Comment Of The Week
BY Herschel Smith
Two of them, first from Frank Clarke, the second from Georgiaboy61.
Frank Clarke:
There are two kinds of Muslim: those who want to kill all the unbelievers, and those who want someone else to kill all the unbelievers.
President Erdogan of Turkey is a devout Muslim, doing as the Koran, the Hadiths and the Sira command the believers to do – spread Islam over the whole of the earth, if necessary by the sword.
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Ethnic-cleansing was also one of the “duties” of ISIS, ridding the Sunni caliphate-to-be of undesirables, whether Christian or not. Muslims deemed not fanatical-enough were also put to the sword, for example the Yazidis of Syria. Only those whose Islamic beliefs were deemed pure-enough were permitted to remain alive.
ISIS was also created in part to conquer non-Muslim lands for the caliphate, in this case by immigration to Europe. The western NATO powers’ intervention in Syria and the subsequent upheaval – thereby created the perfect cover-story and pretext for the massive flow of “refugees” into the heart of old Europe.
While there were genuine refugees in that flow of people (all the better to sell the ruse de guerre) , most of the alleged “refugees” were young and aggressive men of military age, i.e., the soldiers of Allah engaged in the hegira – the Arabic term for conquest-by-immigration.”
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It is well to remember that orthodox, mainstream Islam divides the world into two – and only two – spheres: Dar al-Islam (The House of Islam, also sometimes interpreted as the House of Peace or House of Submission) and Dar al-Harb (the House of War).
All Muslims, regardless of where they live, inhabit the former as members of the umma, or worldwide community of believers. All non-Muslims – the infidels and kafirs – regardless of where they reside, belong to the latter – and are subject to endless jihad until they are converted, killed or submit to the “one true faith.”
To restate, the non-Muslim is offered only a limited set of choices when he in under the control of Muslim rulers. He can be slain (killed), he can submit to Islamic rule and become a dhimmi (de facto slave) who pays the jizya tax, or he can convert to Islam. No other choices are offered; this is the rule of sharia (Islamic religious) law.
The only other avenue which lies open to the non-Muslim under threat from the soldiers of Allah is to resist, to fight, if necessary by force of arms – to remain free.
Polling indicates that at least a quarter of young American Muslims were willing to admit that they believe in bombings and other violence in order to “defend” Islam. I suspect this number of extremely low compared to the real support, just as polls on gun ownership cannot be trusted because most smart gun owners won’t answer those kinds of questions.
On June 13, 2018 at 8:29 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Islam is poison.