Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Hid Behind Column During Florida School Shooting
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 11 months ago
NYT has the story. WRSA is also on it. PJM is also on it (via reader TK). Instapundit is also on it here and here.
So what’s the big deal? I see no problem here. This might be what it takes to disavow Americans of the ridiculous notion that the cops are there to protect them.
Castle Rock versus Gonzales and Warren versus the District of Columbia make it very clear that this simply isn’t true.
Got guns? Willing to use them? Know how? Got enough ammunition?
I am and I do – except for the last part.
On February 23, 2018 at 3:03 am, Pat Hines said:
Yes, acquiring ammunition is a program without an end point. I’m only limited by my income.
On February 23, 2018 at 8:20 am, Sean said:
Most importantly – Peterson made it home at the end of his shift.
On February 23, 2018 at 8:46 am, Chuck Noname said:
Anyone who lives in the fantasy world that thinks Slugs like that Sheriff Israel of Broward County would have held that Deputy Dog to any type of accountability is smoking crack. The only reason he was told to retire was due to the video clip getting out showing his cowardice. The Gun Grabbers have been cultivating these weirdos like Cruz since the Clinton Administration. They saw how much mileage they got after Columbine – that’s why this Cruz psycho was never arrested – they wanted him to get that AR. Same with those FBI losers in Mississippi – they only responded to the dude who reported Cruz’s posting to see how much the complainer knew. That’s why they never researched the guy OR passed it on to Fla. The FBI, the DOJ has been infected, infested – whatever you want to call it – by Eric Holder/Loretta Lynch/Barack Obama stay behind operators-saboteurs. Why do you think we’ve had no word whatsoever about Vegas? When Fast&Furious was exposed, they went to this method – Newtown, Conn, this one, Vegas, Gabby Giffords, the Congressional Baseball practice, on and on. It’s a matter of time before the real civil war begins. It’ll begin regionally, then spread via the Media and begin to affect both coasts.
On February 23, 2018 at 9:11 am, ragman said:
Much closer to home: a “Gun Confiscation Court” will be proposed in North Carolina later this year. WTF is this all about?
On February 23, 2018 at 10:55 am, Fred said:
He did exactly what the Homeland Security training says to do; run, hide, piss your pants, cower, shit your pants, and call for an adult.
On February 23, 2018 at 12:00 pm, Duke Norfolk said:
It’s certainly predictable. And the disclosure is good news for gun rights proponents, as it’s nice to be able to point at this kind of thing and say, “You want us to give up our gun rights and be protected by the likes of this guy? Not a chance.”
Not another inch. No, just no.
On February 23, 2018 at 1:54 pm, Jack said:
Is there ever enough ammunition?
On February 23, 2018 at 2:01 pm, Jack said:
For gun confiscation court, see California’s (insert appropriate perjorative) Gun Violence Restraining Orders.
A close family member or a doctor can petition the court to declare you a danger to yourself or others. If the court concurs (and why wouldn’t it?), they can immediately confiscate all of your guns and ammo.
Since you are not given a chance to defend yourself, and don’t have to be present, this is a violation of due process. Fat chance getting SCOTUS to agree however (see Justice Thomas’ recent comments).
Of course, in CA, in order to return your weapons, you have to go through the entire background check farce as well. Thus, they create an automatic loophole to prevent you from over getting your weapons back.
On February 23, 2018 at 3:36 pm, ragman said:
Jack: thanks for the explanation. I can see something like that in Kali, but NC? Just wow!
On February 23, 2018 at 4:05 pm, moe mensale said:
Scot Peterson lives in Boynton Beach and his house is now being guarded by Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies. I guess they think the reporters might hurt his feelings with “inappropriate” questions. I mean, I can’t think of any other reasons to guard him………………
“The home of the former school resource deputy who stayed outside the Florida high school as last week’s massacre unfolded was being protected Friday by law enforcement officials — even as President Trump called out the ex-cop, suggesting he was a “coward.””