Islamists Work To Disarm Free Men And Arm Themselves
BY Herschel Smith
The right to keep and bear arms exists with or without a U.S. Constitution and with or without a United States of America. The right exists in nature and is, therefore, a right that exists for all humans. If the right to defend and protect oneself exists, then we have the right to bear the tools to do so.
The Second Amendment does not GIVE us the right to bear arms, it PROTECTS it.
Marxists and Jihadis know the inalienable rights to self-defense and free expression are bedrocks of free Western societies, and that is why they attack it with such fervor.
Using the Islamic Law of Slander under the mask of “Islamophobia” jihadis have persuaded many Western leaders to shut down all expression which offends muslims.
This is, as the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood calls it, Civilization Jihad by OUR hands.
Now, Islamic leaders (aka “Jihadis”) are working with the help of their Marxist friends to disarm free people while arming themselves.
Case in point: the jihadi Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is forcing Britons to surrender even kitchen knives using the lie that he seeks to “protect” the community. Meanwhile, stabbings in London continue to skyrocket because they are being perpetrated by muslims who are not surrendering their weapons, not even their kitchen knives.
Here in the United States, sources inside the muslim community tell UTT Muslim Brotherhood mosques and organizations are encouraging muslims to purchase firearms and join the NRA, while at the same time the jihadis’ Marxist collaborators are pushing to disarm Americans.
Using their seditious Marxists allies in the media, every domestic left-wing and jihadi attack – including those in Alexandria (VA), Las Vegas (NV) or Orlando (FL) – is used to demonize weapons and create momentum for anti-gun legislation, instead of highlighting the Marxists and jihadis actually doing the killing.
We’ve known this for quite some time, but John reminds us. ISIS, for example, were gun controllers.
Any one of its members who breach this promise will have their hands cut off.
“No drugs, no alcohol and no cigarettes allowed,” it added.
No public gathering other than those organised by ISIS will be allowed at any stage. No guns will be allowed outside of its ranks.
With all due respect to John, I don’t like the expression that “The right exists in nature.” Nature promises absolutely nothing to you, any more than it promises that the Wildebeest won’t perish by being eaten by Crocodiles as it crosses the rivers. Nature doesn’t recognize rights.
Only God grants rights and responsibilities, and only God can take them away. The state doesn’t exist to protect you or your family except from foreign invasion (a duty at which it has failed, and miserably so). God has given that solemn duty to you.
It’s not surprising that Islamists are coupling with the NRA, as the NRA exists as the largest and most successful gun control organization in the world. We have the Hughes amendment, the Gun Control Act of 1968, and the NFA because of the NRA. Now we have the bump stock ban (a pretext for banning semiautomatic firearms in the future), and also at some point in the future we may have universal background checks.
You have enemies on all sides. Some of them pretend to be your friends. Only a doltish fool would disarm under such circumstances.
On July 4, 2018 at 10:43 am, Fred said:
And obviously the 2A doesn’t PROTECT anything. It merely codifies into human law a right that preexists it’s writing. This, guns are protected by the 2A, thing is part of what’s hampering pro gun efforts. It outsources our DUTY to an abstraction, an idea on a piece of paper. And outsourcing your rights to the NRA or anybody else is foolishness in the biblical sense of the term. What protects our liberty is our willingness and ability to shoot tyrants in the face. Arm yourself and train yourself well because the Bill of Rights is only a piece of paper. It would appear that Americans are unwilling. Can you imagine a people who would deny the opportunity to be made in God’s image, to be justified by the Holy Creator and instead would seek governments of men and the flippin NRA (but I repeat myself) to secure our rights? Ugh! Which leads us to…
“Exists in nature”
Here’s the thing. America is not actually a Christian people. We aren’t taught His Natural Law even at Church. The term was rightly understood to mean, of the nature that God has created and resultant of Adam’s (our) sin. The term, like everything else has been secularized. This leaves our right to self defense as an abstraction again. An abstraction of a nature we know not from whom. It makes us self righteous instead of Righteous in God’s image. This leads, and has led, to .guv as god and then a people now made self righteous seek to be justified and sanctified by that which can do neither. Our rights don’t come from nature; they come from God’s nature and, hold on to your hats, Gods nature reflected in us by His image.
(If anybody doesn’t understand what I’ve written here I would love to talk to you about our sin, who can justify what you’ve done, and what it then means to reflect God’s image. There are consequences, there is a judge, there is a propitiation, seek Him and never let go.)
On July 4, 2018 at 4:21 pm, J said:
Allowing the Enemy to Operate within is just plain suicidal.
And Forward goes the Suicidal USA. In the name of Democracy!
On July 4, 2018 at 10:21 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
In 1991, the leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood formulated a long-term plan by which they – the members of the Ikhwan, otherwise known as the Muslim Brothers – intended to cause the downfall, destruction and eventual conquest of the United States.
This effort was termed variously, the “grand jihad” and also “civilization jihad,” both of which referred to a gradual infiltration and subversion of U.S. life from within by members of the Brotherhood and their fellow Muslims. The aim of “Civilization jihad” was not simply the destruction of the U.S., but of western civilization itself, by their “own miserable hands,” as the Ikhwan put it.
The Explanatory Memo, as it has come to be known, was discovered in 2004 in a raid upon the home of Ismael Elbarasse, one of the founders of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestinian Committee, which the Ikhwan had created to support Hamas in the United States. (source: Clarion Project)
The duty to go forth into non-Muslim (infidel) lands and conquer them in the name of Allah is a duty fundamental to Islam and to the life of any devout Muslim. It matters not what method is used – whether conquest by the sword, by dawa (prosthetalization), or some other method. All are considered valid forms of jihad if the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) grows greater and Muslims benefit.
Under sharia law, non-Muslims are not permitted the same rights and privileges as Muslims. Amongst these privileges is the ownership of arms, which is one reason why Imam Obama himself, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama, labored so hard and long to disarm ordinary Americans – since those very same Americans posed the most-significant roadblock to the creation of the New Caliphate here in the United States. Obama made significant mention of them, in fact, as those Americans who clung to their “guns and Bibles”!
Christianity is no after-thought; Christianity has been the sword and shield of European civilization for well over a millennium, one means (there are others) by which Europeans have distinguished self-from-other. A sort of civilizational immune system, if you will, protecting Europeans from encroachments and attacks by non-Europeans, such as Muslims.
A defense which Cultural Marxism, like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in a human patient, causes the weakening and ultimate destruction of the defenses which protect self-from-nonself, foreign from non-foreign, contagion from healthy tissue. HIV does not kill those infected outright; it merely so weakens the host that he/she can no longer fight off heretofore routine challenges to the immune system. Even non-pathogens become lethal. So it is with Cultural Marxism, whose civilizational destructive effects are no less lethal than HIV in the human body.
Of course, the right to keep/bear arms is another form of protection, one the Red-Green alliance would like very much to breach. All the more reason to stand fast and retain one’s means of self-defense.