The Shock And Awe Of The Las Vegas Shootings
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 3 months ago
The Alaskan remarks thusly.
Had he been a precision sniper, given the target rich environment and the ability to follow up shots in such an environment, his gruesome tally would’ve been much deadlier, I believe.
The manner in which he carried out his mission seems to have been weighed more heavily towards the political sphere and the “shock” of it all, than the actual “targeted” killing of individuals, as would have been the the case if optics and precision shooting had been the tactic.
Bump stocks just aided in his mission of “shock and awe,” which really seems to have been his motive to his madness.
I believe so too, and that’s just the point made by Mark Quimby (via Codrea). I believe that this is the Mark Quimby here.
On October 8, 2017 at 10:17 pm, Dan said:
Not sure if a sniper approach would have tallied a higher count or not.
When you ‘spray and pray’ into what is essentially a sea of bodies packed shoulder to shoulder you really don’t need to aim. Once the crowd realized what was happening and unassed the area the number of hits would have diminished quickly. But a sniper taking time to aim before shooting would likely have not fired as many rounds as quickly thus hitting fewer people. Of course it’s kind of a difficult subject to test in the real world.
On October 9, 2017 at 2:08 pm, Curtis said:
Actually, you need to aim, and aim very good using a bump stock. And, the further out you are shooting, the better your aim better be. Especially on such long bursts.
On October 10, 2017 at 2:25 am, Dan said:
Ordinarily you need to aim with ANY weapon to hit ANYTHING at ANY distance. Except in this particular one. The man was firing at a TWO ACRE TARGET packed SHOULDER TO SHOULDER with people at a distance of 3-400 yards. Hell….RAY CHARLES AND STEVIE WONDER would have been able to score plenty of kills under those circumstances. Paddock was not stupid. He planned meticulously in life AND in his final act on the world stage. But we have NO way of knowing his actual skill level with firearms and in this particular instance it didn’t seem to matter much. As stated….the only way to know is to test this in the real world……aimed sniper fire vs amateur with a bump stock. Not something that’s going to happen in this reality.