It’s Always Wrong To Compromise On God-Given Rights
BY Herschel Smith
The cynical and evil leadership of the NRA suggested that they may be able to support a ban on bump fire stocks. NOT. Not even that very small measure will pass muster with this group of disingenuous group of guys who represent the industry that sells these things.
There’s not even an acknowledgement that perhaps your side has drafted something that’s very broadly worded, and sweeps up far more items than merely bump stocks. Some will no doubt argue the broad language is done out of malice rather than out of ignorance. But whichever way it goes, the language of these bills is unacceptable. Show me some acceptable language, and we can make a deal. But with this? No deal. They honestly can’t help themselves:
So Speaker Ryan and Republicans in control of our country- what say you? Shame on them all. We need much more than a ban on bump fire stocks.
What we need is a comprehensive bill to make America safe again, including a ban on bump fire stocks, a reduction in the number of bullets in an ammunition magazine, a ban on certain types of assault rifles and the accompanying features that can be added to make them more deadly, universal Brady background checks, research into the causes and effects of gun violence, adequate funding for the ATF, stronger straw purchasing and gun trafficking laws, mandatory training before owning or carrying a gun, mandatory secure storage of guns, child access prevention laws, gun violence protection orders, limiting who can carry a loaded weapon around in public, and yes, perhaps even a system of gun registration.
Remember what I predicted in the beginning? A deal will be offered. The deal with be rejected, because whatever X is offered isn’t what the other side really wants. It will force them to show their hand, it will fire our people up and they will get nothing in the end.
After Sandy Hook, gun folks put out an initial offer on universal background checks, that would have provided a technological means for private parties to conduct them. That offer was rejected, and they overreached, got defeated, tried to put together that last-minute awful compromise in the form of Manchin-Toomey, and by that time the issue was so toxic, the only thing that could be agreed on was nothing.
So I predicted the same thing would happen this time. The gun control people were offered bump stocks, because we don’t really care that much about them and we have a stalled agenda we really do care about. But they aren’t interested in bump stocks. They want the whole kit and caboodle, and they can’t get it, they’ll take their ball and go home.
Well, we’ll see what happens. The GOP is weak and spineless, along with having no moral constitution, scruples or coherent world view. But in my estimation it’s always wrong to compromise on a right.
I don’t recall there being any discussion about whether the gun owning community at large likes or dislikes a particular product being the basis for our rights, or whether we think it can be used accurately to shoot anything. Likes, dislikes, accuracy and functionality – these are all the things of free market capitalism, not law.
I doubt Sebastian would be so willing to compromise on something he cherished that others didn’t particularly like, just because they didn’t feel the same way he did.
On October 18, 2017 at 11:19 pm, TheAlaskan said:
No matter where you on Planet Earth, being an obedient peasant is not the path to safety.
On October 18, 2017 at 11:42 pm, TheAlaskan said:
No matter where you are on Planet Earth, being an obedient peasant is not the path to safety.
On October 19, 2017 at 8:55 am, Fred said:
“It’s Always Wrong To Compromise On God-Given Rights”
When we reject a natural right of God we reject the giver of that law. When you deny a right of God you reject the Holy Righteous Creator Redeemer himself. These rights are non negotiable with Him. Nothing short of the return of the Christ will relinquish the need for self-defense. This is His law. There is a higher law than man can even comprehend and to deny the aspects of His law that are evident at face value is to reject the created order and Him that created it.
On October 20, 2017 at 8:07 pm, Jim Wiseman said:
“They want the whole kit and caboodle, and they can’t get it, they’ll take their ball and go home.” As opposed to the hoplophobes, who, once they get what they demand, will never be satisfied.
Gun owners don’t want what someone else has, in contrast to the mob. We just want what’s naturally ours to be returned to us.