Fake Evangelicals On Guns In Church
BY Herschel Smith
Churches are, indeed, families — some large, some small. In fact, Baptists and other evangelicals often refer to their congregations as a “family of God.” As with all families, there is good and bad to church-family life. Just as in any home, relationships in God’s house often experience tension, stress, grudges, offenses and even, in the rare instance, physical confrontation. Introduce a bunch of guns into God’s house — perhaps carried mostly by well-meaning and responsible volunteers, but a few possibly carried by troubled souls nursing angry resentment or undergoing emotional distress or suffering mental illness, and the same noxious, deadly outcomes can threaten the wider “family of God.”
Rob Schenck, whom we’ve met before, is no evangelical like he claims to be in this commentary. He’s just a professional controller who makes his living purveying his gun controller claptrap. And don’t claim that he’s a “pastor.” He is no pastor unless he is under active call by a congregation and in the pulpit. Taking a degree in Divinity doesn’t make you a pastor. There’s a process – education, examination (both oral and written), calling by a congregation, and actively being under the employ of a church.
So what does the controller recommend rather than arming the congregation?
There is a better and far less risky way to protect God’s house — and every house — from deadly violence: stop known domestic abusers from ever getting their hands on the guns that make their fury so fatal. Responsible reporting of criminal histories; sharing of local, state and federal databases; streamlining the administrative process for background checks; closing gun sale loopholes; and rewarding gun dealers who refuse to sell to suspicious and banned buyers would go a long way in preventing catastrophes like the one in Texas that so sickened every reasonable American.
That’s right. More laws, more control, and more infringement on your rights. It’s everywhere, folks, from the admitted statists to the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t listen to them.
On November 12, 2017 at 11:48 pm, Backwoods Engineer said:
Just like to say: I led singing at our country church this morning. And, as on every Sunday, I WAS ARMED. On any given Sunday, my exact armament may change, but the fact that I am armed DOES NOT.
May Christ preserve His church through those of us who are peaceably, lawfully armed for the protection of the innocent.
On November 13, 2017 at 4:46 pm, Bill Mullins said:
I keep a gun beside my bed to protect my wife (it’s just the two of us these days) from what I was taught are the MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL CRIMINALS. Anyone who would invade someone’s home while it is occupied is a dangerous person. But I do not keep my pistol (Glock 22, as it turns out) handy to kill anyone. I have no desire whatsoever to end anyone’s life. My only goal is to protect my family by stopping the person who would harm us. While I do aim “center of mass” that is not because I wish to kill anyone but to stop them from doing me or mine harm. The Savior rebuked Simon Peter because his action was unnecessary. He called upon 10 legions of immensely powerful heavenly beings to defend Him if need be. Simon Peter’s injuring Thomas Malchus was not needed. Please note that the Savior’s rebuke of Simon Peter did NOT include disarming him.
On November 13, 2017 at 5:49 pm, June said:
Robert Schenck is no shepherd, certainly not a sheepdog.
Just as entertainers should stick to entertaining, religious leaders should stick to religious issues. Neither should be meddling in the affairs of free men.