The Continued Shaming Of Gun Owners
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 9 months ago
Yeto Coolers has cut ties with the NRA Foundation, not that I care all that much.
NRA-ILA quoted NRA past president and USF executive director Marion Hammer saying, “Suddenly, without prior notice, YETI has declined to do business with The NRA Foundation saying they no longer wish to be an NRA vendor, and refused to say why. They will only say they will no longer sell products to The NRA Foundation.”
It’s everywhere, from banks to corporations to homes among hand-wringing parents.
Two weeks after we learn this new parenting life skill in this oh-so-new century of ours, my husband Patrick is on the phone with a mom arranging a sleepover for Rosena. I hear him fumble his way through the gun question. From his responses, I assume the mom is acknowledging that they do have guns. Then there’s the sort of long, awkward silence that seems part and parcel of such conversations before Patrick finally says, “Well, okay, thanks for being so honest. I appreciate that.”
He hangs up and looks at me. “They do keep guns for hunting and protection, but they’re locked up and out of sight,” he tells me. “The mom says that the kids have never tried to get at the guns, but she understands the dangers.” (He had heard in her voice apology, embarrassment, and worry that the guns might mean no sleepover.)
I grimaced in a way that said: I don’t think Rosena should go, and he responded that he thought she should. The two of them then had a long conversation about what she should do and say if she sees a gun. She slept over and had a great time. A lesson in navigating difference, trusting our kid, and phew—no guns made an appearance. And now we know more about our neighbors and our community.
If you didn’t think you were in a [currently] low grade civil war or if you thought that the way to increase your capital with the population is go slink into the shadows, make sure your weapons are hidden, and negotiate and compromise, you’re nothing more than sheep for the slaughter.
I once openly carried because I hate concealed carry, and anyone who tells you that he can make concealed carry as comfortable as open carry is fabulating. I still hate concealed carry, but now I open carry for a different reason. I open carry “For the peace, good and dignity of the country and the welfare of its people.” You’re part of a civil war. You can act like it or just go ahead and give up now and save your folks the hassle.
On April 22, 2018 at 10:00 pm, ambiguousfrog said:
RTIC cuts out the middleman. They sell direct to consumer. If I recall about a $100 difference from Yeti.
Orca is another alternative, perhaps more expensive.
The sides are being drawn. It won’t belong and we’ll be in a corner.
On April 22, 2018 at 10:35 pm, Backwoods Engineer said:
“I still hate concealed carry… You’re part of a civil war. You can act like it or just go ahead and give up now and save your folks the hassle.”
So, anyone who conceals their weapon is capitulating in the civil war? That’s overwrought, Captain, and I’m going to overlook it, and not take offense.
There are always good tactical reasons for concealed carry. You may not agree, but alienating your allies in this war will not achieve victory.
On April 22, 2018 at 10:39 pm, Herschel Smith said:
The summary line … “you’re in a civil war …” is not necessarily connected to open carry (although I can see how it came across that way). It’s connected to the concept of capitulation and compromise, whatever that might be. If you like concealed carry, by all means, do it.
On April 23, 2018 at 12:07 am, Bill Robbins said:
The NRA completely missed the opening of a second front in the war on guns. While NRA continues to play nice with politicians, NRA has been stone-footed in response to the attack by corporate America. The NRA leadership is like the British generals during WWI, still fighting the last century’s battles.
On April 23, 2018 at 7:34 am, Talktome said:
I just don’t see this as a common occurrence. One incident of a snowflake getting hysterical over an inanimate object isn’t a reason to lose your crap. Sure, the subject is a white left type, and the “gun owner” should either stfu or say unequivocally that yes, they have guns in their home, and yes we take responsibility for the safety of everyone we have responsibility for. Anything else is bowing the social pressure applied by a vast minority with, unfortunately a very loud megaphone supplied by people who loath every single American in this country so much they prefer our enslavement to our liberty. Had a thought yesterday- if libs, and I’ll use Hillary as an example, so hate guns and people who value life, liberty and pursuit of,happiness, how come all of her great ideas require people willing to turn guns against other citizens (presumably unarmed in her and her ilks view) who won’t comply with their clearly illegal and unconstitutional preferences? Sounds like her fellow travelers and her adore guns as a tool to enforce their fantastic ideas of a “just society”, so, do they hare guns? No. Do they hate us? Yes. Do they hate us who have means to resist their good intentions? Oh, hell yes.
On April 23, 2018 at 7:37 am, Talktome said:
Oh, forgot to mention I’ll have to look into this yeti thing. If it’s just because the NRA and not a solid business reason, like they slow pay, or contest every invoice…. anyway, guess I won’t be using yeti products as the base of promo items we give away from time to time until I know more.
On April 23, 2018 at 8:02 am, Gryphon said:
C’mon, Guys, give it up, the NRA has NEVER been a 2A /”Gun Rights” organization. They supported the ’34 NFA, the ’68 GCA, ‘background checks’ and now they are flirting with the ‘mental health’ Issue, the (((bolsheviks))) Favorite Way to declare every “Enemy of the (party) State” as being Insane.
Flailing around like a Fish in the bottom of the Boat, unable (or Unwilling) to come out and Declare that ALL ‘Gun Laws’ are Non-Constitutional, the NRA has past its Usefulness, and now is just a Target (pun intended) for the Enemy to shoot at.
On April 23, 2018 at 8:12 am, Duke_Digger said:
NRA Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit, engaged in fundraising for youth and other qualified organization support through local grant process.
Yeti has been selling Friends of NRA coolers printed with the FoNRA brand, at a small discount for raffle or other fundraising activities at FoNRA events.
Having involvement with this all volunteer organization for many years, the coolers barely raise more than their cost.
I see this as more of a PR hit to Yeti than a disadvantage to Friends of NRA. In other words snowflakes didn’t buy yeti coolers anyway.
On April 23, 2018 at 7:54 pm, Henry said:
I hope Dad remembered to ask if anyone else at the sleepover would be a Jew, or perhaps a little black girl. As long as your bigotry is out in the open, you might as well go full retard.
Or perhaps the host should have replied, “Yes… yes, we do, and if that makes you uncomfortable, perhaps it would be best if Rosena didn’t attend.” Two can play at that social exclusion crap.
On April 23, 2018 at 8:57 pm, Ned said:
Yeti makes coolers and such. They just managed to alienate a huge group of gun owners and hunters – Fudds included – who often coolers.
They must be choosing to base their business model on Dick’s. The genius who thought this up must hate the company and be on his way out.
On April 23, 2018 at 8:58 pm, Ned said:
(who often use coolers) jeeze…