But No Civilian Actually Needs An AR-15, Do They?
BY Herschel Smith
After some 60 hours on the run, a pair of escaped Georgia inmates wanted for gunning down two correctional officers were caught Thursday night in Tennessee. The pair’s capture was as dramatic as their brazen escape – complete with a home invasion, a police chase, a shootout and a civilian armed with an AR-15.
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They stumbled out of the woods and ran into a man in his yard armed with an AR-15. He held the two at gunpoint until authorities arrived.
Did you know that Patrick Hale used an AR-15 to hold the criminals? It’s good he didn’t have to engage in a gun battle like Mr. Stephen Bayezes who had to use an AR-15 and engage in a massive gun fight with criminals to save his life and the life of his wife.
But remember boys and girls. The controllers want you to know that no one actually needs an AR-15. If something bad ever happens, just call 911 and wait for about fifteen minutes if you live in an urban area, longer if not. In the mean time, just run and hide, I guess.
On June 27, 2017 at 6:58 am, James said:
Well,if you are unarmed,do the locals a courtesy and leave a piece of chalk so they can do a corpse outline,it’s the right thing to do in these tough budgetary times.
On June 27, 2017 at 9:31 am, Fred said:
There may be a relationship there has been misunderstood. It’s this having an AR that in some measure prevents the needing of an AR. But need can be measured many ways and we may actually be past need and into, under what circumstances do we now start to employ the AR. The left certainly thinks so.
On June 27, 2017 at 12:03 pm, June J said:
No one should be allowed to dictate to me what instrument of self defense I am allowed to have.
On June 29, 2017 at 2:24 am, DAN III said:
“….a civilian armed….”.
Nothing. NOTHING, riles me more than some ass clown using the word “civilian” to describe someone other than a badged thug. The continuing use of calling citizens “civilians” is just more propaganda by the left wing media. The term is used to manipulate the population into believing, as “civilians” we are a lesser form of life than the only ones annointed to be our guardians and protectors.
The constant assault on language is a weapon in the war traditional Americans are enduring at the hands of the leftwing, the collectivists, the statists. All one has to do is look at the terminology of manipulation. Crimes committed with the use of a firearm is “gun violence”, not simply criminal behavior. Homosexuals are no longer described as such. They are “gay”. Gay….a word once defined as a extremely happy person. Now used to enable mainstream acceptance of homosexuality.. No different than calling citizens “civilians” in the continuing effort by the left to subjugate the population to the all-knowing state, our betters.
“Civilian”. “Gay”. “Gun violence”. “Undocumented immigrants”. All efforts by the Amerikan left to influence the thinking and thus beliefs, of mainstream Americans. Manipulation of the language to influence the thoughts and actions of the citizenry. It is simply propaganda. Propaganda of the left and they are doing a fine job of it, doing Josef Goebbels proud.
“Civilian” ? I think not. We are CITIZENS !
Words have meaning. Wake up !
On June 29, 2017 at 8:50 am, Herschel Smith said:
I quite agree on the term “civilian.” That’s why I use it. I’m glad you made the point. It irks me every time I type it.
On July 6, 2017 at 11:20 am, Jack Crabb said:
Exactly Dan III. When the left dictates the language and the right follows along with that language, the battle is half over.
C’mon, correct-thinking people, don’t let the left get away with this. Think for yourselves and use the proper terms, not the leftist terms.