More Wichita Police Shootings Of Innocent People

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 1 month ago

Not long after the unnecessary and criminal shooting of Mr. Andrew Finch in his own home by a Wichita cop, and about the same time that the mother of Mr. Finch appealed to the city because the police won’t even release her son’s body to her for burial, there is yet another shooting in Wichita (via reader TK).

A Wichita police officer was placed on administrative leave after a girl was injured when the officer tried to shoot a dog inside a home on Saturday.

The officer tried to shoot a dog that charged at him while in a home in the 1500 block of North Gentry, near 13th and Hillside, at around 6:15 p.m., Officer Paul Cruz said in a statement. The shot missed the dog, the round broke into fragments when it hit a hard floor, and a piece of fragment ricocheted and hit a 9-year-old girl in the forehead just above her right eye.

The girl was treated and released from a local hospital that night.

Officers were responding to a 911 call of a domestic dispute and suicidal person with a gun, and they were told a 33-year-old man in the home had held a gun in his mouth and choked a dog, the statement said.

At the scene, officers were told a handgun was in a bedroom underneath a pillow on a bed. The mid-size, mixed-breed dog charged while the officer was looking for the gun, the statement said.

The suicidal man was cooperative and taken for a mental health exam, the statement said. A woman and three other children were also at the home.

The officer who fired the shot was placed on administrative leave, following protocol, the statement said. The case will be reviewed by the District Attorney’s Office in addition to an internal review to determine if department policies were followed.

So we have here a number of very serious errors.  First of all, the family apparently called the cops.  Only bad things can happen when you call the cops.  Second, the officer went into the domicile with the dog unsecured.  The dog did what he’s supposed to do, what he is bred to do, and what he is expected to do.  He defended the home from invaders.

Third, the officer didn’t maintain awareness of his backstop.  He violated one of the most basic rules of gun safety because he probably panicked.  Rather than take a chance that he kill innocent people, he should have taken the bite to the arm that was sure to come unless he has very good verbal command skills and depending upon the breed of dog.

Finally, it seems questionable to me how much danger he was in anyway, since apparently there was no bite forthcoming.  The report doesn’t say that the officer was taken the hospital to suture wounds.  Remember, he missed.  What happened to that threatening dog?  No, the only person who was injured was a little girl who should have been safe in her own home.

Next up we have an example David Codrea brought up and a reader sent to me.  A grandfather was shot by police because they (gasp) thought they saw him in his own home with a firearm.

Rossville, GA – A family is heartbroken after their grandfather was shot and killed in his own home by police officers who arrived at the house in the middle of the night, and opened fire 30 seconds after they claim that they saw him in the kitchen with a firearm.

Video has yet to be released and details are still emerging from the Jan. 1 shooting that killed Mark Steven Parkinson, 65. Police have admitted that the beloved grandfather was not the target of the alleged welfare check that was being carried out by the sheriff’s deputies who knocked on his front door.

The deputies were initially dispatched after police received an anonymous 911 call around 3 a.m. that requested a welfare check at the residence. A report from the Walker County Messenger claimed that during the call, “information was provided that stated a female at the residence was threatening to kill herself and her children.”

Greg Ramey, a special agent for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), told WTVC News that the 911 call “did not come from the house itself.” He also confirmed that “there was nothing going on at the residence to substantiate these claims, however, and the threats weren’t true.

At the time, the deputies arrived at the house knowing that they were being dispatched based on a tip from an anonymous caller who was not at the residence, therefore they were unsure of what kind of scene they would find.

Ramey told the Walker County Messenger that as soon as sheriff’s deputies arrived at the house, they began knocking on the door and they “announced their arrival.” Instead of finding a suicidal woman, Deputy John Chandler claimed that he “observed Parkinson within the residence with a weapon.

Ramey said that Parkinson was seen “in the kitchen, near a counter, and pointing a gun through a kitchen window at the deputy outside of the house,” claiming that the homeowner was aware someone was outside of his home.

[ … ]

GBI Special Agent Ramey claimed that as soon as Deputy Chandler saw Parkinson, he waited “15-30 seconds” before he fired multiple shots, killing the homeowner. The current information that has been made public does not clarify whether the deputies had entered the home and were in the same room as Parkinson when Chandler opened fire, or whether Chandler shot through the kitchen window.

So here’s the apparent bottom line.  This was a prank call.  None of it was true.  An innocent man heard something outside, and like all responsible men would do, he grabbed a gun.  The cops either shot into the home from outside it, or went into the home uninvited and shot an innocent man who was trying to protect his home.

So there are a number of things to learn from all of this and previous similar events, but one similarity is that police in America no longer respect property rights (if they ever did).  Your property is considered state property if the cops want it to be considered that way.  Your safety is at the bottom of the list when it comes to importance, and the Castle doctrine is salient only up to a point.  If it happens to be the police outside (or inside), they can shoot you with impunity and never be held to account by the “justice” system in America.

There were other nation-states like this in history, but the examples – Nazi Germany, the USSR under Lenin and Stalin – are repulsive.  It’s where we are in the failing nation-state called America.  Understand your risks and act and react accordingly.

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  1. On January 6, 2018 at 4:14 pm, moe mensale said:

    Regarding the GA shooting, a woman getting a divorce had moved in with her parents. Her estranged husband’s mother called 911 and said the woman was threatening to kill people. Walker County deputies arrive and one shoots her father through the kitchen window. The ex-MIL-to be needs to go to jail for her actions!

  2. On January 6, 2018 at 4:16 pm, moe mensale said:

    Concerning the actual shooting, “Stagg said they were asleep when Parkinson [the victim] heard their three dogs barking from inside the residence. Parkinson retrieved his firearm for protection, Stagg said. Parkinson and his wife Diana then went into the kitchen area and heard someone banging on the kitchen window, Stagg said.”

    Bear in mind it around 3 AM. There’s probably no outside lights on except for whatever street lights there may be. You can’t see anyone. The interior house lights are most likely turned on making the occupants very visible. You’re not expecting any visitors and someone’s pounding on your windows. Instinctively, you’re probably going to turn toward that window, with your gun in hand. And give the cops an excuse to shoot you because they feared for their lives.

    “Agents say deputies announced themselves several times, but shot and killed Parkinson when he pointed his gun at them.”

  3. On January 7, 2018 at 12:05 am, TheAlaskan said:

    I’m still saying we need to harden our homes. Not only shooting positions and hidden egress, but also perimeter alert systems. High illuminating, triggered flood lighting, very loud, triggered alarms and human barriers….and dogs…mean dogs.

    And yes, be armed. If you want to remain fre

    Visit a home in Manila, Philippines to see how it’s done.

    Sorry folks, but this is becoming our reality. Wecome to the third world.

  4. On January 7, 2018 at 12:07 am, TheAlaskan said:

    And yes, be armed. If you want to remain free, you have to act like it.

  5. On January 7, 2018 at 2:07 am, Liberty4Ever said:

    I have a doormat that says, “COME BACK WITH A WARRANT”. It’s mostly an expression of my beliefs in combination with my sense of humor, but I hope it will remind the police of their responsibility and my rights, even though from what I’ve seen lately it may be similar to waving a red flag at a bull. However, I’ve substantially reinforced my front door as a protection from criminals. I mostly did it to discourage burglars from the typical kicking in of a door and ransacking a house, but it’s also a good protection against uniformed criminals intent on breaking and entering after disregarding my doormat. If they want to have a go with their battering ram, there will be a lot of huffing and puffing. The hinges and latches are steel reinforced against 12 gauge breeching techniques. This should give me some time to call 911 and hopefully clear up any misunderstandings, because conversations that start with five heavily armed SWAT adrenaline and anabolic steroid junkies usually don’t end well for the lowly tax serf homeowner.

    Also, it’s no longer the Justice System. They changed their name. It’s now the Just Us System. Best to remember that.

  6. On January 7, 2018 at 7:19 am, StBernardnot said:

    They can’t see in my house, all the doors & windows are hardened & if I hear a crash, a 45/70 with 500gr. hard cast will welcome anybody. I forgot, there are motion lights all around & two yapping dogs. Lot of meth heads around & the cops have been informed.

  7. On January 7, 2018 at 8:20 am, Ray said:

    I live in a tiny bedroom community outside Louisville Ky. Last year we had our first homicide in +50 years. There are AT LEAST 10 police cars that park in my subdivision. (all parked out of sight that night) It took 2 and 1/2 hours for the SWAT team to drive from Frankfort Ky. SIXTY MILES AWAY. The Sherriff’s Dep. doesn’t work weekends it seems (they really don’t) despite them having 60 M16 rifles and 400 THOUSND rounds of ammo for a 12 man Dep. They also have six HUMV’s an APC two fixed wing’s and a HELO. When danger calls they can be depended on to be on the other side of the county. Policing is mostly done by the KSP. A once professional agency that is now a scary mix of swagger and paranoia. IMO I am WAY more afraid of the police than I am the “urban ute’s”.

  8. On January 7, 2018 at 4:16 pm, arthur said:

    I think Ray’s description of the situation with his local police force is very, very telling.

    It would be good if such statistics were compiled for more such forces.

  9. On January 8, 2018 at 1:43 pm, Winston Smith said:

    I aint a cop but fuck if I’m taking a bite if I am legally in a place where I can be. That dog is Shot if he tries to bite me.

  10. On January 8, 2018 at 1:49 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Why didn’t he just ask that the dog be secured before entering the house? Answer: because he’s a dumbass goober.

    Dumbass goobers should have to live with the consequences of their dumbass goober decisions. It’s the only way anyone ever learns not to make dumbass goober decisions.

  11. On January 8, 2018 at 9:02 pm, Longbow said:

    “…he waited “15-30 seconds” before he fired multiple shots, killing the homeowner.”

    BULLSHIT! But who lives to tell the tale? Only one story will be told by the gangster who killed the man. All the fellow gang members will back him up in his cover story.

    The “vast majority” strikes again.

  12. On January 9, 2018 at 11:25 am, revjen45 said:

    What’s the problem?
    1) All the pigs went home safe and nobody who mattered got hurt.
    2) Did the cop have to buy a new pack of rubbers after the monstrous orgasm he must have had at getting to shoot an uppity peon who thinks he is a free American? Umm – Do they have to buy their own rubbers or do We the Peons supply them?
    3) Since the Kripos can do anything with impunity why should they worry about unintended (?) consequences?
    4) Yeah, it’s de rigeur to manifest infinite gratitude for the people who go to the Sandbox and kill illiterate religious fanatics for Leviathan, but are they really the best choice for civilian police in the Patria? Only if the Kripos really are an army of occupation.
    5) I don’t hate the cops but I sure as Hell do fear them. Hmm – guess that must mean it’s working.

  13. On January 9, 2018 at 11:29 am, Ned said:

    Something that people who haven’t learned had better learn soon: Police want to, and will, kill you.

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