Former SWAT Officer Says Cop Who Stood Outside Is Another Victim Of The Parkland Massacre
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 10 months ago
But Chipman says that the reality is that, even though they undergo extensive training designed to inoculate them against natural human stress reactions, it’s not uncommon for soldiers to freeze up the first time they experience combat. It’s not a sign of cowardice. In most cases, those same troops perform well—or even heroically—after that first exposure to real-life combat. We can’t expect police officers to behave any differently.
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So I think that unless you are trained—and you’re trained over and over again, and you practice like you play, which means you’re training in simulated life or death environments—the likelihood of you even firing your gun is small. And then the likelihood that you would actually hit a moving target surrounded by other moving targets—any trained operator knows the fallacy in that. It’s highly unlikely that it would turn out well.
Wow. You’d think this guy did room clearing in Fallujah with my son in 2007. But on to his points, these sound like the same ones made by “military expert” Ralph Peters.
When the shooting starts, even the best-trained, most disciplined soldiers and cops — US Army Rangers or NYPD SWAT members — don’t put every round on target. The notion that a guard or teacher who goes to the range once a quarter would keep kids safe is profoundly divorced from reality. “Friendly fire” would simply add to the danger.
Well, this is depressing. For some oddball reason, I’m recalling some happier times here at The Captain’s Journal.
Like the mother who chased away a home invader using a handgun, protecting her children. Or the sixty year old Texas woman who shot and killed one of two home invaders using a handgun. Or the Indiana woman who used a gun to scare off home invaders. Or better yet, the 23 year old woman who used a handgun in self defense with someone pointing a gun at her own head. She had the presence of mind to draw from her own holster, present and discharge her weapon.
Maybe I need to ask these women to talk to the SWAT cop or Ralphie so they can be told, “Since you don’t have all of that super secret Ninja warrior stress management training, you can’t do that. So don’t do it again.”
Finally, would you want to be the one trying to defend the cop who hid while children were being executed?
On March 26, 2018 at 10:45 am, MamaLiberty said:
Sure glad I didn’t allow myself to be killed because I wasn’t a “ninja warrior.”
On March 26, 2018 at 12:35 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Wow, an uneducated “journalist” and a Fed BATF agent. Whew, what a brain trust those two make.
Every day I discover more and more useful idiots out there.
On March 27, 2018 at 3:08 pm, Randolph Scott said:
” I’m recalling some happier times here at The Captain’s Journal.”
dad gone it Hershel… I like the happier times that you recalled as well. We need more of those happy times and a lot less of journalist and BATF propaganda.