Delaware Assault Weapons Ban Fails In Committee
BY Herschel Smith
Sen. Greg Lavelle, a northern Delaware Republican and key swing vote on a bill that would prohibit the sale of an array of semi-automatic rifles, said on Wednesday that he will not allow the legislation out of committee.
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At Wednesday’s hearing, Francis Pileggi, a Wilmington attorney speaking on behalf of the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association, said the appeals court ruling shouldn’t be considered for this debate because the Fourth Circuit does not oversee Delaware.
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In a visible show of political might, participants spoke of a primacy of the U.S. Constitution and a need to campaign against lawmakers who vote for gun-control bills.
Their motto, according to organizer, Mitchell Denham, is “Not one inch.”
So far, so good. I would argue that the Fourth Circuit’s opinion doesn’t apply to Delaware or any other state or city because it is unconstitutional, not because of the limits of the fourth circuit’s jurisdiction. And I certainly concur with not one more inch of retreat.
Denham said Delaware Gun Rights has 24,000 members in the state.
Asked where a line should be drawn for allowable weapons, Denham said, “There’s a reason why there’s a National Firearms Act. There’s a law prohibiting certain explosives, fully automatic firearms, silencers, short-barrel shotguns, short-barrel rifles.”
Well, here we have a problem. I always want to be cautious when addressing the fights that others are in, especially when they are allies.
But to accept prior infringements because we want to keep what we currently have is a losing proposition. It’s been a short time since the giddy days post-election when we were actually discussing repeal of the NFA, SBRs and suppressors being removed, and national reciprocity.
Imagine. A gun rights advocate is willing to give up on suppressors and acquiesce to the need for a permission slip from the tyrants in order to own a muffler which is nothing more than a tube with baffles threaded at the end.
Sad. Where we are as a country is just sad. That’s all I can think to say at the moment.
On June 8, 2018 at 6:57 am, ragman said:
Captain, you think it’s sad now just wait ‘til November when the Commies take over the House and Senate. The gun confiscating, baby killing scum will once again control our country and l can’t imagine what evil will come down the pike. Use what little time we have left wisely.
On June 8, 2018 at 11:11 am, Hiram said:
Herschel, For what it is worth, I agree with you 100%. We should be demanding repeal of ALL gun laws as every single one is an abomination of the 2nd Amendment.
On June 8, 2018 at 3:04 pm, Michael (another one) said:
Agree with both Hiram and Hershel. The 2nd Amendment is pretty clear: “Shall not be infringed”.
On June 12, 2018 at 2:28 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Delaware Republicans are a real piece of work. They primaried a good Constitutional Sheriff a couple of years ago. They did it because he fought the state and the county, even taking them to court. What was the issue? The Sheriff had the audacity to think that the Office of the duly elected Sheriff had the power of arrest. The state and county thought otherwise.
Of course it was political. the idiot they put in the primary was a typical Fudd and worthless LEO, to boot.
On June 16, 2018 at 10:53 am, JWest said:
Really glad to hear this. I just moved to Delaware (From Maryland), and I can tell you from experience that the MD AWB has done NOTHING but disarm the law abiding.
I’d hate to have come to DE (what is essentially a “free state”), only to have the same restrictive and nonsensical “feel good” laws follow me.