks actively working against you and for a shadow government, Donald, and the price for your lack of vision and failure to lead is that all of this attention just got buried in an unnecessary and hysterical witch hunt for a boogeyman.
The charge is that Flynn talked with the Russian ambassador (my God, I hope he did, someone needs to be talking to someone else in representative authority in Russia), and that there was some sort of miscommunication back to the administration about these conversations. Frankly, I don’t give a shit about the details. But the deep state does, and here’s why.
The deep state wants war with Russia for a host of reasons, including the fact that war is business model, war buries past sins and keeps them on the back burner so that they’re not investigated, and war opens up vast new frontiers for oil, mineral, precious gems, human trafficking and money trafficking. The deep state is into all of that, as are most of the Senators.
Furthermore, the U.S. government has a death wish, and apparently wants to flood the country with illegal aliens South of the border to access cheap labor for the corporatists (while the middle class provides their medical care), as well as flood the country with Mohammedans because of whatever reason. Each ruler has his own religious or monetary reason, moral perfidity or pathological condition for bowing to whose who would abuse them. For whatever reason, there is also a Muslim invasion in the U.S.
Here is the problem for the progressives and the deep state. Michael Flynn knows all about the deep state, and he also knows all about Islam and the danger it represents to America. Just listen for a moment to comments at The Small Wars Journal on an article about Michael Flynn. The article is irrelevant, but the comments aren’t. For the record, the SWJ is where the lefty progs hang out who are attached to the military or foreign policy think tanks. CNAS was good friends with the SWJ, and CNAS is where Obama got one of his loyalists, Michele Flournoy, former undersecretary of defense for policy. Listen now to someone who calls himself Outlaw, who is anything but an outlaw.
Flynn to a reporter: “Islam, Mike, is a political ideology based on a religion” , at 1:55: article fails to actually indicate that the SecDef ruffled privately the Flynn feathers for actually leaking his document to CNAS……
Notice that the article also does not explain the firing from DIA “for cause” ie poor performance as DDIA……basically an attempt to create an image of a great mover and shaker for change…and to bridge his failures at DIA…..
When’s the last time you saw a Klan leader getting excited by an Attorney General…a DCIA and a NSA appointments?
David Duke must know something we all do not know about the three?????
Wonder if Flynn will reject the joy expressed in his appointment by the KKK?????
here is my beef….
1. Flynn’s anti Islam rhetoric while it pulls with many…does not play well in the entire Sunni and especially Shia ME……
2. Flynn got caught tweeting an anti Semitic tweet out and then when caught at it apologized so is anti Semitism really his core believe…
3. Flynn has fully failed to explain his trips to Moscow and how much he has received from Russian Today and 400% owned Russian propaganda machine
OR how he came to be invited to speak at the FSB/SVR Moscow Headquarters and just who invited him OR his personal ties to Manafort and Page Carter
4. Flynn led the RP Convention chants of “jail her”…to me personally a direct threat to the US Constitution….that supposedly he is now protecting from enemies near and far
Notice the charges. Not seeing Russia as the “enemy.” Flynn uses anti-Islam rhetoric. Flynn led the chants of “jail her.”
If this is the best Outlaw can do, my estimation of Flynn just went sky high. Flynn knows what’s going on, and he knows the threat posed by the real enemies of America. Thus he had to go. Flynn was a wall around Trump that couldn’t be breached, someone who had Trump’s ear, someone who had a history with this stuff. Someone who had authority.
The other objections are just fabricated problems and intramural squabbles found throughout the military. Flynn was axed for the same reason Stephen Coughlin was axed. No one wanted to hear what he had to say. Coughlin was a scholar and in many ways like “the weeping prophet.” Flynn was a militarized prophet, and he posed a danger to the deep state.
In the end this can be recovered, and in the end Trump can show the leadership he needs to rid America of its shadow government. This is not a good beginning. The press conference he should have given would have gone like this. Trump walks to the podium and says, “Flynn is my man. The rest of you can go to hell.”
And that would have been the end of it, focusing all attention back on him and his agenda. But if Trump continues to listen to mole Reince Priebus or VP Pence or any of this other “advisors,” he might just hear what the deep state has to say rather than what the people have to say. And in the end, that probably means civil war.
On February 15, 2017 at 1:24 am, Hanzo said:
I just can’t see Pence as a mole. Preibus yes.
On February 15, 2017 at 2:10 am, itellu3times said:
Preibus more of a gopher, I think.
On February 15, 2017 at 9:21 am, Seamrog said:
What rabbit hole was Flynn willing to go down about the Clintons, or Obama – both of whom sold our national security to the highest bidder.
Hopefully, he’ll spill the beans. It’s clear he hated her, and rightly so.
On February 15, 2017 at 9:48 am, Warthog said:
Flynn lied to Pence and/or Trump. That’s why he’s gone. And rightly so
On February 15, 2017 at 10:13 am, Herschel Smith said:
Not according to Pence. Flynn is gone because HRC and the deep state wanted him gone. That’s the reason.
On February 15, 2017 at 10:55 am, GenEarly said:
Gen. Flynn took one for the Trump team. Obamy’s CIA is blackmailing Trump over Flynn, whom they detest for his earlier resistance to starting a war with Russia in Syria. Obama fired Flynn. So the earlier leaked Trump phone calls (with Australia’s PM) were used as a continuing threat. Unless Trump fired Flynn the leaks would continue. This manufactured DemocRat ruse with the Russians was used as a pretext to come up with a cover story (Lying to the VP) to justify Flynn’s forced resignation. (Trump comes out diminished by any “scorecard” and so do we “Deplorables”)
We could discuss “right” or “wrong” but it is irrelevant in the DC Swamp where raw power is King. Trump has been taught his first JFK lesson, and that is a President is not King of the Deep State Swamp. Trump must play ball by their rules or next time it will be worse.
On February 15, 2017 at 10:03 am, Gaius Vandali said:
“And in the end, that probably means civil war.“ ?????
On February 15, 2017 at 10:09 am, Gaius Vandali said:
“And in the end, that probably means civil war.“ ?????
The civil war begun in 1965 and 52 years into the conflict the other side is CLEARLY winning. They now occupy civic institutions, most of the key industries, educational institutions, the military, control key cities, and financial institutions. They are importing supporters from various geographic regions. They are winning on every account and there isn’t much that can be done to stop them.
On February 15, 2017 at 10:52 am, GenEarly said:
Comrade Alinsky was quite effective with his Pogrom for creating the current USSA.
A whole generation of Hilarity-Obamy implemented it as you said. The ProgreSSive Chamberpot Repubs were willing Enablers, ALL of them working for their NWO Oligarchical Masters.
This “civil war” is almost over, because there hasn’t been an opposition. DC’s Feral Gov. is now an Occupying Foreign Power.
On February 15, 2017 at 2:06 pm, Fred said:
Yes, this.Just like the commies said they would, without a shot fired.
On February 15, 2017 at 9:14 pm, GenEarly said:
without a shot fired……….so far. cya and be ready
On February 15, 2017 at 11:19 am, Papa said:
From the post:
“In the end this can be recovered, and in the end Trump can show the leadership he needs to rid America of its shadow government. This is not a good beginning. …”
People can explain Trumps actions as deflecting, Flynn falling on sword, etc.
But in the end, the most logical reason is Trump blinked. And tge Deep State leviathan will keep hammering.
On February 15, 2017 at 2:09 pm, Fred said:
The left plays the long game over generations. Trump won’t be able to do anything except maybe expose the game. It will take decades of persistent effort to take this country by non-violent means. This is a concept that the right doesn’t even understand. We are still voting ONCE and thinking; ‘well, that should fix it.’
On February 15, 2017 at 2:03 pm, Fred said:
Saudi/Soros funded deep state. It’s about islam and Flynn’s understanding of it and desire to fight back.
It’s about money and power, always has been, since the dawn of recorded history.
On February 15, 2017 at 7:51 pm, StukaPilot said:
all I heard from Flynn – who co-authored a book with diabolical Zionist neo-con warmonger (((Michael Ledeen))) – was about “putting Iran on Notice”. Was he so stupid as to not understand that a US attack on Iran (on behalf of the Israel mob and the petrodollar gang) would lead precisely to a war with Russia? That Russia would defend its client in Tehran as fiercely as it has defended its client in Damascus? Evidently so. Trump’s blunder was appointing Flynn in the first place. Good riddance.
On February 15, 2017 at 11:38 pm, Preibus is the mole said:
So Flynn won’t be national security advisor.It really won’t matter.With the back stories about Bend-over Rhodes about to be released,this may be a short celebration for him.Trump owns a few houses and places where Flynn could meet with Trump without the creep class horning in.He will still advise Trump,but as a Trump employee or friendly aquaintance offering advice,not a federal employee.Once again,Trump has thought ahead of their game,I hope.