The AMA On Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
This year, here are just some of the measures doctors want the AMA to back:
- Ban the sale of bump stocks. AMA delegates will consider supporting “a ban on the sale of any device, including bump stocks, that converts a firearm into a weapon that mimics a fully automatic weapon.”
- Strengthen the background check system for firearms. AMA delegates will consider supporting legislation that requires “all gun sales and transfers” to “fall under strengthened regulation.
- ”Ban on semi-automatic assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines. AMA delegates will consider supporting “a ban on the sale, transfer, manufacturer and importation of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines to the public.”
- Increasing the legal age of purchasing ammunition and firearms from 18 to 21. AMA delegates will consider supporting “increasing the legal age to purchase firearms and ammunition.”
Know what’s happening. Know and understand your enemies. Know where the attacks are coming from. Destroy the flanking maneuvers.
My father once told me that the AMA was the tightest, strongest fraternity outside of the communist party. An enemy is dangerous if they are devoted to each other.
On May 28, 2018 at 10:13 pm, BRVTVS said:
In ancient Greece, medical doctors were regarded as among those in the hated professions such as actors and prostitutes and accordingly were heavily taxed. I think the Greeks were on to something.
On May 28, 2018 at 11:40 pm, Pat Hines said:
I once asked a colleague who is an MD, “how many MDs are a member of the AMA”? “One in seven”, he answered. That’s 14%, roughly.
That was some time ago and I never verified the numbers.
That said, the AMA is seen as a very powerful institution, it is that.
We need to discredit them for lack of expertise in the firearms area, just what they’d do if we tried to ban some of their procedures.
On May 28, 2018 at 11:56 pm, Steve Parker, MD said:
A half-century ago, a large majority of physicians were members of the AMA. Now it’s no more than 20-25%, because if SJW-inspired initiatives and the high cost of dues. As it is, I wouldn’t even join for free.
On May 29, 2018 at 12:02 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Physicians who belong to the AMA and are active therein tend to be administrators and educators rather than working, in-the-trenches docs – something to bear in mind when dealing with them, i.e., the American Medical Association does not speak for all doctors, not even close.
On May 29, 2018 at 12:13 am, Steve Silverstein said:
I am a victim of medical malpractice that nearly cost me my life. Some recent studies show that the annual death toll in the USA due to medical errors at well over 250 thousand per year, making it the third leading cause of death in our country. They kill more people per year than respiratory disease, accidents, strokes or Alzheimer’s. Think about this for a moment. The same people in the business that kills well over a quarter million of us per year due to their mistakes and incompetence is lecturing us on “gun safety” policy and laws. In response, we need to continually remind them that they have no business telling us what we should do until they end their needless slaughter of those simply in need of diligent and competent medical care.
Hypocrisy and misdirection at its finest:
On May 29, 2018 at 7:57 am, Fred said:
So the AMA is the NRA of the medical world. Like the NRA they’re pro gun control while claiming to be for saving lives but they’re really just hacks who couldn’t make it in their profession or politics so they straddle both poorly.
On May 29, 2018 at 8:48 am, Gryphon said:
Nothing to See Here, Just another commie/libtard/leftist/bolshevik organization…
On May 29, 2018 at 9:12 am, H said:
Three big things WRT to them that I know of:
The AMA has great power in the way they limit the production of MDs.
Their control over the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, which are used for services rendered, vs. e.g. the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) which is for diagnoses (and in the US, for psychiatry, the DSM). They’ve got the copyright for it, and earn a contested but not small amount of money with it.
Their “highly respected” journal, JAMA.
So obvious angles of attack are to remove that MD training monopoly, perhaps directly, but since they have managed to shut down osteopathy, encourage the creation of doctors through that route, it’s popular in my part of the country, and one very good thing about it is that they’re a lot more into hands on examination that most MDs today. Getting your belly routinely probed is not exactly fun, but as far as I know can’t hurt….
CPT … well, that’s cash money for them, a hard target but a lot of people don’t like how they do it.
JAMA, well, a lot of it is Fake News, something we know very well given their bogus gun grabbing. In fact, in general the Trump model of reducing the AMA and JAMA’s status is worth following, they are our sworn enemies and do nothing that can’t easily be replaced, when that’s even needed.
Just try to keep this separate from doctors of good will, e.g. harping on fatal medical mistakes, well, doctors and other healthcare workers are human, they’re going to make mistakes, and just dealing with the fact that they screwed up and a patient died as a result has its own psychological effects on them, producing psychological defenses etc.
On May 29, 2018 at 9:27 am, Herschel Smith said:
@Steve @H,
I got that everyone who is human will have errors. However, use of human error reduction tools (such as repeat-backs, independent verification, phonetic alphabet, etc.), as well as proper procedures and a proper view of one’s own limitations (not very well done in the med community) can reduce those errors.
Once talked to a big Pharm rep about human errors. Did you know that of the industries: nuclear, airline, med, and pharm, the LOWEST ranking error rate per activity is (1) nuclear, (2) airline, (3) pharm (both big pharm and prescription), and then dead last, (4) med? Or in other words, med has the highest of the four industries in human error rate.
Because they don’t teach that anywhere in med education or lay out those expectations. They just throw their lawyers at the patient’s lawyers and settle out of court and charge us for med malpractice. That’s the SOP.
On May 29, 2018 at 9:29 am, moe mensale said:
The AMA speaking only for a minority of medical professionals hasn’t been relevant since the early 1980s. Its power comes from their copyrighted CPT codes (Current Procedural Terminology) which is the primary method accepted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid and other insurers for submitting claims and getting paid for services rendered. The government is a major customer. Why wouldn’t they parrot the government’s stance on gun control?
On May 29, 2018 at 9:30 am, moe mensale said:
Beat me to it! :)
On June 1, 2018 at 12:09 am, BRVTVS said:
GOA used to have some good content on their site before they decided to “modernize” their site.